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City Conflict

12.8.2009 - 19.5.2010
Title : City Conflict
Filename :
Author : Silencium18
Contact Info :
Date of Release : 12.8.2009, 21.8.2009, 13.9.2009, 27.9.2009, 19.5.2010
Version : 1.0


Part 1:

Yesterday some hammers were visiting me and made me an offer. I could help them or getting thrown into prison. So guess what, I accepted their offer. They also said that they'll pay good if I manage to do the job.

They said that one of their brothers, called Manus, was ordered to break in the mechanists' embassy and steal some information about the wall, which the mechanists constructed to divide the city into two parts. The embassy has a basement and two floors with some offices and an archive. It's also heavily guarded. The hammers were worried about Manus not showing up for days. They fear that the mechanists caught him, and it's my job to help him escaping.

There's also an old archive down in the basement, but the hammers said that it's locked and the only person who has a key is one of their magicians. It seems that he's the head of the embassy. His office is located in the 2 floor, so I'll have to search there for the key.

Once I found Manus, I'll have to escape with him through the sewers, which is also the way I'll break into the embassy. I hope that he's still alive to tell his brothers about what he might discovered...

Part 2:

The hammers offered me another job. This time, I have to sneak into the other part of town. The town is seperated by a long, metal wall, which is strong and ,at the entry points, well protected. From my previous 'visit' at the local embassy, I know that there excists a hole in one of the buildings, which are connected with the wall.

Once I'm at the other part of town, I'll have to search for the abandoned church, which was bought by the mechanists some weeks ago.

Rumours say that they also have stored some information about their spies and sabouteurs deep in the cellars of the church.

I'll have to be quick and find those infos before the mechanists put them somewhere else...

Part 3:

Yesterday, on of my 'friends' informed me that the hammers are searching for me. Because of most of the hammerite spies being murdered, the hammers now think that I'm secretly working for the mechanists. So, after all the hard work I did for them, they now want me dead. Pfff...hammer freaks! It's not that I really care about their little conflict with the mechanists.

God news are that there's an new art collector in town. He's not one of those art fanatics who just buy anything they can get, hell no! This guy only seems interested in things which are...somekind creepy. The keepers want me to break into his mansion and steal one of his beloved stuff, a 'cursed' mask. Something tells me that this isn't going to be easy...I really hope that the hammerites are staying out of my way for this night.

Part 4:

Well, it turned out that there excists another mask, which also has mysterical power. The keepers say that it's important that they have both masks, because together the masks can somehow help ''us'' to solve this whole problem between the hammers and the mechanists. First, I wanted to refuse the job, but the keepers say that a rich lord stores the mask at his mansion. Maybe I'll be able to ''take'' some things for myself.

Part 5:

The only way to stop the conflict between the mechanists and the hammerites is to kill the leader of the mechanists. He's currently hiding in a big temple in the mechanists' part of the town, guarded by loyal knights and henchmen. You made it into this part of town once by complete luck, but this time the mechanists are prepared and so is their network of spies. Your cover would be blown within a second. Luckily, the keepers used the two mystical masks, that you stole for them, and created a time portal. With this portal you cannow go back in time and kill the mechanists' leader while they're weak and not as powerful as they are now in the present time.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : City Conflict: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
File Names : miss21.mis, miss22.mis, miss23.mis, miss24.mis, miss25.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Only Part 3
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
New Conversations : No
New Models : No
EAX Support : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Map Size : Small/Middle
Build Time : A total of about 3 months

* Loading Information *

Runs from FMSel, AngelLoader, or NewDarkLoader.

* Thanks To *

Everyone at and

* Copyright Information *

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


• Uploaded 06.11.2021 • Size 4.77 Mb
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