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CNSD, the Game!

CNSD, the game! by Leandro Conte Febras ============================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================== Briefing: "We have recently moved to São Paulo. My daughter Sara still misses her mother. So do I ... Since she disappeared, we have not had any news ... It is hard not to know what happened to her. Here in the city, my daughter has always been very withdrawn. So I thought it were a good idea to enroll her in the acting classes at the new school. It worked very well at first, but after a few months, her behavior has become strange. She had a visibly unstable temper. The new school is quite traditional and religious, run by a Congregation of School Sisters. Acting classes take place at night time twice a week. After rehearsals, Sara comes home and goes straight to bed. I just hope one day we get our lives back to normal. Today is one of those rehearsal days... " Legal and Extras:            This work is merely fiction. Its content does not represent the reality. It is pure author's imagination.            It is a School run by Nuns, Catholic. Year of foundation: 1950s. Current construction, 1960s. Size: more than 8,000 m².            This project was idealized in the middle of 2006, when I was in the 3rd and final year of high school. All changes since then have been discarded.             Last but not least, the story would not exist without the help of friends (and also ex-students) Daniel Santoro Damato, Leonardo Francisco and Fabio Presa. Note1: Do not save DURING the Cutscenes. Engine never responds well to that. Note2: Photosensitive Seizure Warning! Photosensitive epilepsy risk. Engine: This game uses the engine available for free in the games of Thief series. I used engine 2, of the game Thief 2 - The Metal Age (year 2000). This engine has been improved over the years by the strong community of fans of the series, that counts on numerous missions and extra campaigns made by people from all over the world. Minimum requirements: Minimum requirements are relatively high, as the mission goes beyond the limits set for a game made to run 20 years ago. I will describe my configuration as the minimum I recommend. The FPS drops to 15 in 2 or 3 locations, but runs with 60 in most: Video Card: GEFORCE 9800M GTS Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.26 GHz P8400 RAM: 4GB, 1066MHz DDR2 HD: 7200 rpm Resolution: 1440x900 Recommended enable NewMantle code. Recommended NewDark 1.25 or Better. Technical Information (SPOILERS): Game: Thief 2 - The Metal Age (Version 1.25 NewDark) Mission title: CNSD, the Game! Author: Leandro Conte Febras - Leconbras. Building Time: Homeopathic doses between 2006 and 2017. Overdose in 2018. Files: miss17.mis, CNSD1.gam e miss18.mis, CNSD2.gam Difficulty: Yes (Easy, Normal, Realistic!) - Differs only in AI attributes. Shop: No. Map: Yes, but not automap. New Objects: Yes. New Sounds: Yes. Movies: Yes. EAX: Not complete. Multi language: EN (only mission 18). PT (mission 17 "Tutorial" included) Endings: 2 possible endings: Normal and Alternative… Bonus Objectives: Yes, Two. Total Loot: 6731 - Possible to get all Secrets: Some…. Credits, Inspirations, Custom Scripts and Objects by other authors (SPOILERS): Story: Leandro Conte Febras, Daniel Santoro Damato, Leonardo Francisco e Fabio Presa. Construction & Modeling, Video & Sound Editing, Custom Resources: Leandro Conte Febras. Translator: Leandro Conte / Proofreader: Leonardo Francisco. NVScripts de Nameless Voice. ThnScripts de Telliamed. DEDEX, by Rob Hicks. Sky based on "Home Sweet Home", by Lady Rowena e Yandros Fog based on "Hazelshade Cemetery" by Nameless Voice. CallBell and External Buildings: CoSaS 2: Mission X. Phone: Gort (apud Waterfront Racket mission). Grand Piano by Digital Nightfall. Porsche Boxter: Saturnine e Caffeinatedzombeh (apud Death`s Cold Embrace mission). Cars Low Poly: "The Rebellion of the Builder", de GORT. External Houses 1: OttoJ55. External Houses 2: Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs). Carriage: Team Rose Cottage. Upright Piano: Nameless Voice Brushes 1 (many): Pirates Ahoy! mission, all by Christine Schneider or Greenhorn. Brushes 2 (many): Valdimiroquai. Books and shelves 1: Greenhorn & Christine. Books and shelves 2: PinkDot. Plaster Texture, by Vigil. Elevator: Base by Telliamed and Yametha (Demo Mission), with decoration inspired by Waterfront Haket mission (Yandros and Tannar) and functionality improved by me. All other custom objects were made by me or taken from 3D Warehouse SketchUp and modified (low poly) by me: Volkswagen Beetle and Kombi, Church Bench, School Desk, DK Coin, Black Cat, Playground with Gira and Slide, Wooden and Iron Windows, Hair Pin, Paper Clips, Peephole, PC Computer, sports court equipment, Improved Original Torch, Blackboard. Obviously, I thank the whole community, especially the authors of the more than 200 fam missions I've played until now. Thank you, Daniel Santoro, for lending me your PC. Without it, the video would still be rendering on my notebook ... Testers:           Alpha: Daniel Santoro, Leonardo Francisco, Sandro Conte Febras, Rafael Nicolosi.           Beta: Gloria Creep, Cardia, Svetoslav Alexandrov (Bulgarian_Taffer), John9818a, Aemanyl. Some of the Music (SPOILERS): Church: Sleep, by Eric Whitacre. Incidental Building A: Symphony No. 1 - Mahler. Playground: Russian Lullaby - ???? ???? ??? - Tyli tili bom. Beginning cutscene: Ambiente Zone - Hitman 4. Transformation of Demons: Scythian Suite - Dance Of The Pagan Monster - Prokofiev. Secret: Donkey Kong Themes. Secret: Harry Potter Theme. Piano Music Room: Romance, Carl Maria von Weber. Gramophone in Reception: Anthem of CNSD, arr. and voice: Leandro Conte Febras Piano Auditorium: Anthem of CNSD (Minor Key), arr. Leandro Conte Febras Attic: Symphonie Fantastique, by Berlioz. Dies Irae (extract). Known Bugs (SPOILERS): • Note1: "WatchObj" links do not work perfectly. Nothing so significantly. But motions may not work properly. Most of the bugs below are related to this. • Note 2: The character's voice were taken from the first 3 games of the series (1-Dark Project, 2-Metal Age, 3-Deadly Shadows) merged, cut and edited freely. So there are differences in the quality of VOSounds. • Garrett at the start scene may get stuck without being able to get into the school, walking without leaving the place or immobile. Rarely, it can not self-delete, attacking the player as soon as the game starts (2% chance). • Initial scene, because it`s complexity (WatchObj Link), causes leg in slower PCs, which can hinder and bug the motions. • The 5 children in the Schoolyard may lose their ability to walk, getting immobile. (The proper thing is to walk in circles in the center of the yard and attack Garrett all together, shouting). • The appearance of Karras on the court may be delayed, causing the character not to turn toward Garrett in time. • The 5 children around the Nun in the second yard may lose their movements (5%). The correct motion is all of them be struggling without stopping, so, after a few seconds, they all kill the nun and go into search mode. After a few seconds of searching, they all flee and leave. It may happen, not so rarely (20%), that they do not perform the motions of search, becoming static after killing the nun. • In this same scene, very rarely (2%) one of the girls can get stuck by the way when escaping, not triggering the disappearance of them. Need to load an earlier "save" in this case. • The 5 children who enter the church may lose their ability to walk, standing outside, unable to find Garrett, or even walking without getting out of the place, without being able to walk through the door of the church (5% ). • The final demons may appear floating in space. Reload the game before the transformation to correct this problem. • During the Cutscenes, it is possible to jump with Garrett due to operational issues of the script. But it is advisable not to click any button (much less save the game) during the cutscenes. • Not a bug itself, VOSounds may not play if a previous one is still active/playing. This can happen in some places of the mission, where the trigs of 2 sounds are very close one to the another. But nothing that undermines the understanding of history. • While performing the ritual in the grotto, VoodooDoll and HollyPotion may disappear if they are thrown too hard toward the ground. This usually happens if we are using SpeedyPotions or Special Codes to Increase Speed. Playing normally, this is very rare. But if it does, you need to load a previous save. • Holy Potion was "stuck" in the inventory without being able to be thrown into the Grotto. Load a previous Save.

• Uploaded 16.10.2018
• Size 208.70 Mb
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