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The Shadow of Lord Rothchest :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Shadow of Lord Rothchest

Orignal T1 version: Sept 4, 1999
T2 version: November 2004
Author: Anthony Huso (Purah)
Unworthy reanimator: John D. Head (John D.)

It's been three weeks since you sold Constantine's Sword with the understanding
that you could always steal it back. The idea was to pay off all your debts with the
cash from the sale-which you've already accomplished. The pursuant intent, of course,
was to get your weapon back plus interest from whoever was rich enough to buy it in
the first place. That was then.
Two months ago your pigeon (a wealthy foreigner) inherited the dilapidated
Rothchest Mansion, an imposing structure crammed between sullen buildings on the remote
south side of town. The Rothchest Mansion has a long history of abandonment. A crouched
and lurking horror, the building rises from narrow exit-less back alleys shared by
several taverns. For decades, the estate sat crumbling into a pile of archaic rubble
until this new lord (Kevil Rothchest) showed up to claim it. Apparently Kevil had been
settled in a distant country until the inheritence finally drew him here. Fresh to his
surroundings and very interested in old weapons, Kevil seemed the perfect dupe. You
disguised yourself as a low profile fence and sold him Constantine's Sword with faint
misgivings over the heated fervor with which he made the purchase.
Unfortunately, since then, certain developments have come to light that make you
question the risk/profit ratio of your whole scheme. Several servants (newly hired by
Kevil Rothchest) have now been missing for two weeks. Strange chants rise from the
mansion grounds on late moon-less nights. On top of this, rumors persist that the mansion
is nothing but a refurbished hammerite Cathedral upon whose grounds some unspeakable
sacrilege occured over two centuries ago. After the desecration, the reclusive Rothchest
Family bought it, turned the cemetery into a private lot and modified all aspects of the
house and grounds to their liking.
Rothchest seems in no hurry to fix the place up. Using a spyglass and taking
advantage of a distant tower, you've noticed that the roof is in bad repair and you imagine
the whole place could use a good dusting. Unfortunately, you've been unable to secure a
map of the place, which increases your unease about attempting the heist. To make matters
worse, Lord Rothchest is said to be an uncanny opponent with a blade and you really don't want
to go toe-to-toe with him in his lair.

Despite the new moon and a vague sense of apprehension, you've decided to make your
move tonight. You've dropped into the tavern alleys with the understanding that they are
considered part of Rothchest's property, that he has the place HEAVILY guarded with a motley
crew of fanatical henchmen, and that if you are found you'll probably disappear like the
There'll be no mistaking Rothchest-if you run into him. He's a lethally quiet, black-
cloaked gentleman with a vicious blade and a whispered-over habit of pacing his bedchamber
all night long (so the servants said before they vanished). You came armed, but on your way
over the alley wall, your sword belt got hooked on a razor sharp bit of steel; the belt was
sliced clean through and the blade fell down a crack between the wall and one of the taverns-
all the more reason you don't want to confront anyone face to face...at least not until you
can steal Constantine's Sword back.

1. Get Constantine's Sword back ASAP so you have a weapon.
2. A jeweled crowned skull was supposedly interred in the burial grounds before
the desecration. It would make a nice prize and you've determined
that, if it exists, you will make it yours.
3. Lord Rothchest is a freak, and for that he must pay. You're going
to rob this sap of EVERY valuable item in his bedchamber and keep any
personal writings he has as souveniers-whether he's in there pacing or not.
4. Get out alive. You've heard there are some deep tunnels under the
estate that SHOULD EVENTUALLY lead to the city sewers...from there
you'll be home free.


Briefing: no

* Play Information *

Game: Thief: The Dark Project
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: Original no, but yes in T2 version (based on loot quantity)
Equipment store: (limited scattered resources add to the challenge)
Map / automap: NO (Purah-i WAS SO PISSED THAT DromED kept CRASHING on me
that I had no patience to do any extra work. I lost
everything 3 times and had to start over. Hence this
is my first and fourth level build using DromED. Gak!)

(John D.-this level has been a crash-a-matic in dromed depending on where you go)

New graphics: A few textures stolen from RTCW, Yandros texture pack, Dedx, T1
New sounds: Some T1 sounds
Multi language support: NO
Briefing : NO

Difficulty levels: Yes (based on loot)
* Construction *

Base: (Purah)-from scratch
Build Time: (Purah)-200+ hrs...a butt-ass long time (my wife will attest to this)
(John D.) A month of texturing, tweaking a few things here and there
Special Thanks: Madbull34 for Str converter, the guys at the Edios Editing forum.
Nightwalker for finding out just how much loot Purah hid in that wicked place!

Beta Testers: Nightwalker, Peter Smith, Freddy Fox
Note: I tried to block off ways of going where you shouldnt, but if you insist on doing
so you may get some strange views.

* Loading information *

Copy the .zip file into "mission" folder and then run the level with Darkloader

Copyright 1999 Anthony Huso
(Permission given to John Head for T2 version 2004)

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free
and the package kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission (Komag is free to
put it on his FM DVD's though) No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not suported by Looking Glass
Studios or Edios Interactive

• Uploaded 18.11.2004
• Size 4.48 Mb
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