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Thief: The Chain Project


Title : Thief - The Chain Project
Date Released : April 1, 2007
Idea/Coordinator : Vlad Midnight
Project Leads : Vlad Midnight/Demagogue
Authors : John Denison, Vlad Midnight, demagogue, Shadowspawn, Random_Taffer, OttoJ55, SlyFoxx, The_Dude, Flecha das Sombras, Thiefsie Fool (TF), Speesh, d0om, Zaccheus, nicked
Contact Info : (Vlad), (demagogue),
,, (Thiefsie Fool),, (Random_Taffer)

Briefing by demagogue : This mission is the combined work of all the authors above, all linked together. The idea was that one person would independently build an area and then pass it on to the next person in queue to do the same, and so on ... So don't expect to find much continuity! But *do* expect a wild and fun ride! The areas are linked in that often an item you find in one area will help you get into further areas. There are a few objectives, if not exactly a Shakespearean epic story. Here goes:

You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, listed in the
objective screen.
When you are finished, return to the room in which you started.

The rest of it isn't for any objective, just part of the ride. You'll figure it out as you go.

One tip: save often, maybe even a few permanent saves. With a ride like this, you *really* won't know what to expect next! We didn't.
Hope you have as much fun playing this as we had building it.


Notes, Known Bugs, Thanks, etc.

- Although not necessary to play, at least one event uses Telliamed's scripts and looks better with them installed. It can be downloaded from

- Parts of the FM can lag for some people on some computers (e.g., The_Dude's second area and Flecha das Sombras's area). If you know your computer is slow, it might be a good idea to restart your computer before playing. If it starts seriously lagging mid-game, it can help to simply save quit the game completely, restart the game, and reload

- Some builders had their work tweaked in order for the whole thing to work together as a whole. We hope they will understand. It was never done disrespectfully.

- Thanks to Peter Smith for betatesting.

- Thanks to Vlad Midnight for seeing this project through to the bitter, bitter end.

- A number of objects, AI, and sounds are custom made. Thanks and credit for these contributions should be as follows (so far as I was able to track down; I think this is correct but sometimes I don't know for sure):

* Shadowspawn for the new zombie AI
* Vigil for the Seachest and the open book
* Schwaa for the potbelly stove
* Nameless Voice for the Lecturn
* Lord Alan's sky settings were copied from Lord Alan's Fortress (hope he doesnt mind)

- ...Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, we were unable to track down the original source for the other custom material. If you recognize something as yours or someone else's, please email one of the project heads and we'll update this readme to give credit for a future version. Nevertheless, we still want to recognize that the creators deserve all due thanks and credit for their contributions.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Title : Thief - The Chain Project
File Name : miss30.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, and Expert

* Construction *

Base : John Denison started the ball rolling with his ultraquick mission, built from scratch as a joke FM. Vlad Midnight then had the idea to continue the joke and added a small section of his own (later added a more detailed section onto his small section) and asked if anyone else wanted to join. He coordinated the mission from then on.

Build Time : Info_window says just under 13 days, which doesn't count areas multibrushed in, or .mis files forking paths, which means the reality was a longer time than that.
Many areas literally took a few minutes to build
(John Denison's, which started the whole thing, took just under 27 minutes).
Other areas took days to weeks (after new builders stopped realizing they were supposed to be building in under an hour).
As for real world time, the project officially started in January 2005!
Blame the delays on coordinating the work of 14 different people each with different schedules, and needing to swap files and keep a master copy for every little problem that cropped up.


* Loading Information *

DarkLoader ready.


* Copyright Information *

Each author should get credit for and ownership over his/her own contribution.
Original material, such as the textures, objects, scripts, conversations, etc. are original Looking Glass property.
Any custom material belongs to its respective creator.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may include this level in any map pack without
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was ripped from my third FM's FM info that was ripped from somebody else's ripped FM info that was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard and Vlad Midnight ripped this from John9818a's FM ... and then in the end was completely changed anyway!)

• Uploaded 01.04.2007 • Size 8.17 Mb
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