
PLEASE! TURN ON Weather! Half of this game is outdoors, in snow.
Title : stronghold
Filename :
Author : JohnEric
Contact info :
Date of fourth release : Jan 2nd, 2003
Dedicated to Fred Saberhagen, my favorite author.
PRE-GAME BRIEFING : You've just paid handsomely for the construction of a secluded hideaway adjacent to the Great Forest. The contractor was as discrete as a lot of money and threats can cause him to be. How the contractor kept the work under wraps was his problem. If it became your problem, you would have to start eliminating the leaks, and he knows it. Apart from the contractor, pagans made up the bulk of the work force. After what you went through alongside Viktoria, you and the pagans have reason to trust each other. Time to inspect the place and relax a little. As always, you keep a keen eye out for any change of plans. Take things as they come, and always follow through with what you start ... Garrett's basic survival technique.
* Builder's note *
Although some portions of this level may seem impossible, I assure you they ARE possible. A hint ... don't waste your gas arrows at the beginning.
* Play Information *
Although care was given to frame rates and polygon counts, this game will not run well on slower systems. The Thief engine does have it's problems. One day, with any luck, a scripting wiz will improve the engine for all of us. Occasionally, the game moves like game 4 in T2, or the Mage Towers game in T1. By all means, turn on weather and fog!!!!!!!!!
Game : Thief2
Level Name : Stronghold
File name : miss17.mis
Difficulty Settings : "Intense" only (The story does not allow otherwise)
Equipment store : In game supply
Map / automap : YES / No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Multi language support : NO
Briefing : On first screen
Difficulty level info : Intense (No mercy)
* Loading information *
Darkloader(TM) compatible. THIEF2 ONLY
* Copyright - JohnEric Ellison *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
PLEASE! TURN ON Weather! Half of this game is outdoors, in snow.
Title : stronghold
Filename :
Author : JohnEric
Contact info :
Date of fourth release : Jan 2nd, 2003
Dedicated to Fred Saberhagen, my favorite author.
PRE-GAME BRIEFING : You've just paid handsomely for the construction of a secluded hideaway adjacent to the Great Forest. The contractor was as discrete as a lot of money and threats can cause him to be. How the contractor kept the work under wraps was his problem. If it became your problem, you would have to start eliminating the leaks, and he knows it. Apart from the contractor, pagans made up the bulk of the work force. After what you went through alongside Viktoria, you and the pagans have reason to trust each other. Time to inspect the place and relax a little. As always, you keep a keen eye out for any change of plans. Take things as they come, and always follow through with what you start ... Garrett's basic survival technique.
* Builder's note *
Although some portions of this level may seem impossible, I assure you they ARE possible. A hint ... don't waste your gas arrows at the beginning.
* Play Information *
Although care was given to frame rates and polygon counts, this game will not run well on slower systems. The Thief engine does have it's problems. One day, with any luck, a scripting wiz will improve the engine for all of us. Occasionally, the game moves like game 4 in T2, or the Mage Towers game in T1. By all means, turn on weather and fog!!!!!!!!!
Game : Thief2
Level Name : Stronghold
File name : miss17.mis
Difficulty Settings : "Intense" only (The story does not allow otherwise)
Equipment store : In game supply
Map / automap : YES / No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Multi language support : NO
Briefing : On first screen
Difficulty level info : Intense (No mercy)
* Loading information *
Darkloader(TM) compatible. THIEF2 ONLY
* Copyright - JohnEric Ellison *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 04.12.2000
• Size 6.86 Mb