Strife I

“Trust No One”
Author : Terry “Ricebug” DeLaney
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Release Date: June 2008
This mission uses Greenhorn’s excellent models.
Strife was a game released in May 1996, by Velocity Development and Rogue Entertainment. It was built on a heavily modified DooM® engine. One of the unusual features of the game was that the player could travel between levels (there were 34 total).
Welcome to the Thief 2 conversion of Strife. This was actually my first attempt at DromEd. However, due to the complexity of the level and my total ignorance of DromEd, it was scrapped. Although I have attempted to re-create the original initial mission, the storyline has been revamped. This will (I hope) become a campaign, where more of the levels are introduced and the story unfolds. This is why you will see areas sealed off for future missions.
To see a YouTube video of the original Strife, go to
To read GameSpot’s original review of Strife, go to;review
Difficulty Settings
On Easy, you have notes strung throughout the mission to help you find your way. Some AI are missing, there is less loot to hunt down, and extra powerups are available.
The blackjack is included in the player’s inventory on Easy. On Normal and Hard, you will find it in different places.
It is possible to “complete” the final objective before getting all the loot. However, you won’t be able to end the mission.
Playing Information
Game : Thief 2
Mission Title : Strife
Version : 1.1
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes (AI, loot, powerups)
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : English and French
Briefing : Yes
Size : 14.5 Mb
Difficulty Level Info: Easy, Normal, Hard
Quality Control
phil237, gunsmoke, Silent_Warrior, SneakyJack, yondanbrad, thief0, Hotlyx, pavlovscat, nickie, SirFreddieM, Gloria Creep
French Translation
Philippe Marin
Custom Objects
Greenhorn, Vigil, Nameless Voice
Custom Textures
Nameless Voice, Lemog, Majic
Custom Skybox
3Delyvisions (
Strife Editor
Copyright © June 2008 by Terry DeLaney
Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level. Emails were sent to the original makers of Strife, asking for use of their textures and maps. Neither Velocity Development nor Rogue Entertainment responded after several attempts.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 26.09.2008
• Size 10.81 Mb