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Trickster's Rift Gem Mine and Elsewhere :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Trickster's Rift Gem Mine and Elsewhere

Title : TTGM:The Trickster Rift Gem Mine
: TTGM:Elsewhere (Parrelex Paradox)
Filename : ttgm-trickmine2425.zip
Author : Belboz
Contact info : alien@daboys.co.uk

Date of release : May 2004
Update :

Description :
The Trickster Rift Mine : Follow on from TTGM:Making Tracks. You are floating down an underground river, destination, the lower section of the gem mine, due to the rushing water, Garrett has lost most of his equipment.

Elsewhere : Due to a sunflare when you enter the portal to take you to the Temple of Metamorphis, you arrive 300 years in the future, to a world where someone has used rust gas to destroy the world as you knew it. And the few remaining survivors, live in vast metal bio-domes.

Notes : These level are extremly dark, because you are deep underground, so for best effect, play at night or in a dark room. Elsewhere is a daytime mission. Elsewhere and the gem mine use textures and sounds borrowed from system shock 2.

Beta Testers : Comfy, Phyllisasious, Brian Smith, Silent_Warrior, Manny Jabrielle, Slipknot, Glenn Italiano, Shadow, Wolf DreamWalker, Dracip.

Special thanks : To anyone who helped me at the editors guild at www.ttlg.com

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : TTGM:The Trickster Rift Gem Mine
: TTGM:Elsewhere (Parrelex Paradox)
File name : miss24.mis
: miss25.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes/Yes
Equipment store : No/No
Map : Yes/Yes
Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes/Yes
New sounds : No/Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No, English only

Briefing : No

Known bugs : Bit laggy in some areas, end stats not reporting properly on number of pockets to be picked, one on normal, two on hard and expert. Map locations showing on automaps in elsewhere before visiting them.

Update :

Other info : If you get stuck go to www.ttlg.com/forums or www.eidosinteractive.com (click forum button, then thief), or www.3dap.com/thief

Base :
Build Time : 9 months (Too long!)

unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in darkloader

Loading information : Copy ttgm-trickmine24.zip into "mission" folder and then run the
level with darkloader.
* Copyright *

Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by (Looking Glass Studios, defunct) or Eidos Interactive, or IonStorm, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for any information.

• Uploaded 15.05.2004
• Size 17.81 Mb
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