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The Burrick's Head Inn

Title : The Burrick's Head Inn (Contest 4)
Filename : BHInn.zip
Author : Yandros
Contact info :
Date of release : January 25th, 2003
Version : 1.0


As usual, the rent is due... but this time I also owe a few shopkeepers
for some equipment I had to buy on credit, so I'd better go for a bigger
haul than usual. There's a rustic little inn I've hit a couple of times
before called The Burrick's Head. The decor is upscale, so there should
be plenty of trinkets and valuables lying about... not to mention what
the guests bring with them, which should be significant since the inn
caters to the nobility.

As an added bonus, the papers the other day mentioned a noble lady
staying there who had just inherited a fortune. Seems the estate
includes a gigantic sapphire called The Angel's Tear. I'm sure it's
safely tucked away somewhere, but if the opportunity presents itself,
I'll have to go for it. According to the news story it's insured for
50,000 crowns, so it would mean I could take a few years off thieving
and actually enjoy life for a while. That is, if Cutty can find a
buyer for such a well-known valuable. But then, that's never been much
of a problem for him before...

Play Information:

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : The Burrick's Head Inn
File name : miss26.mis, bhi.gam
Difficulty Settings : Easy, Normal, Hard
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : No/No (just a blank to prevent crashes)
New graphics : Yes (some from DEDx + 1 custom skin)
New sounds : Yes, alot of custom ambients and music
New conversations : No
New models : Yes (from DEDx)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : You're reading it!


1. Find at least 3000/3500/4000 loot.
2. Find and steal The Angel's Tear. (Normal/Hard only)
3. Don't kill anyone. (Hard only)
4. Get out via the sewers.


Base : Scratch
Build Time : Many long hours
Map Size : 25 x 50 x 100

Loading Information:

Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file,
but put the whole "BHInn.zip" file into whatever folder/directory you
want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this
folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader
main screen.

Known Problems:

For some reason, attaching to the rope can be tricky. I have had the
best success by looking up and holding the up button (to start climbing)
while jumping onto it. I guess if you have your setting to attach
by walking instead of jumping you might not have this problem.

I highly recommend NOT jumping off the rope onto the lower penthouse
balcony. I've taken measures to try to prevent it from being possible,
but if you manage to make it there you'll probably be stuck since the
door doesn't open and you can't jump over the railing once you're on
the balcony.

Music Credits:

Environmental ambients:
Giles Reaves - Sowelu (Wholeness) (most of the mission)
Steve Roach - Deadwood (basement), Altus (penthouse)

Victrola music:
The Pogues - Sit Down By The Fire (basement quarters)
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons: Summer I, Winter I (lobby)
Corelli - Christmas Concerto I (lobby)
Beethoven (trans. Stokowski) - Moonlight Sonata I (Room 2)
Patrick O'Hearn - Trust (Room 3)
Mozart - Requiem: Lacrymosa (Room 4)
Giles Reaves - Veil Of Tears (Room 5)
Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite, II: The Death Of Ase (Penthouse)

Incidental music:
Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke - Sacrifice (penthouse)

DEDx Credits:

Thank you Rob Hicks for collecting and releasing it!

Dhin - BricksX, BrownBricksX, ChapelX, FloorDesignsX, GreyBricksX,
GreyStoneX, HallsX
Rob Hicks - MasonryX, WoodX
SS2 - HiTechX
T1G - NewMageX

Daemonite - FemServ5X, ThiefUnarmed2X
Ernie - WallLamp2X
Nameless Voice - SausagesX, CabbageX, ClawTableX, LightOrbX,
WallLamp3X, ScissorsX, HanoiTowersX, LocketX, RoundCheeseX
Rob Hicks - BarkeepX, ShieldBaffordX, BeerMugX
Schwaa - TrashCanOpenX, SinkX, ShieldBaffordX, BlueGemX
T1G - SecretDoor3.5x7X, SunButtonX
T2 - MoselyX, CashBoxX
Von Eins - Globe1X, Railing6X, RailPostX, CorkedFlaskX


Designer's Note (READ: Minor Spoiler)

The final battle's (you'll know it when you get there) combatants
have been tweaked so that they each have as close to a 50/50 chance
of winning the fight as possible. This is my attempt at adding a
small degree of randomness to the mission as well as enhance the
replayability a little bit. I don't know if the battle's outcome
will really affect how you finish playing out the mission, but at
least maybe it makes it a little more interesting.

Copyright Information

This level is ©2003 by Yandros.

This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass
Studios or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 25.01.2003
• Size 10.61 Mb
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