Malazar's Inscrutable Tower

A Thief 2 Fan Mission
Title : Malazar's Inscrutable Tower
Filename : miss17.mis, wizard.gam
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info :
Date of release : 18/07/2020
Version : 1.0
I was enjoying a quiet drink at the Crippled Burrick, when a commotion outside sobered me up fast.
At first I thought the Watch were there in force to arrest me, but as I quickly slipped out the
back I realised there was a fight going on that had nothing to do with me.
I watched from the shadows and saw that the Watch had finally caught up to the sorceror Malazar.
He put up a good fight, turning several of the watchmen into oily smears on the pavement before
they overwhelmed him. His magic might have been impressive, but he was only human after all, and
the heft of a blade did for him just like anyone else.
Before the Watch hauled the body off, I slipped through unseen and relieved him of the key to his
tower. Malazar's tower has long been infamous among those in my profession for the huge power
crystal (the source of his arcane power) that floats above the tower's balcony, visible to any who
approach. In the past, no-one has ever managed to steal it and live to tell the tale. Now that the
sorceror is dead, it should be a trivial task to climb the tower and nab the gem. It's got to be
worth a fortune, quite apart from any magical properties it may possess.
Notes and Known Bugs
- This is a puzzle-focused mission with somewhat linear progression. In many ways it doesn't play
like a standard Thief mission.
- The mission is not ghostable.
- This mission has been designed with a large percentage of stock resources and may look weird or
broken if you use a texture pack.
- Installs and runs through FMSel and AngelLoader. Other loaders have not been tested and are used
at your own risk. Do not use Darkloader, it is outdated and unsupported.
- Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
- New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set by fm.cfg but if you get stuck somewhere, it's
worth checking this setting in your cam_ext.cfg.
Play Information
Game : Thief 2
File names : miss17.mis, wizard.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Some custom objects and textures
New sounds : Some custom audio and sounds from Thief 1
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Yes (French, Russian, German)
Briefing : No
Base : Scratch
Build Time : Approx 3 months.
Many thanks to my beta testers for helping get this mission into the best possible shape:
Thanks to the translators for non-English versions and additional bug fixes:
French - Apiai
Russian - michael a
German - Krawallo/Udo
Additional Thanks to:
- The authors of all custom scripts, particularly Telliamed and NamelessVoice.
- Everyone on the TTLG Editor's Guild forum, and more recently, the Dromed Discord channel, for
helping me out over the years.
- fortuni and Athalle for setting me up with the great resource of the Shadowbox translation forum.
- Various Thief 1 families
- davegh - textures from Dave Guerra (
- illus - biological illustrations (public domain from Wikipedia, and
- paintings - illustrations of Edgar Allen Poe stories by Harry Clarke (from Public Domain Review)
- wizard - textures from
- skyhw - skybox, cloud and sun textures by me (
- waterhw - new lava textures made by me with textures from Dave Guerra (
- Stairpole - Wooden Beam made by the author (stock textures)
- Stol04 - Table by Pinkdot
- rcchand - Chandelier by Team Rose Cottage
- Bars3x5-5 - Iron bars by Sliptip
- teekanne1 - Kettle by pdackel
- ghbfA - Butter Churn by Greenhorn
- chianti - Bottle with Raffia by Vigil
- oliveoil - Bottle by Vigil
- Scoop74 - Ladle by Nielson74
- PLadle74 - Ladle by Nielson74
- hourglss - Hourglass by Eshaktaar
- SmkdFishR - Smoked Fish Rack by LarryG
- waage - Scales by DarkShadow
- brazier - Hanging Brazier made by the author (stock textures)
- cstinte2 - Quill & Ink by Christine
- cabra1 and cabra2 - Candelabras by Team T2X
- rccrail2 and rccrail5 - Railings by Team Rose Cottage
- bookpile - Pile of Books by R Soul
- VicChest74 - Chest by Nielson74
- ZmBDoor4x8 - Door by LarryG
- chaplit - Wall light by Team Rose Cottage
- besen - Mop by Hrothgar
- clothli2 - Clothes on line by Vigil
- WalCndle - Wall Candle by Team Calendra
- txtrPort - Replacable texture painting made by the author (stock textures)
- rcsink - Sink by Team Rose Cottage
- rctlamp01 - Tiffany Lamp by Team COSAS
- dbook - Books by Daraan
- txtrpBoard - Texture Replace board - made by the author (stock textures)
- Mushclump1 & 2 - Mushrooms by Team COSAS
- Mushhigh1 & 2 - Mushrooms by Team COSAS
- mushgren - Mushrooms by Schwaa
- mushice - Mushrooms by Schwaa
- mushlava - Mushrooms by Schwaa
- pilz & 2pilze - Mushrooms by Von.Eins
- fungcy, gr, rd, vi - Mushrooms by Eshaktaar
- tmplhang & tmplhng2 - Lanterns by Schwaa
- crayhorn & crayhrn3 - Horn made by the author (stock textures)
- chanlit1, 2, 3 - Chain lights by Eshaktaar
- dshaftbl - Light Shaft by Vigil
- ghpihut - Tricorn Hat by Greenhorn
- rope2.gif - New Rope texture by Vigil
- rcsthead - Stag's Head trophy by Team Rose Cottage
- WWTrophy - Werewolf Trophy by TDBonko and Soul Tear
- Boarhead - Boar Trophy by Elvis
- Moose - Moose Trophy by Elvis
- SwordfshTrphy - Swordfish Trophy by LarryG
- tropoger - Ogre Trophy by Firemage
- piranha - Piranha made by the author (textures from
- burr1 - Burrick by Team T2X
- skin1 & 2 - Animal Skins by Team T2X
- bigcase - Display Case by Sluggs
- chain1 - Chain by Sluggs
- tropmonk - Monkey Head by Firemage
- tropsweel - Sweel Trophy by Firemage
- terrac - Flower Pot by Team Rose Cottage
- PotLeaf1 & 2 - Potted Plants by LarryG
- hangbask - Hanging Basket made by the author (textures from
- flwpotSM - Flower Pot made by the author (textures from
- wickvas1 - Wicker Plant Pot made by the author (textures from
- csbltopf4 & 7 - Plant Pots by Christine
- ptower - Wooden Stand by Sluggs
- TropicalPlant & 2, 3 - Plants by Daraan
- SpikySingle - Plant by Daraan
- PineSingle - Plant by Daraan
- PalmSingle - Plant by Daraan
- BushSingle - Plant by Daraan
- BambooSingle & C, D - Plants by Daraan
- DWeed2 & 4 - Plant by Daraan
- BushD1 - Plant by Daraan
- tw_torch - Twisted Torch by Jason Otto
- dirtpile - Pile of Dirt made by the author (stock textures)
- beanstalk - Beanstalk made by the author (textures from
- mask - Mask by TDBonko
- ringnew3 - Ring by Eshaktaar
- magmis2 - Green Magic Missile made by the author (adjusted stock textures)
- bigchand - Chandelier made by the author
- banqtableRS - Banquet Table by R Soul
- rustswd - Rusty Sword by me (modified stock with textures from
- newped2 - Pedestal by Eshaktaar
- urns3 - Urn by Eshaktaar
- spikesN - Spikes made by the author (stock textures)
- ward - Ward object from Thief Gold
- woodplat & variants - Wooden platforms made by the author (textures from stock +
- stlant3 - Stone Lantern made by the author (textures from
- fchain - Big chain by Eshaktaar
- golem & parts - Golem made by the author (textures from stock +
- rune1 - Rune made by the author
- scrollspell & scrollbk - scroll variants made by the author (stock textures)
- atronach - Frost Atronach by tdbonko (textures modified by me)
- mummy1 - Mummy by Eshaktaar (textures modified by me)
- L_ABC etc. - Library Glowing Letters made by the author
- eyekey - Eye-watering key made by the author (stock textures)
- golscrol - Golem Scroll made by the author (from stock book textures and a drawing
by Giacomo Andrea)
- Serpentstaff - Serpent Staff (including SSPole & SSTop) made by the author (textures
from and stock textures)
- viseempty - Vise (including visestaff & visestaffglue) made by the author (adjusted
stock textures)
- BNoblW01, 2 & 3 - Noblewomen by Purgator (skins modified by me using images from
- splashing - Splashing sound effect by lostphonene (
- zaploop - Thief Gold sound
- WARBLE1, 2 & 3 - Thief Gold sounds
- Abyss2 - Thief Gold sound
- choirlo - Thief Gold sound
- PITCH1, 2, 3 - Thief Gold sounds
- plantgrow2 - Plant sound effects made by MaxDemianAGL & ArcLegend05 (
- ElemFire - fire elemental sound effects from Thief Gold
- Horn & 2, 3 - horn sound effects by kirmm (
- Icebeast sounds - made from stock with additional sound by prodmultimediashqi (
• Uploaded 17.07.2020
• Size 76.85 Mb