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Lord Alexander's Mansion :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Lord Alexander's Mansion

7 August 2018
Author: BG Taffer (Svetlio)
Contact info: saturn@gbg.bg
Date of release: 7 august 2018
Version : 1.0

Story: Rumor has it that Lord Alexander owns a prized scepter that has been passed down through the generations. I have experience stealing scepters and this one is guaranteed to be more valuable than the one I got from Lord Bafford. It's a good enough reason to pay a visit to Lord Alexander's mansion. A trusted source told me that His Lordship is on holiday out of the city with his wife. Still, I don't expect to be a welcome guest on his property.

There's no doubt that the scepter is well protected, and I have yet to decide which strategy is best for this job. I'm not a fan of front doors, as they're always well-guarded, however this time it may be worth the risk if I'm able to sneak past the guards. I?ll be close to Alexander's bedroom, which is the perfect place to look for information on the scepter's whereabouts.

The mansion also has a side gate, which is usually protected by a single swordsman. If I decide to go that way, I'll have to find my way past the guards on the inside. Of course, there's also a third option. A careless servant could have left an open window and I won't forget to bring some rope arrows just in case.

Patience is not one on my virtues, so there's no point in waiting ? I?ll just head in and improvise. It's time to reinforce my reputation as a stealer of royal symbols. Who knows? I may be reborn as a noble in my next life.


Author's note: I really put my heart and soul into creating this FM. During the past few weeks I felt extremely nostalgic about my childhood, and this is how this mission was born: a mansion loosely inspired by a place I lived in when I was a child. It's weird looking and it's not an architectural marvel, so expect Mr. Cube to rule here :) But I hope you will enjoy my mission.


Credits and thanks:

Intro video has been created by Aemanyl (Karol Kolbusz), however, this is the No Briefing version and it's not available here. Download the regular version, if you want to play my mission with the briefing.
Editing and proofreading of the in-game texts has been conducted by Linda (Nightwalker).

This mission relies heavily on custom textures and objects, and hereby I give my credits and thanks to the following people: Vigil, Squadafroin, Nick Dablin (Nicked),
Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs), Pinkdot, Dale, RSoul, Eshaktaar, LarryG/Olga's Gallery/abcgallery.com, Schwaa, Christine, Von.Eins, as well as the T2X team and Team Rose Cottage.

More thanks to:
The website Thief Object Repository : http://spirited-tech.com/thief/ . It's a great place to find custom objects.
Nick Dablin's website: https://nickdablin.wordpress.com . I am thankful to the efforts Nick puts to maintain this website - it really helped me to learn some more things about DromEd.
Brethren's website: http://southquarter.com . Another great website with a lot of resources.
TTLG : http://www.ttlg.com. Okay, this one is obvious :)
Pedro Quintela - he has been an inspiration to me for quite some time, as being a productive author.

Alpha and beta testers: Aemanyl (Karol Kolbusz), john9818a (John Denison), bob_doe_nz, Gloria Creep

If I've missed somebody, feel free to contact me and I'll give credits to him.

Known issues:
-Sometimes the guards are unable to climb the stairs in the library
-You are unable to use your bow or a sword if you are located on the beds in the bedrooms

* Play Information *

Game: Thief2
Mission Title: Lord Alexander's Mansion
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: No
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base: From scratch
Map Size: Small (about 30 mins of playtime)
Build time: a month

* Loading instructions *

Leave the file zipped and use a FM loader. NewDarkLoader compatible.
The mission requires NewDark to play.


Copyright (C) 2018 by Svetoslav Alexandrov.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 06.08.2018
• Size 23.59 Mb
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