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The Swindle Job :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Swindle Job

===The Swindle Job==

"I had been contacted by one of my old associates to look into a rather intriguing, though simple case. It was about a certain Merchant Ravensmill, who ran a dockside operation in a remote part of the City's coast. My associate noted something fishy going there lately, namely Ravensmill disappearing for days together only to return with very precious goods. He suspects that there's a smuggling operation going on and getting him off will get him a good pay, while ensuring his monopoly on the City's eastside docks. I'll be looking into what's going on, and hopefully there will be some extra cash to fill my pockets. Business has been a bit slow because of all the increased patrols, thanks to the Great Baronial War."


Author: Sevenrocks

Custom models: Yes

Custom textures: No

Briefing: No

Map: No

Filename: miss20

Custom interface: No


Team COSAS for the quiver, R Soul for the transparent windows.


This level can be freely distributed as long as the map is kept intact and credit is given. It was not made nor supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 14.12.2015
• Size 1.19 Mb
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