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Elizabeth Bathory-Chapter III :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Elizabeth Bathory-Chapter III

Bathory Created by Csaba Szabo @ SENSUT ******************************** Chapter III: On All Souls’ Day (with intro) **************************************************** Contact Info : csabisensut@yahoo.com Homepage : www.poienari.extra.hu Date of Release : 29 Aug, 2008. Playing Information: Game : Thief II - The Metal Age 1.18 Mission Title: Bathory - Chapter III: On All Souls’ Day File Name: bathory_part3_briefv1.0.zip File info: miss23; s_bathory3.gam Difficulty Settings: NO Equipment Store: NO Map: YES Auto Map: NO New Graphics : YES New Sounds : YES EAX : NO FOG : NO Multi-Language Support : NO Briefing : YES Note: In this mission you are Elizabeth and so you do not have the fighting skills that Gellert possesses, but she has a strong and precise crossbow with linearly flying broadhead arrows! Requirements : - Thief II - The Metal Age 1.18; - DARKLOADER 4.3 or GARRETTLOADER 1.4 or above; - A T2 compatible computer, at what stronger at it better; - Microsoft Windows XP SP3 recommended! With Windows Vista not tested! This mission is compatible with all latest Thief II patches (NV’s EP, COK’s Sound Pack and the DDFX patch). I highly recommend the usage of these patches! The exact size of this archive is 115 MB (120 691 696 bytes). This mission uses custom scripts by: - Nameless Voice (NVScript v1.1.0) - Telliamed (tnhScript 1.5.2) - VKGaylesaver (script 1.2.0) * T2 Gen (version 27 March, 2000.) * For manual installation of these modules are details in „Install_scripts” in the mission zip. Construction: Base : ?achtice; Editor : Rob Hicks’ Dromed Deluxe 1.0 (DeDx) updated with DromEdToolkit 1.0 by Nameless Voice; Build Time : 9 months. ****************************************************************** Many thanks for the objects by: Targa: - crystals, cryball, cross monument, heartbox, new guy skin, new pew, bath tube, arbor, windmill, smoking pipe; Greenhorn: - knife weapon, arrows, crossbow, lockpick, axe; Sluggs: – carts, windvane, chains, trof, compass, trough, 2in1 potted plants, vase with flower, drape 5x5, wreath, stained glass,”ploughman’s” sign, woodden tower, floating crate, plinth, woodden beam, garden table, swinging sign; Schwaa: –dragon statue, new torch, decorative shield, improved keys, double candle, coatrack; R Soul: - new painting models, wall candle, reskinable chimney, reskinable sarcofag, covered table; Nameless Voice: - lit candles, lit chandelier, gold inkwell, new rope, volumetric fog; TDBonko: - Vaelen sword, female statue, holy statue; Christine: - parfums, flasks; The Watcher: - new torch; Nielsen74: - wood burning stove, canon + load stick, pike, helbard, thief bag, cage, mirror table, vic bookcase, sope, chisel screw, crank, drillset, carpenter hammer, winserchair; Ar-Zimrathon: - handtuchhalter; Hrothgar: - rich bed, besen, shield, sled; Raetsel: - arch metal window; Gort: - new window; Dark Arrow: - 4 x candle chandelier; Syi: - covered tables; Alun Bestor: - new water ripple, cobwebs; Timon: - mech banners; Jason Otto: - log, hcbed, red drape, metal window, rug; Eshaktaar: - organ; Ugly Ed: - kleider, bed; Yandros: - reskinable bookcases; Ottoj55: - new pagan torch TDS, woodden torch TDS; Vigil: - openbook, cobwebs; Flecha das Sombras: - armor set; (?) Unknown Author: - big 3x candelabrum, Extra thanks to: - Nameless Voice and the Authors of Thief Enhancemet Pack 1; - The Authors for Dromed Deluxe. NOTE: I’ve reskinned some custom objects only for self usage, to reduce the palette counts and the size of the archive, especially for the upcoming campaign. ****************************************************************** Textures by : - Vigil and Purah; - Thief Gotcha (a rock and a roof texture from the improved T2 texture pack); - David Gurrea - http://www.davegh.com/blade/davegh.htm (converted by me); - Dark Fate site by Clearing - http://darkfate.ru/?show=files/editors/dromed/textures/textures (converted by me); - CG Textures http://www.cgtextures.com (converted by me); - Quake III and other fan projects for the mighty iD Software’s game series (converted by me); - Remedy Entertainment; Programs used: - Corel PaintShop Pro X; - Sony Sound Forge 7; - Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6; - Klconv by György K?szeg. Historical resources: „The Bad-famed Bathorys” book (in Hungarian) by Laszlo Nagy. Menu designs by Annika Von Holdt - http://www.annikavonholdt.com ****************************************************************** Special thanks for the help to: - Nightwalker and Bernie (text edition, beta test); - Gloria Creep (beta test); - Pavlovscat (beta test); - Hotlyx (beta test); - Philflound (beta test); - Lightningline (beta test); - SneakyJack (beta test); ****************************************************************** Ambients: ARCTURUS – „Ad Astra” (La Masquerade Infernale) – willage; KOLTAY – „The Conquest” (movie themes) – mountains and castle general; THORNS – „The Discipline of Earth” (Thorns vs. Emperor) – Darkthrone; APOCALYPTICA – „Epilogue - Relief” (Reflections) – intro movie. ******************************************************************* - Dedicated to the loving memory of ACE THOMAS "QUORTHON" FORSBERG (1966 – 2004). ************************************************************* -- TO BE CONTINUED -- ************************************************************* This FM is © by Sensut. Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive. **************************************************************************************

• Uploaded 28.08.2008
• Size 114.85 Mb
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