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Paladine Manor


Title : Paladine Manor
Filename : Paladine Manor.zip
Author : Mark Roller, (BlackRuin to my friends on the Forum)
Contact info : BlackRuin@aol.com
Homepage : www.angelfire.com/extreme3/blackruin
Date of release: September 27, 2001
Version : 1.02

Description: "After a rash of crime in the city, the new sheriff has ordered a 9pm curfew. Well, it's summer time and it's dusk until 9pm. There's no cover of night until well after the curfew. 11pm, the curfew is in place. Anyone spotted on the streets after 9pm will be arrested on site. The gossip from the local bars says it's more like Killed on site. Regardless, it's time to make some more money. Lord Paladine collected vases, there should be some very valuable vases inside. With Lord Paladine recently deceased and The Lady Paladine away from the manor, there should be less guards on duty. It should be like taken candy from a baby."


*Play information*

Game : Thief 2
Level names : Paladine Manor
File names : Miss19.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment store : Yes
Map/automap : No/No
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
New Conversations : No
New mesh : Yes (I cut and pasted to make a matching archer and a noble child)
Multi Language Support : No
Briefing : No, read the scroll in your starting inventory.
* Construction *
Base : no
Build time : About ( 110-130 hours ) 3 months on and off
* Special Thanks (In no particular order)*

Schwaa (Beta tester and Tech advise, web site help),
SilentWarrior (Beta tester, advise giver)
Nightwalker (Beta Tester), Saturnine (Tech Advise), Hit_Diety (Tech Advise),
Avalon (Tech advise, Objective help and for TOW!)
Apache (Tech advise), Xarax (Tech advise), KoMaG (Tech Advise and Web site help)
Jocke (Tech Advise), Pakmannen (Map help), Shadowspawn (Tech Advise),
Deamonreaver (Tech Advise), Belboz (Tech advise), Rugball (Tech Advise),
Sledge (Guides and Lore...and insparation! I want to be like sledge when I grow up!
Or, at least work for ION STORM too!), All the good Taffers on the Forum who help me
everyday! Sorry if I left your name out. I know there are a few of you I missed and there are just too many of you to name. If you don't remember helping me well, you did, Thanks!

* Loading Information *

The files in the zip folder are set up to be able to run the mission from the thief 2 new game menue.


* Copyright *

This level is (c) by : Mark Roller aka BlackRuin on the 20th day of August year of 2001

This Mission was made by me and and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

Paladine Manor - Walkthrough, Tips and hints.

I wanted everybody to be able to enjoy Paladine Manor so, I am including this walkthrough so you can finish if you get stuck. It is designed to be a simple mission, nothing fancy or spectacular about it. I created because I never have submitted anything before and I feel it is high time I start. If you don't want any help or hints on how to complete Paladine Manor STOP READING NOW.








The Dragon Vase Can be found on the second floor in the small office in the master bedroom behind the secret picture. The button to open the Picture/door is on the right side of the desk.

The Paladine Crown is located in one of the Crypts in the back yard. To gain entrance to the crypt you will need a key. It is located in the opposite room from where the Dragon Vase is located. The key is in the Victorian Foot locker/chest.

Be wary of the little girls...they ar taddle tales!

1. From the starting point make your way to the semi-circular tower where the road goes underneith.
A. Watch out for 'Rod' the gurad patroling that road. He's got a utility key on his belt, grab it.
B. Use it to open the 2 doors under the tower. The first door leads you to a ladder. Climb up the ladder, look at the 'Nice View'. Then Frob/pull the lever to open the gate. Look behind the creates and you'll find a foot locker. Pick it and get the loot inside.
C. Climb back down the ladder and go to the other door under the tower. This is a Utility room. Read the note over the control panel and Frob / pull the control panel.
D. Make you way down the road towards the house. When you emerge from the tunnel on the other side you will see an archer patroling. DON'T kill him! What you don't see is a Guard hidding in the corner by the back door. You don't need to use any water arrows here, save them for later. While staying in the shadows inch close to the right side where the archer is patroling and wack him with the BlackJack. You can hit him in the Legs Thief2 makes him get knocked out anyway. Once he's out take his arrows.
D. There are 2 ways to take out the Guard by the Back door. It depends about your playing style. First, You can shoot an arrow in him from the shadows. Second you could use a water arrow on the Pagan torch in the ground and just sneak up to him and club him with a black jack.
E. Take his key on the belt and open the back door and ~Your INSIDE!
2. Before you go running down the hallway there is a double guard patroling this area-Be careful. I would suggest you go door by door in a methodical manor.
A.Once inside go to your right to the first door. It is part of the Kitchen Clean-up room. Onec inside that rook you will notice 3 other doors. Behind the door streight a head is lots of loot, Pick the door open and get the loot.
B. The Door just to the right of the loot door leads to the kitchen where a servant is preparing a meal. The other door is just sleeping quarters. Right infront of the servent in the kitchen is a bottle of fine wine, grab it. She won't see you she's Stupid as Stupid Does. Just don't walk infront of her!
C. Make you way ou tof the kitchen to the servents quarters which will lead you back to the hallway you came in by.
3. Continue making your way to the right and you will find yourself in a great room. Stay in the shadows, lots of guards here. You will find a corridor to your left a double french door streight ahead, 2 doors off to the right and one to the Left. The only thing of value to you in this room is the gold vase on the coffe table. Grab it quick! The door to the left leads to the courtyard, skip it for now. Don't go down the corridor eithor.
A. Start with the doors to the right. They are both locked and both lead to the same place so you only need to open one of them. Inside you will find a collection of things to steal on the tables. Goto both rooms then go back out the way you cam in.
B. Skip the second door to the right because you already looted that room. Go through the double French doors and you will see a room streight ahead. Go inside. Loot the candles and open the victorian chest thingy. Inside you will find a scroll with some plot action.
C. Don't go back into the great room. Leave those other doors for later-you will come back to them.
4. Instead go down the hallway and be careful of the guards. To the left you will see a french door and the court yard to the right is a corridor and streight ahead another door.
A. Skip the court yard and the door streight ahead and go to the right down the corridor. It should be dark because you turned off the lights in the utility room already like I said too, right?
B. Go stright down the corridor and it will lead you to a fancy room. There you will find some gold vases to loot and a double back door.
C. Use the house key to open the double doors. Kill the torches outside with water arrows, or not if you think you can KO them all without getting caught. It can be done! After the backyard is safe notice the 2 crypts in the corners. They are locked and you can't pick them. You'll have to come back here once you find the key.
D. Make you way back to the corridors past the fancy room and keep going to your right. At the end of the corridor you will find French double doors to the left and a door to the right. Go to the door and loot the 2 candles then go through the french double doors and into another great room.
5. This great room is a mirror of the other one. Goto the two doors to your right. As before you only need to pick one of them because they both lead to the same place.
A. Once inside loot all the goodies and go back the way you came in.
B. Once in the great room steal the gold vase on the coffee table and make your way down the hallway streight ahead. You will come to 2 double french doors on the right wich lead to the dinning room, There's some stuff to steal in there, go grab it and come back out and continue the way you were.
6. You will go through a door and to your left you will see the front door with the torches and the gongs. to the right you will find another door, go through it.
A.Now your in the side entrence hall. You will see a door to the left and a door streight head. Go streight ahead and loot a three bedrooms down the hall. Not much there other than a scroll with a clue and a few coins. Go back to the side entrence hall and open the other door with the house key.
B. go down the stairs and Open the other door with the house key as well. Make your way along the wall and you will find another utility room. Open it with the Utility key.
C. Once inside read the scroll posted and pull the lever.
7. Make your way back to the court yard. Take out a torch or two with a water arrow. Inside the fountain there are 10 coins, get them if you dare!
A. Go over to the large balcony and look up, you will notice the roof is made of wood. Use a rope arrow to get up there to avoind the guard room by the front door.
B. Once on the balcony open both double french doors but be careful with the second pair, there is allot of traffic going by.
C. Use the grenade camera to see when the coast is clear. ( you did buy it in the store, didn't you?) Don't lob it down the stairs, angle it so it stays on the your level.
8. Now your on level 2, happy Looting! There are so many different ways to do this level I would suggest starting out to your right, but you don't have too.

• Uploaded 26.09.2001
• Size 2.50 Mb
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