The Skull of St. Yora

The Skull of St.Yora
Author: Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)
Contact info:
Date of release: 20-DEC-2003
Version: v1.1
* Play Information *
Game: Thief II / The Metal Age (v1.18).
Mission Title: The Skull of St.Yora
File name: Miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes (explained further down)
Automap: Yes!
* Mission Briefing *
The restored cathedral adventure continues ... in the metal age!
"Times have changed. The Mechanists have taken over the old hammerite Cathedral
and have sold off the land on which the old cloister once stood.
Merchants and other traders have moved into the area and built houses, shops and pubs.
I have received a strange note asking me to meet a contact at the nearby Lion's Inn;
sounds like someone has a job for me ..."
* Difficulty settings *
You may kill anyone you want.
You may not kill bystanders.
You must collect twice as much loot as on normal.
There is a barrier which forces you to figure out how to reach a certain location.
There are a few extra guards positioned in strategic locations.
You must steal an additional item which is not an objective on normal.
You must NOT kill anyone.
You must collect 80 percent of all the loot.
There is the same barrier and the same extra guards as on Hard.
You must steal an additional item which is not an objective on Hard.
As always, you have less health on Expert.
* Construction *
Based on: My Thief Gold FM 'The Restored Cathedral', which was
based on Thief Gold's Mission 11 - Return to the Cathedral.
Changes between V1.0 and V1.1:
Lion's Inn bar area has been improved.
Mechanist's dining room has a light switch.
First objective checks off as soon as you meet your contact.
Metal grating prevents mechanists falling down elevator shaft.
Some hints were added to address common questions.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader (v4.1).
Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file,
but put the whole zip file into your DarkLoader FM folder.
* Help and advice *
Visit the Thief community at !
* Copyright Information *
This FM was made by Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)
Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level
providing it remains whole and intact, with its original filename.
This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
* Credits *
This mission is a very heavily modified version of
ThiefGold's Mission11 "Return To the Cathedral".
The auto-map files shipped with this mission are based on
LGS files which were shipped with ThiefGold.
The custom textures were produced by extracting
the mechanist symbol from "StainGlass\StainMec.PCX" and
superimposing it on "Core_1\Gstone1.PCX" and "Core_1\Gstone2.PCX".
The sound files "Crickets1.wav" ... "Crickets6.wav" are
identical copies of the original LGS file "Crickets7.wav".
The ingame texts for the German version were translated by Ar-Zimrathon.
* Thanks To *
All the people on the Thief forums who have supported
us FM authors during the last few years.
A big thank you to all my beta tester, especially:
Nightwalker, SlyFoxx, Huntress, BrokenArts, theBlackman,
Ar-Zimrathon, and Raven.
Special thanks to my wife and to our creator.
* Spielinformation *
Spiel: Thief 2 / Dark Project 2 (v1.18)
Missionstitel: Der Schaedel des St.Yora
Dateiname: Miss23.mis
Schwierigkeitsgrade: Ja (Erklaehrung weiter unten)
Autokarte: Ja!
* Missionsbeschreibung *
"Die Zeiten haben sich geaendert. Die Mechanisten haben die alte hammeriten Kathedrale
uebernommen und das Land auf dem das alte Kloster einst stand wurde verkauft.
Haendler und andere Unternehmer kamen und bauten Haeuser, Geschaeffte und Kneipen.
Nun habe ich einen merkwuerdigen Brief empfangen; jemand bittet mich um ein Treffen in
der Gaststaette 'Zum Loewen'. Da hat jemand wohl einen Auftrag fuer mich..."
* Schwierigkeitsgrade *
Du darfst alle Personen toeten.
Du darfst keine Unschuldigen toeten.
Du must zweimal so viel Beute stehlen wie auf Normal.
Ein Hinderniss zwingt Dich dazu, herauszufinden wie Du an einen bestimmten Ort gelangst.
Ein paar extra Wachen wurden strategisch platziert.
Du must einen zusaetzlichen Gegenstand stehlen.
Du darfst NIEMANDEN toeten.
Du must 80 Procent der herumliegenden Beute stehlen.
Das gleiche Hinderniss und extra Wachen wie auf Hart.
Du must noch einen zusaetzlichen Gegenstand stehlen.
* Konstruktion *
Basiert auf: Thief Gold, Mission 11 - Zurueck zur Kathedrale.
* Uebersetzung *
Ar-Zimrathon uebersetzte diese FM von Englisch auf Deutsch.
* Darkloader Information *
Die Mission ist Darkloaderkompatibel (v4.1).
The Skull of St.Yora
Author: Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)
Contact info:
Date of release: 20-DEC-2003
Version: v1.1
* Play Information *
Game: Thief II / The Metal Age (v1.18).
Mission Title: The Skull of St.Yora
File name: Miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes (explained further down)
Automap: Yes!
* Mission Briefing *
The restored cathedral adventure continues ... in the metal age!
"Times have changed. The Mechanists have taken over the old hammerite Cathedral
and have sold off the land on which the old cloister once stood.
Merchants and other traders have moved into the area and built houses, shops and pubs.
I have received a strange note asking me to meet a contact at the nearby Lion's Inn;
sounds like someone has a job for me ..."
* Difficulty settings *
You may kill anyone you want.
You may not kill bystanders.
You must collect twice as much loot as on normal.
There is a barrier which forces you to figure out how to reach a certain location.
There are a few extra guards positioned in strategic locations.
You must steal an additional item which is not an objective on normal.
You must NOT kill anyone.
You must collect 80 percent of all the loot.
There is the same barrier and the same extra guards as on Hard.
You must steal an additional item which is not an objective on Hard.
As always, you have less health on Expert.
* Construction *
Based on: My Thief Gold FM 'The Restored Cathedral', which was
based on Thief Gold's Mission 11 - Return to the Cathedral.
Changes between V1.0 and V1.1:
Lion's Inn bar area has been improved.
Mechanist's dining room has a light switch.
First objective checks off as soon as you meet your contact.
Metal grating prevents mechanists falling down elevator shaft.
Some hints were added to address common questions.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader (v4.1).
Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file,
but put the whole zip file into your DarkLoader FM folder.
* Help and advice *
Visit the Thief community at !
* Copyright Information *
This FM was made by Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)
Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level
providing it remains whole and intact, with its original filename.
This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
* Credits *
This mission is a very heavily modified version of
ThiefGold's Mission11 "Return To the Cathedral".
The auto-map files shipped with this mission are based on
LGS files which were shipped with ThiefGold.
The custom textures were produced by extracting
the mechanist symbol from "StainGlass\StainMec.PCX" and
superimposing it on "Core_1\Gstone1.PCX" and "Core_1\Gstone2.PCX".
The sound files "Crickets1.wav" ... "Crickets6.wav" are
identical copies of the original LGS file "Crickets7.wav".
The ingame texts for the German version were translated by Ar-Zimrathon.
* Thanks To *
All the people on the Thief forums who have supported
us FM authors during the last few years.
A big thank you to all my beta tester, especially:
Nightwalker, SlyFoxx, Huntress, BrokenArts, theBlackman,
Ar-Zimrathon, and Raven.
Special thanks to my wife and to our creator.
* Spielinformation *
Spiel: Thief 2 / Dark Project 2 (v1.18)
Missionstitel: Der Schaedel des St.Yora
Dateiname: Miss23.mis
Schwierigkeitsgrade: Ja (Erklaehrung weiter unten)
Autokarte: Ja!
* Missionsbeschreibung *
"Die Zeiten haben sich geaendert. Die Mechanisten haben die alte hammeriten Kathedrale
uebernommen und das Land auf dem das alte Kloster einst stand wurde verkauft.
Haendler und andere Unternehmer kamen und bauten Haeuser, Geschaeffte und Kneipen.
Nun habe ich einen merkwuerdigen Brief empfangen; jemand bittet mich um ein Treffen in
der Gaststaette 'Zum Loewen'. Da hat jemand wohl einen Auftrag fuer mich..."
* Schwierigkeitsgrade *
Du darfst alle Personen toeten.
Du darfst keine Unschuldigen toeten.
Du must zweimal so viel Beute stehlen wie auf Normal.
Ein Hinderniss zwingt Dich dazu, herauszufinden wie Du an einen bestimmten Ort gelangst.
Ein paar extra Wachen wurden strategisch platziert.
Du must einen zusaetzlichen Gegenstand stehlen.
Du darfst NIEMANDEN toeten.
Du must 80 Procent der herumliegenden Beute stehlen.
Das gleiche Hinderniss und extra Wachen wie auf Hart.
Du must noch einen zusaetzlichen Gegenstand stehlen.
* Konstruktion *
Basiert auf: Thief Gold, Mission 11 - Zurueck zur Kathedrale.
* Uebersetzung *
Ar-Zimrathon uebersetzte diese FM von Englisch auf Deutsch.
* Darkloader Information *
Die Mission ist Darkloaderkompatibel (v4.1).
• Uploaded 20.12.2003
• Size 2.88 Mb