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Mission in Russian Language

(Summary of the original game. The details that are not necessary for understanding the plot of this campaign are omitted.)

In a medieval city-state headed by an unnamed Baron stands the headquarters of the ancient and secret Order of the Keepers, who study history and prophecy, and also follow the Balance - as they understand it, occasionally intervening in the course of history, slightly adjusting and directing.
In this same City (which has no other name), there is another ancient religious order - the Hammerites. This order sees its goal in the slow march of technological progress. Bound by numerous conventions, they can not and do not want to become more active. They are quite satisfied with the snail's tempo.
The City has long been in a state of sluggish war with one of the neighboring city-states called Blackbrook. The territory of the City is not affected by hostilities.
This is the background on which the events of the game begin to unfold.
One day, one of the Keepers, strolling through the streets of the City, caught a beggar boy who was trying to steal his purse by the hand. Impressed with his abilities, the Keeper offered the boy training in the order. He, after some thought, agreed.
The name of this boy was Garrett.
Years have passed. The pupil proved to be very capable, but capricious. After completing the course of study, he left the order because he was unable to follow blind obedience. The Keepers did not prevent him but continued to follow him secretly.
Garrett returned to his former profession - became a thief again. Not only a thief, but a master thief - a professional of the highest class. He used in practice the knowledge and skills he received from the Keepers, the most valuable of which was the ability to hide in the shadows.
Some time later, the Hammerite order split. A sect of fanatics separated from them and did not recognize any restrictions. They began a rapid development of technology and called themselves the Mechanists. They were headed by a certain Karras - a mediocre person, but extremely fanatical. In his fanaticism, he came up with the idea of completely exterminating the population of the City, replacing it with robots with artificial intelligence.
When the idea began to materialize, the Keepers considered it their duty to intervene. And they found nothing better than to call Garrett to help, turning the matter so that he felt a personal interest in the result.
They did not have to wait long for results; with the assistance of his old enemy turned ally - an ancient pagan witch named Viktoria - Garrett found a way to use Karras's weapon against him. Karras, in an attempt to destroy the population of the City destroyed himself, and the Mechanics, having lost their leader, completely lost their influence.
More years have passed. Garrett, still under the secret supervision of the Keepers, continued to rob mansions and cut purses. Meanwhile, in the Order of the Keepers, serious troubles began. Once again there was a need for Garrett's help. The ancient prophecy clearly indicated that in their midst, someone was a traitor following their own evil goals. The traitor was finally discovered - it was a woman, an old member of the Order of the Keepers. Discovering that her secret was revealed, the witch entered into an open final battle with Garrett.
In the course of this struggle, powerful ancient forces were awakened that even the Keepers could not control. As a result, the witch was defeated, but an unexpected side effect arose: magic disappeared from the world. The Keepers lost most of their power. And Garrett finally realized himself as part of something more... at least for a while.
A few days later some street girl tried to steal a purse from Garrett. Garrett intercepted her arm, not surprised so much by the fact that she tried to rob him (and almost successfully!), but to the fact that he was noticed...

This concludes the plot of three original games and author's conjectures begin.

• Uploaded 29.04.2019
• Size 1.95 Gb
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