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Zappenduster's two-part Thief2 fan mission
Released December 2021

Game: Thief 2 - The Metal Age (Version 1.18+)
Title: Strange Message / Double-crossed!
Filenames: miss27.mis, miss28.mis, miss28.gam
Scripts: convict.osm, gen.osm, miss16.osm, tnhScript.osm
Levels: Normal, Hard, Expert
Equipment store: Yes
Map: Yes
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
New objects: Yes
Multi language: DE, EN, FR, IT, RU
AVIs: -


I was about to go to sleep when I suddenly heard somebody knocking at my door, followed by the noise of running feet. Seems they left a letter under my door ...


Linear or not, it is recommended to fulfil the main task of the mission first. Some items and additional goals, which are essential to advance the story, will appear later ... it doesn't make sense to look for clues or loot before then.

The Expert level has additional requirements which are not visible at the beginning, and will appear in a later phase of the game. For those who don't like surprises, Normal or Hard might be the preferred choice.

The candle flames can be "blown out". Be careful, guards wearing helmets can't be knocked out (isn't that more realistic?). Remember the OMs, don't forget that vine arrows work not just on wooden surfaces, and never save during a conversation ...

I do not recommend the use of either texture mods or subtitles.


This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is for non-commercial use and the package is kept intact. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

Dedicated to the indefatigable administrators of,, and ...

Beta tester:

Bäuchlein, DarkThief, Intruder, PsymH, Samantha1

Proofreading FR/EN and Translation IT/RU:

urgrue (EN), Frère Staven (FR), Maga (IT), MoroseTroll (RU)

Thanks to the object creators ...

74Nielsen: Box, jug, column, vase
Amazing3D: Objects courtesy of
Alun David Bestor: Textures, cobwebs, from
Ar-Zimrathon: Towel rail
Borsaci08: Bathroom cabinets, basin, fountain, column, coffin, from
CoSaS Team: AIs, bureau, bar and casino equipment, from
Christine: Many objects!
DarkShadow: Breastplate, lamp, armchair, table
DarkThief: DE voice of the Chief of Police
Don Willadsen: Cape
Eshaktaar: AD lamp, oil lamp
Frère Staven: FR voice of the Chief of Police
Goldwell: EN voice of the Chief of Police
Gort: Ceiling lamp
GothicEditing: Wagon, from
Greenhorn: Lock picks, various plants, smock, lamp, loungers, pub sign
Hrothgar: Brushwood, oven
Jason Otto: Bottles, houses, ladders, cross members, switch boxes, tanks
Josef Kurz: Bench, ladder, chalice, pedestals, from
Jordan_Maf: Various machines
LarryG: Ratty SFX-ambients by Danke and Sushilbawa
Master_Edd: Book, fountain pen, lion's head
Miakhano: Karras picture
NamelessVoice: Bookshelves, corner cupboard, bat, piano, scissors, clocks
Nivellen: Hammerite ghost texture
OpServer: Axe, bathtub, scales, from
Raetsel: Gothic windows
RSoul: Watering can, cart, shelf, coffin
Schwaa: Books, trophies, shields, chest, quill pen, wine barrel, from
Sims: furniture, boxes, cactus, from
Sluggs: Too many to list them all ... a huge pool of objects!
Syi: Skeleton on chair
Targa: Compass, park gate, glass dome, from
Telliamed: tnhScript
TheFree3DS: Lamps, Quita figurines, shelves, signposts
TheWatcher: Torch
Team2X: Beds
UglyEd: Shoes
VonEins: Anvil, bucket
WorldOfGothic: Bottles, stocks, chests of drawers, awnings, mushrooms, coffins, sales stands, workbench, cogwheel, fence, from
Yandros: Hammerite coins, valuables, from
Zontik: Garland

Programs used:

... whereby some objects were edited so that standard textures could be used: saves resources

I wanted to take the trouble to list the programs I worked with in connection with this FM series. Ugh, what a long list!

DromEd118: Na logo.
ThiefEdit: Very helpful when viewing / listening to RES files
ObjTree: For easier editing of the Gamesys. After saving, it is usually smaller than with DromEd
ObjList: Thorin-Oakenshield's object list - if searching the object hierarchy takes too long ...
ParchEd98: Tom N. Harris' efficient Book and Scroll Reader
Ulead PhotoImpact: Excellent processing of graphic files
IrfanView: Irfan Skiljan's program that can handle pretty much any graphic format
360g: Converts textures from the proprietary VTF format to popular image formats
DXTBmp: Converts textures from the proprietary DDS format to common image formats
Bright183: Erik de Neve's program that creates graphics families suitable for games in batches from BMPs
XVI32: Christian Maas' hex editor with which binary files can be changed
Anim8or: For creating / editing 3DS objects
3DS2BIN: Converts 3DS files into BIN format (from NamelessVoice)
ProgMesh: Parallelo's practical software reduces polys of 3DS models to the desired degree
View: Displays BIN files, with rotation and zoom functions
UVMapper: Stephen L. Cox 'program allows alternative overall texturing of an object
Sony SoundForge: Processing of sound files: recording, effects, conversion to IMA ADPCM 22.050 Hz; 4 bits; Mono
Audacity: Processing of sound files, especially noise reduction
Ulead Movie Factory: Surprisingly, also suitable for opening credits AVIs
Then there were Notepad, WinZip, WinRar, ...

• Uploaded 12.02.2022 • Size 88.86 Mb
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