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Sammy Pays His Dues :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Sammy Pays His Dues

Author: Jbyrd23
Contact info: (jbyrd23@hotmail.com)
Homepage: n/a
Date of release: 10/15/01

Description: Sammy, that low-life, thought he'd get away with setting me up with Truart's guards. Now that the Mechanists are all but disabled it's time for some payback. Word on the street is that some of the Mechanists are trying to stage a revival. If it's dirty I'm sure Sammy will have a hand in it. He's been meeting with a Mechaninst of the old regime for the past few weeks. Tonight I think I'll follow him and find out what he's up to. While there, maybe find something to blackmail him with. If any oppurtunities arise to bring down the Mechanist I'll take advantage of the situation.

Briefing: No


* Play Information *

Game: Thief 2
Mission Title: Sammy Pay's His Dues
File name: miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: Normal, Hard, Expert
Equipment store: Yes
Map / automap: Yes, no
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
Multi language support: no

Briefing : n/a

Difficulty level info:

Normal: 2 beginning goals and 3 given during game; Get 700 in loot.

Hard: 2 beginning goals and 3 given during game, 2 extra hidden goals; Get 1300 in loot. More AI.

Expert: Same as hard, except: Get 1800 in loot, Don't kill anyone. Equipment store is changed.

* Construction *

Base: from scratch, though the spiral stair in the western tower was taken from Shoalsgate.
Build Time: Aeons, off and on.


* Loading information *

Darkloader compatible.


Thanks to Beta testers..T-wrexx, varas, schwaa, Thorin Oakenshield, Silent_Warrior, Big3red, and all the people from TTLG and the TEG forum from whom I've culled so much dromed information.

AND.. Peter Smith, Nightwalker, Vanguard, MetalHead, Loanstar, PJ and all who gave feedback on the Eidos forum, and to Jason Tibbitts for mirroring it and helping with the re-release testing.

My apologies if I forgot anyone.


* Copyright *

This level is (c) by Jeff Byrd 8/2/2001
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 14.09.2001
• Size 3.46 Mb
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