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Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

v1.0 - 6th February 2017


For German, scroll down.

If you know what you're doing, just install this mission using Darkloader or FMSel.


If you're not sure where to begin, refer to the full installation instructions found in the separate Install.doc file.


Game : Thief II: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Behind Closed Doors
File Name : miss17.mis, wizard.gam
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes - German. Other translations welcome - just PM me on TTLG.
Briefing : No
Length : N/A
Size : N/A
Installation : Refer to separate Install.doc for full instructions.
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert - Extra Objectives on higher difficulty levels

* Construction *

Base : Built from scratch.
Build Time : Somewhere over 500 hours.


"Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops."
- Luke 12:3

The district of Highmarket has always seemed like a good place for a man like me to fill his purse - lots of rich people with sordid secrets. I've never had a good enough reason to risk it before, but last night, I overheard a conversation while drinking in my local inn - it seems the Hammerites have been boasting about the discovery of the Urn of St Tannis, a valuable ancient artifact, during the excavation of a ruined abbey outside the City. It's currently being displayed in the Church of the Builder's Grace, and should make a lucrative target.

I went to visit my fence, Grim, to ask him whether he could deal with such a prize, but the man was preoccupied with terror - it seems the infamous prosecutor, Lurinz Gastrule, is building a case against him. Gastrule is one of those dangerous hypocrites, always making shady deals with contacts in the underworld, then turning against them whenever it suits him to line his own pockets. Grim is a reliable fence, so if I want him to take the Urn, I'll need to see if I can interrupt Gastrule's plans.

As if that wasn't already reason enough to visit Highmarket, I've also got word that the fabled Codex of Alavash has turned up in the district. The Keepers have been after it for years. If I'm to track it down, I'll need information, so I've arranged to meet an old contact of mine, a jittery, nervous small-time thief by the name of Letchie, to find out more.

This won't be an easy night. I spent a couple of days preparing and buying equipment, only to find out that the Watch have established a curfew due to a couple of murders and a rash of mysterious disappearances in the district. It means I'll have to sneak into Highmarket before sundown - not ideal, but I've dealt with worse conditions.


* This mission requires the New Dark patch. The latest version at the time of writing is v1.24. This can be downloaded from here: If you do not have the latest version, the game will crash as soon as you try and boot it.
* There are some hi-poly, long sightline areas in this level. As such, you may experience framerate drops on low-end PCs. A modern PC with a decent graphics card should have no issues.
* Please ensure you have new_mantle enabled in cam_ext.cfg, otherwise you won't be able to climb in certain places, and you may get stuck.
* This mission makes full use of EAX (Environmental Audio Extension). If you are unable to activate EAX in the Options menu (i.e. your soundcard doesn't support it), you can install OpenAL from here: then ensure Hardware Acceleration is set to OpenAL, then set EAX to On. If you click Speaker Test, you should hear the difference ? the test sounds will be echoey.
* The mission uses fog - please ensure Weather & Fog settings are turned on in the options.


* AI bumps - the AI have slightly better body awareness than default Thief, and will notice you if you bump into them.
* Because of the time of day of the mission, "darkness" is not completely dark while outside. Your Light Gem and the AI awareness of you will be affected by this. Dark areas in interiors will allow you to become fully hidden.
* There are new footstep sounds for tiled roofs and chains/wire fences. The roof tile material has similar alertness values to stone or wood - i.e. if you walk on it, you won't automatically alert people, but if you jump, you probably will. The chain material has low noise/alertness values.
* You can climb drainpipes.


* Due to the size of the mission, there may be the occasional AI pathfinding issue. I've tried to catch them all, but it's like playing Whack-a-mole.


Special thanks:

Many thanks to my Beta testers for being so tirelessly thorough and helping get this thing into the best possible shape:
Gloria Creep
Peter Smith

* Zappenduster for the German translation.

* Dussander and Tannar for the testing forum
* Looking Glass for Thief
* Everyone in the TTLG Editor's Guild who helped with technical troubleshooting and suchlike - especially Nameless Voice and Yandros who helped me get the smoking/sheathed-sword guards working.
* You, for playing!

Custom scripts:

Nameless Voice

Texture families:

BCarpet -,
BMarble -
BMisc -
BRoof -
BStDetails -
BStone -
Bwood -
DGuerra - David Guerra
dungeon1 - David Guerra
NMisc -
NPlant -
NStone -
winRS - R Soul
winRS2 - R Soul (some from
Zwindows - Zappenduster, converted from images
ZDoors - Zappenduster, converted from images
ZBorders - Zappenduster
New water - vurt


pfire - Eshaktaar
spk - R Soul
Coronas - Eshaktaar
Hammer book - Yandros
Distant City art from T2Skies by jermi


Wind Chimes - Patrick6410 (freesound)
Clarinets - amandajbono (freesound), alikirodgers (freesound)
Trumpets - sorohanro (freesound)
Organ - franq (freesound)
Dark ambient loop - Sephy
Roof footsteps - phil25 (freesound)
Bell - dsp9000 (freesound)
Smoking - viznoma (freesound)
Grave digging sounds - maxthrower (freesound)
Wire footsteps - RHumphries (freesound)
Throwing up - arnaump (freesound)
Voices - me


If an object is not mentioned below, it was probably made by me, with textures from or You are welcome to use any of my objects in your own missions, as long as you credit me and the above texture sites.

If you think I have used an object of yours and not credited you, please get in touch and I will update the readme.

New Wall Lanterns - DarkShadow
New Tables - Christine
New Hanging Lantern - R Soul
New Streetlamps - The Watcher
Hanging Lantern - Eshaktaar
Banners - Ottoj55
Bed - Christine
Red curtains - Christine
Dresser - Elvis
Wall Lantern - DarkShadow
Old Table - Ottoj55 - otable.bin
Wooden Rack - Soul Tear - ST_Rack.bin
Cabinets - Christine - csschr23.bin, csschr30b.bin
Tables - Christine - csstand4.bin, cstisch06.bin, cstischA4.bin, cstischE.bin
Display Cases - Christine - csschr24a.bin, csschr27.bin
Desks - Christine - cssek2.bin, csschreib02.bin
Cushions - Christine - cskissen1 - 7.bin
Chairs - Christine - csbstuhl1b.bin, csbstuhl2b.bin, csbstuhl4b.bin, csstuhl3c.bin
Footstools - csbank2.bin, csbank9a.bin
Couches - Christine - csbank05.bin, csbank09.bin
Armchairs - Christine - cssofaB1.bin
Cabinets - Christine - csntisch1.bin, csntisch2.bin, csntisch4.bin, csschr13.bin
Small table - Dark Shadow - tischmus.bin
Small red chair - Dark Shadow - redchair.bin
Shelves - R Soul - shelvesRS.bin
Filing Cabinet - R Soul - FCabinetRS.bin
Body on table - R Soul - bodytableRS.bin
Rugs - Christine - cstepp01 - 25.bin
Rolled-up rugs - Christine - teppich3.bin, teppich4.bin
Lamps - Team COSAS
Coal Grate - R Soul
Fireplace Tools - LarryG
Bedwarmer - LarryG
Barrels - Soul Tear - 3barrels.bin
Barrel - bochka.bin
Bookcases and Books - Pinkdot
Helmet - LarryG
Breastplate - TDBonko
Fancy Boxes - Christine
Locker - Schwaa
Chest - Schwaa
Cheap Boxes - R Soul
Skeleton - LarryG
Rat - LarryG
Rope - Ottoj55
Chains - Ottoj55
Vase with feathers - Christine
Small Pictures - Christine
Globe - Christine
Armillary Sphere - LarryG
Cobwebs - Paweuek
Windchime - Nameless Voice
Swordfish Trophy - LarryG
Ship in Case - DarkShadow
Inkwell - Nameless Voice
Easel - Eshaktaar
Oil Flask - Eshaktaar
Bellows - Eshaktaar
Mortar & Pestle - DarkShadow
Pulleys - Elvis
Chimney - Dale (textures from and Gecko's HDMod textures)
Rope Crate - Targa
Pansies - R Soul
Clock hands - Ottoj55
Chains - Dale
Sloped Ladder - Soul Tear
Brazier - R Soul
Doors - R Soul
Gate - OttoJ55
Pipe wall - R Soul
Bird Nest - me (
Canopy - Soul Tear
Ivy - Daraan
Grain Sacks - FireMage
Fruit Crates - DarkShadow
Dead leaves - me from Daraan's textures
Filing Cabinet - Jason Otto
Fir Trees - me
Tiffany Lamps - Saturnine, Zombeh, Digital Nightfall
Fountain - Daraan
Lily Pads - Jason Otto
Tool Boards - Jason Otto
Ceiling Lamp - LarryG
Mannequin - Saturnine
Sewing Machine - Elvis
Quill and Ink - LarryG
Wooden Bowls - Team COSAS
Iron Stove - Elvis
Bar - Soul Tear
Firewood - Elvis
Flasks and Crates of Flasks - Soul Tear
Herbs - Team COSAS
Glasses - Targa
Hanging Meat - Team COSAS
Watch Banners - OttoJ55
Hanging Banner - R Soul
Electric Sign - OttoJ55
Bulletin Boards - OttoJ55
Trophies - Elvis
Stone Pillar - Dale
New Paintings - T2X team
Wooden Benches - T2X team
Railing - Elvis & Soul Tear
Buildings - OttoJ55
Orange Light - Sluggs
Surgical Knives - Dhin
Chain - OttoJ55
Hammer Door - Yandros
Improved Transformer Textures - Ottoj55
Hammer Banners - Yandros
Gold Statue - LarryG
Various food - LarryG
Various food - Nameless Voice
Lantern - Eshaktaar
Column - Daraan
Water Effects - Sliptip
Carts - Daraan
Gemstones - Team COSAS
Twisty Pipes - R Soul
Fluorescent Light - Sluggs
New Bones - LarryG
Gold Urn - LarryG
Mummy - Eshaktaar
AI Skins - Purgator
Locker - Nameless Voice
Gas Lamp - The Watcher
Keys - Team COSAS
Hi-res UI Elements - Team COSAS
Bottles - Christine
Letter - Dale
Various Loot - Team COSAS
Grave dirt setup - Nameless Voice
Coffin - Nameless Voice


This level is (c)2017 Nick Dablin.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


Hinter verschlossenen T?ren v1.0


... mit Darkloader oder FMSel.


Weitergehende Informationen in der separaten Datei Install.doc.


Spiel : Thief II: Das Metallzeitalter
Missionstitel : Hinter verschlossenen T?ren
Dateien : miss17.mis, wizard.gam
Schwierigkeitsgrade : Ja
Ausr?stungsladen : Nein
Karten : Ja
Autom. Karte : Nein
Neue Grafiken : Ja
Neue Ger?usche : Ja
Mehrsprachig : Ja (Englisch und Deutsch)
Installation : Siehe Install.doc
Schwierigkeitsgrade : Normal, Hart, Experte - Extra Missionsziele je Grad

* Konstruktion *

Ursprung : von Null an
Bauzeit : ?ber 500 Stunden


"Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops."
- Luke 12:3

Der Bezirk Highmarket war immer f?r einen Zusatzverdienst wie geschaffen - massig Reiche mit geheimen Verstecken.
Bisher ging ich das Risiko dort nie ein, aber gestern Abend h?rte ich ein Gespr?ch in der Kneipe mit.
Offenbar prahlen die Hammeriten mit dem Fund der Urne von St Tannis, einem wertvollen Kleinod, das bei einer Ausgrabung zutage trat.
Sie wird in der Kirche 'Erbauers Gnaden' ausgestellt und sollte ein lohnenswertes Ziel f?r mich sein.

Ich fragte meinen Hehler Grim, ob er damit etwas anfangen k?nne, doch der hatte andere Sorgen - anscheinend h?ngt ihm der Staatsanwalt Lurinz Gastrule auf der Pelle.
Gastrule ist einer jener gef?hrlichen Heuchler, die selbst dunklen Gesch?ften nachgehen, dann aber ihre Gesch?ftspartner ans Messer liefern, sobald sie Kasse gemacht haben.
Grim war stets ein verl??licher Hehler, also wenn ich ihm die Urne vermitteln will, mu? ich Gastrules Pl?ne vereiteln.

Als w?re das nicht Grund genug, Highmarket aufzusuchen schnappte ich noch ein Ger?cht vom ber?hmten Kodex von Alavash auf, der sich in besagtem Stadteil befinden soll.
Die H?ter jagen dem Buch schon seit Jahren hinterher.
Wenn ich den Kodex aufsp?ren soll, brauche ich Informationen dazu, also habe ich einen alten Freund daf?r eingespannt, einen kribbeligen kleinen Kerl namens Letchie.

Das wird wohl eine schwierige Nacht.
Ich hatte mich darauf bereits seit l?ngerem vorbereitet, doch nun fand ich heraus, da? die Stadtwache eine Ausgangssperre verh?ngt hat, da sich in dem Bezirk Morde und das Verschwinden von Menschen h?ufen.
Also betrete ich den Stadtteil schon vor Sonnenuntergang - eigentlich nicht mein bevorzugter Arbeitsstil aber ich hatte schon schlechtere Ausgangsbedingungen f?r Missionen wie diese.



* Die KIs haben ein deutlich besseres 'Gef?hl', das merkt man, wenn man ihnen zu nahe kommt.
* Wegen der Abendstunde ist es auch nicht v?llig dunkel drau?en. Der Lichtstein und die Aufmerksamkeit der Gegner sind entsprechend.
In Innenr?umen kann man sich aber vollst?ndig in dunklen Ecken verbergen..
* Es gibt neue Schrittger?usche f?r D?cher und Ketten/Gitter. Das Ger?usch ist wie bei Stein oder Holz, man macht also nur auf sich aufmerksam wenn man springt.
* Man kann Dachrinnen erklettern.

* This mission requires the New Dark patch. The latest version at the time of writing is v1.24. This can be downloaded from here: If you do not have the latest version, the game will crash as soon as you try and boot it.
* There are some hi-poly, long sightline areas in this level. As such, you may experience framerate drops on low-end PCs. A modern PC with a decent graphics card should have no issues.
* Please ensure you have new_mantle enabled in cam_ext.cfg, otherwise you won't be able to climb in certain places, and you may get stuck.
* This mission makes full use of EAX (Environmental Audio Extension). If you are unable to activate EAX in the Options menu (i.e. your soundcard doesn't support it), you can install OpenAL from here: then ensure Hardware Acceleration is set to OpenAL, then set EAX to On. If you click Speaker Test, you should hear the difference ? the test sounds will be echoey.


* Due to the size of the mission, there may be the occasional AI pathfinding issue. I've tried to catch them all, but it's like playing Whack-a-mole.


DE-Version: Zappenduster

Special thanks:

Many thanks to my Beta testers for being so tirelessly thorough and helping get this thing into the best possible shape:
Gloria Creep
Peter Smith

* Dussander and Tannar for the testing forum
* Looking Glass for Thief
* Everyone in the TTLG Editor's Guild who helped with technical troubleshooting and suchlike - especially NamelessVoice and Yandros who helped me get the smoking/sheathed-sword guards working.
* You, for playing!

Custom scripts:


Texture families:

BCarpet -,
BMarble -
BMisc -
BRoof -
BStDetails -
BStone -
Bwood -
DGuerra - David Guerra
dungeon1 - David Guerra
NMisc -
NPlant -
NStone -
winRS - R Soul
winRS2 - R Soul (some from
Zwindows - Zappenduster, converted from images
ZDoors - Zappenduster, converted from images
ZBorders - Zappenduster
New water - vurt


pfire - Eshaktaar
spk - R Soul
Coronas - Eshaktaar
Hammer book - Yandros
Distant City art from T2Skies by jermi


Wind Chimes - Patrick6410 (freesound)
Clarinets - amandajbono (freesound), alikirodgers (freesound)
Trumpets - sorohanro (freesound)
Organ - franq (freesound)
Dark ambient loop - Sephy
Roof footsteps - phil25 (freesound)
Bell - dsp9000 (freesound)
Smoking - viznoma (freesound)
Grave digging sounds - maxthrower (freesound)
Wire footsteps - RHumphries (freesound)
Throwing up - arnaump (freesound)
Voices - me


If an object is not mentioned below, it was probably made by me, with textures from or You are welcome to use any of my objects in your own missions, as long as you credit me and the above texture sites.

If you think I have used an object of yours and not credited you, please get in touch and I will update the readme.

New Wall Lanterns - DarkShadow
New Tables - Christine
New Hanging Lantern - R Soul
New Streetlamps - The Watcher
Hanging Lantern - Eshaktaar
Banners - Ottoj55
Bed - Christine
Red curtains - Christine
Dresser - Elvis
Wall Lantern - DarkShadow
Old Table - Ottoj55 - otable.bin
Wooden Rack - Soul Tear - ST_Rack.bin
Cabinets - Christine - csschr23.bin, csschr30b.bin
Tables - Christine - csstand4.bin, cstisch06.bin, cstischA4.bin, cstischE.bin
Display Cases - Christine - csschr24a.bin, csschr27.bin
Desks - Christine - cssek2.bin, csschreib02.bin
Cushions - Christine - cskissen1 - 7.bin
Chairs - Christine - csbstuhl1b.bin, csbstuhl2b.bin, csbstuhl4b.bin, csstuhl3c.bin
Footstools - csbank2.bin, csbank9a.bin
Couches - Christine - csbank05.bin, csbank09.bin
Armchairs - Christine - cssofaB1.bin
Cabinets - Christine - csntisch1.bin, csntisch2.bin, csntisch4.bin, csschr13.bin
Small table - Dark Shadow - tischmus.bin
Small red chair - Dark Shadow - redchair.bin
Shelves - R Soul - shelvesRS.bin
Filing Cabinet - R Soul - FCabinetRS.bin
Body on table - R Soul - bodytableRS.bin
Rugs - Christine - cstepp01 - 25.bin
Rolled-up rugs - Christine - teppich3.bin, teppich4.bin
Lamps - Team COSAS
Coal Grate - R Soul
Fireplace Tools - LarryG
Bedwarmer - LarryG
Barrels - Soul Tear - 3barrels.bin
Barrel - bochka.bin
Bookcases and Books - Pinkdot
Helmet - LarryG
Breastplate - TDBonko
Fancy Boxes - Christine
Locker - Schwaa
Chest - Schwaa
Cheap Boxes - R Soul
Skeleton - LarryG
Rat - LarryG
Rope - Ottoj55
Chains - Ottoj55
Vase with feathers - Christine
Small Pictures - Christine
Globe - Christine
Armillary Sphere - LarryG
Cobwebs - Paweuek
Windchime - NamelessVoice
Swordfish Trophy - LarryG
Ship in Case - DarkShadow
Inkwell - NamelessVoice
Easel - Eshaktaar
Oil Flask - Eshaktaar
Bellows - Eshaktaar
Mortar & Pestle - DarkShadow
Pulleys - Elvis
Chimney - Dale (textures from and Gecko's HDMod textures)
Rope Crate - Targa
Pansies - R Soul
Clock hands - Ottoj55
Chains - Dale
Sloped Ladder - Soul Tear
Brazier - R Soul
Doors - R Soul
Gate - OttoJ55
Pipe wall - R Soul
Bird Nest - me (
Canopy - Soul Tear
Ivy - Daraan
Grain Sacks - FireMage
Fruit Crates - DarkShadow
Dead leaves - me from Daraan's textures
Filing Cabinet - Jason Otto
Fir Trees - me
Tiffany Lamps - Saturnine, Zombeh, Digital Nightfall
Fountain - Daraan
Lily Pads - Jason Otto
Tool Boards - Jason Otto
Ceiling Lamp - LarryG
Mannequin - Saturnine
Sewing Machine - Elvis
Quill and Ink - LarryG
Wooden Bowls - Team COSAS
Iron Stove - Elvis
Bar - Soul Tear
Firewood - Elvis
Flasks and Crates of Flasks - Soul Tear
Herbs - Team COSAS
Glasses - Targa
Hanging Meat - Team COSAS
Watch Banners - OttoJ55
Hanging Banner - R Soul
Electric Sign - OttoJ55
Bulletin Boards - OttoJ55
Trophies - Elvis
Stone Pillar - Dale
New Paintings - T2X team
Wooden Benches - T2X team
Railing - Elvis & Soul Tear
Buildings - OttoJ55
Orange Light - Sluggs
Surgical Knives - Dhin
Chain - OttoJ55
Hammer Door - Yandros
Improved Transformer Textures - Ottoj55
Hammer Banners - Yandros
Gold Statue - LarryG
Various food - LarryG
Various food - NamelessVoice
Lantern - Eshaktaar
Column - Daraan
Water Effects - Sliptip
Carts - Daraan
Gemstones - Team COSAS
Twisty Pipes - R Soul
Fluorescent Light - Sluggs
New Bones - LarryG
Gold Urn - LarryG
Mummy - Eshaktaar
AI Skins - Purgator
Locker - NamelessVoice
Gas Lamp - The Watcher
Keys - Team COSAS
Hi-res UI Elements - Team COSAS
Bottles - Christine
Letter - Dale
Various Loot - Team COSAS
Grave dirt setup - NamelessVoice
Coffin - NamelessVoice


Urheberrechtlich 2017 gesch?tzt von Nick Dablin.

Diese FM darf unentgeltlich gespielt und weitergegeben werden, sofern sie unver?ndert bleibt.
Sie darf nicht ohne Genehmigung des Autors in anderen Maps eingebunden werden.

Diese FM wurde nicht von Looking Glass Studios oder Eidos Interactive hergestellt und wird auch nicht von diesen unterst?tzt.

• Uploaded 06.02.2017 • Size 266.47 Mb
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