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Sir William's Keep

S i r W i l l i a m ' s K e e p

By Wille (Ville Paavolainen) taffermail@hotmail.com
April 9th 2008

*** Additional Credits ***

Komag: excellent DromEd tutorial and custom menus
Targa: dagger and fat guard models & textures
Vigil: open book model & textures
Daemonite: Hammerite model & textures

*** Important! ***

The mission has a fifth goal on expert difficulty level that has no description. This goal
was to be a knockout limitation but I never managed to make it working. The goal icon still
remains though but it has no effect on the mission and can be safely ignored.

*** Mission Briefing ***

Hammerite relics are very hot merchandise in black market these days. The Order is slowly falling
apart, financial problems are already waiting at their doorstep. To stay on their feets Hammerites
are taking desperate measures and that's where I come in...

Word is that a precious relic named Golden Book of Stone is about change its owner in few days.
Sir William is very interested buying this shiny book and has already invited priest named
Kendrick to seal the deal. I haven't heard much of Sir William but I know that he has donated
reasonable amounts of money to the Order. His old keep is located in the great forest just outside
the City. Old City sewers run under the keep as it was once one of Baron's fortresses. Sewers have
proven their usefullness many times and they will do it once again as an exit route.

*** Copyright ***

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include this level to a map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass
Studios (RIP) or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 08.04.2008
• Size 2.99 Mb
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