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Legacy of Knoss


A Thief 2 Fan Mission
by Nick Dablin (nicked)

Title : Legacy of Knoss
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info : nickdablin@gmail.com
Date of release : 12th November 2022
Version : 1.1

Breaking into the Catacombs of Knoss and escaping alive proved to be a challenging ordeal. Rarely
have I been more glad to see the sky than after emerging from those shadowy tunnels clutching the
ancient necromancer's tome of power. As soon as the rising sun fell upon the book, an unholy scream
emerged from the passage behind me, and the aura of fear surrounding the tome dissipated like early
morning mist. The lingering spirit of the necromancer was banished, and an air of peace fell over
the graveyard.

I knew the Keepers would be eager to secrete the grimoire away in one of their hidden libraries, but
I wasn't about to hand it over before finding out what I had braved the haunted depths to recover.

Most of the tome was filled with eldritch runes and hideous spellcraft, but here and there, Knoss
had filled the margins and loose leaves of the book with his notes and musings. Most of these were
esoteric references to mages long dead or battles long forgotten, but then I turned a page and my
eyes fell upon a scribbled drawing of a symbol that seemed strangely familiar, and a cryptic note
referring to a "sanctum 'neath Fellmont Crown".

I knew they would be watching, and it wasn't long before the Keepers arrived to claim the book.
They made good on their promise of gold, and I've no doubt my erstwhile companions have now hidden
the grimoire deep in some lightless, dusty vault.

But gold is a fleeting thing, and I can always use more of it. So before I handed over the book, I
made a careful copy of the page with the symbol. In the centuries since Knoss's time, his legend
has attracted various renegade hedge wizards and frustrated spellcrafters into a loose cult, and
such people would likely pay big money for any artefacts connected to the necromancer.

It took no small amount of digging through dusty old libraries and crumbling city records, but
eventually I learned that Fellmont Crown was the old name for a hill that, in times long past, rose
from the boggy fields at the outskirts of the City - until the City grew, and it was built over and
gradually lost beneath the district that later became known as Greytwist Murking.

Some nights later, I was in that very district, visiting Tybald's antiques shop in order to fence
the rest of the loot from the Catacombs. As soon as I walked in, I realised where I knew the strange
symbol from - it was carved into an old stone ward that the old man had had on his shelves for years.
Tybald knew little about it, only that it had been sold with a lot of other junk from a nearby theatre.
I left it with him to look into.

It's now three nights later, and Tybald's errand boy just came knocking on my door. He tells me Tybald
has news, and I'm to meet him at his shop...

Notes and Known Bugs

- This is a loose sequel to my Thief 20th Anniversary contest mission "Catacombs of Knoss". It is
not necessary to play that mission in order to understand this one.
- This mission has been designed to have a classic Thief look. It is highly recommended to disable
all mods and texture packs so as not to clash with the intended experience.
- Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
- New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set automatically by fm.cfg - don't turn it off as
you might get stuck.
- You can probably climb where you're not supposed to if you really try.
- Sometimes the AIs can get stuck here and there. I've caught a few of these, but it's Dark Engine,
you can't catch 'em all.
- There are a number of plot-related conversations in the mission. I have tried to make these as
foolproof as possible, but be warned that the Dark engine is not good at saving and loading during
conversations. I would advise that you avoid saving and loading during any conversations just in
case you soft-lock yourself.
- Plot-relevant conversations are subtitled. Enable subtitles in your cam_ext.cfg to see them.

Version 1.1 Changes:

- Fixed a bug where the "Don't kill anyone" objective could fail near the mission end.
- Fixed the placement of a piece of loot.
- Fixed a piece of loot that could never be frobbed, meaning the total loot count was wrong.

Play Information

File names : miss20.mis, city.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert - no content is locked out if you play on Normal so
don't feel like you have to play on Expert to see all the content.
Higher difficulties require more loot and have a few extra AI, otherwise
they are virtually identical.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes (see resource list below)
New sounds : Yes (see resource list below)
Subtitles : Yes for plot-relevant conversations
New models : Yes (see resource list below)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Not yet - please message me if you are interested in translating.
Briefing : No


Base : Scratch
Build Time : Approx 4-5 months


Voice Acting

Garrett - SlyFoxx
Tybald - Random Taffer
Carmella - Samantha1
Mage - me
Actor (Balthasar) & Director - McTaffer
Actor (Claudia) - redleaf

Beta Testers



Thanks to Telliamed and Nameless Voice for their custom scripts.


Many Thief Gold textures
nickcity folder - made by me from textures.com images, some by Dave Gurrea (davegh.com) + stock textures.
adb_* folders - made by Vigil
undule and und2 folder - made by Undule
Blank map backgrounds by Vigil


- Coiled rope - Team Rose Cottage
- Tree props - made by me (from stock resources)
- Texture Replaceable Door - Sluggs
- Chain - Jason Otto
- Modified Sofa/Bench - made by me (from stock resources)
- Tally decals - made by me
- Cobwebs - Vigil
- Replacable texture painting made by me (stock textures)
- Painting textures - various public domain artwork by artists including Raphael, Abraham Mignon, Giorgione, Lucas Cranach, Francois Boucher, Georges de La Tour
- Vases - Nameless Voice
- Skeletons - Team Calendra
- Crystal - Sliptip
- Lute - Schwaa
- Body parts - OttoJ55 (retextured by me)
- Lever - Eshaktaar
- Gemstones - Team T2X
- Hanging Basket - made by me (textures created by me from images from textures.com and FilterForge)
- Flowers - Team CoSaS
- Scepter - Team T2X
- Poster made with texture from the Enhancement Pack by Nameless Voice and public domain woodcut image (William Cheselden, 1733)
- Coffin - Team Rose Cottage (textures adjusted by me)
- Bar objects - Team COSAS
- Table - Team Rose Cottage
- Shrouded corpse - Team Rose Cottage (texture adjusted by me)
- Lilypads - OttoJ55
- AI skins - mostly stock customised by me. One based on a skin by Purgator. One from Korrigans by Gaetane.

Sound effects

- Some audio from Thief Gold
- Custom sounds from Freesound.org users (most edited by me):
Drips - Zwecker
Wails - Devilfish101
Sustains - Scale75
Boom Stings - ShelbyShark
Tinky bells - Iain McCurdy
Long Cave - Bevibeldesign & prim-ordial
More tinkly bells - Rach_Capache
Strings - Thirsk
Chain Footsteps - RHumphries
Drones - NachtmahrTV
- City tone sounds - sampled from music by Shadow Sneaker
- Pipe Footsteps - from T2X

• Uploaded 12.11.2022
• Size 110.83 Mb
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