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The Sunken Library :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Sunken Library

======================================================================================================== Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age Title : The Sunken Library Author : Angder Release Date : 19.03.2023 Updated : 21.03.2023 Version : 1.1 ======================================================================================================== * Briefing * The library in the ruins of Darkglow has been untouched for centuries. It's sat in the middle of a city teeming with undead, with no possible way in. Its knowledge and secrets hidden forever within its magically sealed halls. Until a week ago, that is. Apparently, some kind of tidal wave hit Darkglow, flowing over the ruin and smashing its magical wards to dust. For the first time in many hundreds of years, the library is open again. Or, at least, open enough for my purposes. My main target is "The Book of Untold Stories", some kind of anthology that apparently has some pretty sizable enchantments on it. My client is certain it will be on the top floor, assuming it's still intact, locked away with a collection of other magical texts. With the place open, there is no sense in waiting. The longer I delay the more time the local government, the Dominion, has to organise itself. Their bureaucracy is slow, but I really don't want to be here when the hammer finally falls, and there won't be much left once they are done. ======================================================================================================== * Beta Testers * - Myles (aka lordhern) - Mat99 - Pete (aka RippedPhreak) ======================================================================================================== Special thanks to: The Thief community at large for keeping the game alive, over 20 years after it's release. ======================================================================================================== * Assets * - Alun Bestor (www.washboardabs.net/thief/), who made the map templates used for this missions. - AWang for the werewolf model used within the mission. - Dragon related models taken from the FM Dracula (by Sensut). - The Kagathon banner, and serpent book texture, and the aged book texture, were produced by me (Angder) You are welcome to steal them and use them as you see fit. ======================================================================================================== While the game belongs to Eidos, and looking glass studios. All characters, names, and fictional events that are not referenced in the original thief games are strictly the Copyright of Mark Vialls. Who goes by the name "Angder" online. ========================================================================================================

• Uploaded 21.03.2023
• Size 14.86 Mb
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