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Into the Maelstrom :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Into the Maelstrom

March 3rd, 2004

Authors: Maria Str?m (Morrgan): Concept, terrain, sounds, objectives
Alun Bestor (Vigil): Artwork, special effects, readables
Contact info: msmorrgan@hotmail.com, abestor@inspire.net.nz
Homepage: http://kotisivu.mtv3.fi/morrgan/
Date of release: March 3rd, 2004
Notes: A mission for KoMaG's 5th FM contest.


After a professional visit in Port Tyris turned sour you needed a safe ticket back
to the City - with your take and your skin intact. Pulling some strings has bought
you passage in a cosy crate aboard the Inigo, a swift merchantman with a tightlipped
crew. The captain trusts you as far as he can throw you - he insisted on holding
onto your sword for the voyage - but it's as warm a welcome as you can afford.

All was not to be plain sailing, however: the Inigo foundered in a storm 4 days out,
and now the currents have dragged her to rest in a deep, sinister cavern.
Being no seaman (and more unnerved than you'll admit) you retired early to wait for
the crew to finish repairs; only to wake in the night to the screams of men - and of
something else...


* Play information *

Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Into the Maelstrom
File name: miss22.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes/No
New graphics: New sky art, textures, skins and objects
New sounds: Pillaged from T:DP and cobbled together from T2
EAX support: Yes
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Difficulty level info: Normal, Hard, Expert
Normal has fewer enemies and easier objectives
than Hard and Expert. Expert has an additional
objective and more enemies.


* Construction *

Base: From scratch.

Build Time: About a month.

Known Bugs/Issues: Due to the zesty combination of complex terrain, large
textures, long viewing angles and fog, this mission will
run quite jerkily in many areas on a less-than-hefty
computer (the likes of a P3/733 with a GeForce2MX).
Hopefully this won't prevent anyone from playing
it altogether!

Some minor incidental sounds may fail to play when too
many other sounds are playing. Nothing vital.

Also, the statistics screen reports there being one pocket
to pick, which is crazy talk. There are no pickpockets.


* Loading Information *

DarkLoader ready.


* Thanks to *

- Eshaktaar for his yummy creepy wall light, which will no doubt appear in every
other Contest FM too ;)
- Mopgoblin, for much late-night help with object niggles.
- The Malagua font from Scriptorium (http://www.ragnarokpress.com/scriptorium),
which appears on the map and the mainscreen graphic. It's timber-shivering good.


* Copyright *

This level is (c) by Maria Str?m and Alun Bestor, March 2004.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
Noone may include this level in any map pack without our permission.
Noone may edit and re-distribute this mission without our permission.
Noone may reuse artwork from this mission without our permission - which will be
given, just ask first!
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 03.03.2004
• Size 2.92 Mb
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