The Skygem Connection

Title : The Skygem Connection
Filename :
Author : Dyald (David Dyal)
Contact info :
Homepage :
Date of release :
Version : 1
Play info : A dark mission so don't play it with the sun shining in the window.
EAX : I tried, but I don't have Eax on my system so it is probably all messed up, so you can turn it off in the options if you want. I've been told that it works.
Lighting (Important!!) : When you start the game, you will be looking at a tree. It has a split in it at eye level. Turn up the gamma until you can see it clearly, then turn the gamma back down until you almost can't see it at all. The keepers light with candles and many areas are dark, but if you did the gamma thing you should be okay.
Description : This is a sequel to Damsel in Distress.
Garrett has sent Basso and the girls to a safe place while he tries to sell the loot aquired in Von Blaques Mansion. His Fence bought everything exept the Skygem, "I've heard of that stone" He says "it is cursed and I will not have anything to do with it."After a week of trying to sell it he decides to stay home and think about weather he wants to keep trying or just throw it in the river.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief II: The Metal Age
Level Names : Rest and Relaxation, The Skygem Connection
File names : miss20.mis, miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
Equipment store : Yes.
Map/Automap : Yes (auto)
New graphics : Maybe.
New sounds : Some.
New conversations : A few.
New models : sort of.
New Textures : some
EAX Support : I think so
Multi language support : No.
Briefing : Not yet.
* Construction *
Base : scratch
Map Size : Medium.
Build Time : four months
Build Info :
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole ".zip" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Thanks To *
Everyone who wrote the good tutorials I learned from. dlw6, Bikerdude, Slyfoxx, Random Taffer, The Night terror for voices. And to all who put up with my questions at the guild. And to The Beta testers who also gave some good input. also thanks to Epithumia for hosting for me and my beta testers, and providing us all with a means to upload and release our FMs. Alun Bestor ( for the cobwebs, the folks who gave us dedx, (I only used the the keepers) and a special thanks to an unamed friend who provided me with a lot of support and other things he doesn't want credit for. If I overlooked anyone it is purely an oversight, please let me know if I have.
* Copyright Information *
This level is copyright by David Dyal
Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish as long as it is free. However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. It's all yours.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 25.09.2006
• Size 35.55 Mb