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Dreamlord Mission 1: Time is Gold


Title : Dreamlord, Mission 1: Time is Gold
Filename :
Author : Diego San (Zoro)
Contact info : N/A
Homepage : Ehm... No.
Date of Release : September, 2016
Version : 1.0


The story takes place a short while before The Metal Age...

I received a message today. Someone wants to meet me to make a special request. He, or she, offered me a decent reward which I couldn't refuse. So, I came to the meeting point tonight and a strange, purple-cloaked figure with a mask approached me...

Victor: Are you Garrett?
Garrett: So you're the one who wanted to see me? Let's get straight to business - what do you need?
V: Hehe, as you wish. I hoped to have a little chat with you first but you don't really like talking, do you?
G: Enough. What do you need?
V: I need you to return something that belonged to me - my family pocket watch which was stolen by a former colleague.
V: When I was a member of the Overwatch of Time - an order of scientists and engineers, I was framed by a man named Jerricko. He's also the one who stole my pocket watch.
V: The villain has his own motives. I don't actually know what he was thinking about when he dropped me into that conflict with the brethren. But Father Bishop, the leader and founder of our... that order believed his romantic fairytale of my irresponsibility, and I was removed.
V: Having lost my reputation, I didn't want to see any of my former brothers... or sisters. But still... Jerricko has taken the artifact. I would've asked someone to kill him to take my revenge, but... it won't make anything better.
V: Now I want only one thing, the return of my family treasure - the pocket watch.
V: If you're willing to help me, I'll tell you more details about the artifact and where to find it. Don't worry, Mister Garrett, I'll pay well for your work. And to prove it, I'd like to pay you part of your reward right now.
G: So this little watch is that valuable to you? You could've asked someone else to do this job.
V: You're a master thief, Mister Garrett. I wouldn't trust this job to anyone else, as Jerricko's estate is well protected by the knights of the Overwatch of Time.
G: I see... Alright, I'll do the job for you.
V: Very good, Mister Garrett, very good! Listen carefully now, as I won't repeat it. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about the mansion.

He handed me a map showing where I can find the artifact he wanted to claim, just to the east of The City, surrounded by the mountains and woods. He then told me to meet him underground, in the Sunnyport Opera Theatre which was opened not long ago by a rich noble, Lord Barrymore, and built by some members of a new religious group called The Mechanists.
Hmm, lucky I know how to get to the mansion the short way. Looks like an easy task indeed... I hope.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : Time Is Gold
File Name : Miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map/Automap : Sort of/No
New Graphics : Yes
New Objects : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
EAX Support : Not sure
Multi-Language Support : Eh... No.

Briefing : Yes (b21.avi), created using Xvid Video Codec
Total length/Size : 00:03:38, 16,5 MB

Known bugs and notes : - A guard knight on the top level might stop during his patrol. Quickload should solve this problem.

- The end stats will show 4 pockets. There is NO pockets to pick (no keys on belts, no potions or etc)... The reason why
It shows 4 pockets is unknown to me and I have found no solution. If you know how to fix it, you can leave your word on the
thread at the TTLG forums.

* Construction *

Base : Dedx basemis (basically a scratch)
Map Size : Medium
Build Time : 2 years (Bless my laziness)


* Credits *

*Briefing video voiced by:
SlyFoxx as Garrett
bikerdude as Victor

Team CoSaS, Targa, Sluggs, Nameless Voice, Schwaa, Christine, GORT, Nielsen74, von.eins, Sensut, Alun Bestor (Vigil),
Purgator, elvis, Team T2X, Athalus, Jason Otto, Dale, Vladimiroquai, Eshaktaar.

*Textures:, Alun Bestor (Vigil /, Sensut, cardia1, C-BEAM, Purgator, Zoro (only few edits)

*Custom motion database:
GORT, from "The Rebellion of the Builder"

Nameless Voice, Telliamed

Custom sounds and some music from Ultima IX, Deus Ex.
Some custom sounds also goes from GORT's "The Rebellion of the Builder"
Music "I'm Immortal", metalp1 and metalp3, "Medieval Era" (dungeon vault song) are by Zoro, "Paranomia" by Art of Noise
Some sounds were made using original T2TMA resources.

Pink Mouse,

*Special thanks to:
Everyone else who helped me with this FM!

Hope I didn't forget anybody... If I did, well, PM me at the forums and let me know who I didn't mention.
Thank you!


* Loading Information *

FMSel ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install via FMSel.
Not tested with the Darkloader, but should work fine I hope... Use it on your own risk though.


* Copyright Information *

This mission copyright by Diego San aka (ST)Zoro

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.

• Uploaded 07.09.2016 • Size 104.77 Mb
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