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A Tough Night

Mission: A Tough Night, by author: Master of Dromed

Credits: A Great Thankyou to all of my great beta testers: my brothers Tumpi and Paul

This mission was made for Thief 2 The Metal Age Aniversary Contest but because it used
features from Dromed Deluxe (monsters, textures etc.) was not accepted to take part in
the contest.

Beta Testers: Tumpi, Paul
Contact info:
Version: 6.0
Date of release: June, 2020



The story takes place between TDP and Thief 2 The Metal Age. The City is still old and dark
in many areas still you can feel the air of the new metal age that is coming. Garrett takes
part in a conflict between the Baron and the Wardens. Just read Garrett's Journal in your
inventory at start. It contains all the story lines and all you need to know in order to
play this mission.


"After Constantine's death a period of peace has arrived. The City, while still old in many
areas, begun to feel the air of progress. There were even plans to take over sections of
the old quarter and get rid of the walking dead in there. The hammers and the new rising
order of the mechanists helped a lot in this. Karras, an old hammer priest who is now the
leader of the Order of the Mace, decreted that is his duty and the Builder's purpose to
clean the city of evil. Still, for now, all the efforts seem to fail and even if the number
of rising zombies has diminished, the source of the evil could not be erradicated. But the
number of expeditions in the area has increased and many people are starting to venture in
Behind the hammerite's patrols some bystanders could walk in there and begun to rebuilt some
streets and buildings. The religious fanaticism drove out almost all pagans from the city.
They seek shelter in the forests and in the wilds surrounding the walls of the city.
The hammerites, taking Constantine's end as an opportunity to erase all evil from the world,
had begun to extend the city and explore more of the surrounding wild areas.
This is a time of flourish and wealth for the nobility and the upper classes since the trade
appetite increase and many bussiness opportunities arise. The wardens also gained power - more
wealthy nobles means more profitable life for thieves. They begun to control more and more of
the city's bussinesses and more money means a larger force of though men.
After the last commisioner has been dismissed by the Baron, the police force was reorganized.
The Baron feeled like the wardens rising power threatened his own and planned to use the newly
formed police force, The City Watch, against them. All police has been placed under the
authority of a Sheriff and the oppression against the wardens has started. But there was a
hard opposition from the wardens and some sort of civil war spurted in the city, with the
wardens eagerly defending their quarters. They cut the access of police forces in some areas.
Especially warden Raputo, the most powerfull of them, has taken control of an entire quarter
and his forces now patrol the streets and bring their own order.
With the support of the mages Raputo repeled the Baron's forces and now is in full control of
that area. As time passes by, The Hand Brotherhood has established a permanent base in the
area and sent more and more forces in the City. With Raputo's help they begun to search for
artefacts, magic books and powerfull items related to the elements in order to increase their
power. Archemage Archeus - who is now kinda leading the Hand Brotherhood stopped the isolation
policy and begun to spread magic in the city. More and more mages were present in the city and
their popularity among common people increased. Some mages are even teaching spells and rituals
to people on the streets. In order to gain the simpathy of common folks, the Brotherhood opened
a casino and a tavern in Raputo's quarter. And even if this brought the attention of the
hammerites who saw this as a sign of corruption spreading among ordinary people, the mages
influence continue to rise. After the peace treaty with Blackbrook has been broken the Baron
stopped the fight against the wardens and concentrated all his efforts on the front.
This leaved Raputo in a position of power in the city and with plenty of time to prepare his
forces for future conflicts. His crime syindicate, with the support of Dorcas Goodfellow, a
Blackbrook agent, is now controlling all underground bussinesses and takes cut of every dirty
job in the city. The interest of Blackbrook leaders in an aliance with Raputo leaves the Baron
in somewhat of an weaker position. Still, there are other forces at work in the city.
The Keepers are messaging me about a noble, cousin of Whitssimon's familiy, which they called
Mr. Whitsimmon. The Whitsimmons are related to the Baron and seem to represent his interests.
In the Baron's absence the Whitsimmons are in fact the rulers of the city now. It seems Mr.
Whitsimmon has a very well paid job fitted for my talents. And because my new extravagant
lifestyle leaved me with almost no cash after the recent Lord Anders job, i have to carefully
consider the opportunity. My landlord is coming in three days and the rent for my big apartment
is huge. So.. i better meet this Whitsimmon at his house tomorrow and see what did he have to say.
I have to be carefull still, Lord Anders is a very influent person in town and after the breaking
at his residence in Northern Audale the police is looking for me on the streets."


* Play Information *

Game: Thief: The Metal Age
Mission Title: A Tough Night
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: map
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
New monsters: yes
EAX support: yes, still you may find some bugs
Multi language support: no

Briefing : no

Playing Styles: Normal, Hard, Expert

* Construction *

Base: Inspired from Assasins, The Haunted Cathedral, The Mage Towers,
Thieves Guild, Caverns, Ambush, Party, Kidnap etc.
Build Time: 4 months

Normal Thief 2 difficulty setting. Just play it!


You should read this section only if you are getting stuck and cannot progress anymore
in order to save a lot of time.

You can use the route marked with red on the Opera Quarter map to reach your house location.
But this is not the only route. Feel free to explore and chose the way you like. You can
turn off the lamp posts on the streets via control panels placed in towers, on the walls
or on the streets. This will make your life easier when you return with Raputo to Whittsimmon's

Mr Orwell objective - You can find the mask in a locked chest in a red brick building in the
Opera Quarter near Garret's House main gate. The location is marked on the map of the Opera

Garrett's House - this yellow brick house has 3 entrances - the main gate and 2 doors. The
guards inside are friendly to Garrett so you do not need to harm them. This house has a yard,
a garden, and 2 floors: ground floor and first floor. At the ground floor you can find the
landlord room and a hammerite room. At the first floor is Garrett's appartment(living room,
equipment room, bedroom and balcony), lady Constanza's appartment with 2 small rooms, a library
- with a few rooms, a small training room and a toilet. Inside are patrolling two servants -
Garrett's servants. Go to your equipment room and take the Market Quarter key and you supplies.
Then head to the market. Use the key to open the locked gate to Market Quarter.

Getting into Thieves' Lair - from the market go north and enter into hammerites industrial
area. Open with lockpicks the wooden door to enter in a room with a big turbine. Use the
control panel to unlock the gate leading to Thieves' Lair (Eastside Quarter). There is an
alternative route via a locked gate near the New Quarter Main Gate (not the gate with a big
R the other one). From the Thieves' Lair you can open a lot of gates which lead to many
locations: to North Quarter (Garrett's Home Quarter), to Opera Quarter, to Market Quarter etc.

Lady Catherine - the hard mode objective - is located on a street near the thieves lair.
You can find her at a balcony. In the balcony is a statue. The necklace is placed on the
head of the statue. The location of Lady Catherine is marked on the Eastside Quarter map.

Locating Cedric: Cedric is a servant dressed in red placed in front of a false wooden gate
in the market. When you approach him he signals you with his hands like on a conversation
to pay attention to him. After a few seconds he will drop on the ground the scroll with
the map of Raputo's Quarter (New Quarter) and Raputo's mansion and another scroll with
informations about Raputo and the New Quarter key. Check your last 2 pages of the map.
After you meet Cedric leave the market and go east until you see a locked gate with a big
R letter. This is the New Quarter Main Gate, the entrance to Raputo's quarter.

Finding Raputo: Raputo is patrolling on the streets of his quarter guarded by two of his
guards. Starting from his mansion he stops for a few minutes in four locations highlighted
on the map by a blue X sign: at the tavern, at the mages casino, at the mages mansion and
at his mansion again. Raputo's route is marked with purple arrows on the map. After he
completes all of his route he returns in his manor and wait for a few minutes then he starts
patrolling again on the same route. Move clockwise on his route to meet him sooner. You can
use gas arrows or gas mines to ambush him. These will not count as KOs at expert mode.

Raputo's Mansion - you can enter via the back door which is not guarded and is lockpickable.
You can finish the mission without entering the mansion in case you find Raputo on the streets

The Cemetery - all the gates and doors leading to the cemetery are locked. You can enter via a
window in the tavern. In the cemetery a hammer novice has the cemetery key.

The Fire Talisman objective - the talisman is in the mage building.

Known Bugs:

The map files are in .png format so they are only visible through Thief2 New Dark. If
you play this mission through old Thief2 1.18 or older versions you have to use the .pcx
files from intrface/miss20/english/pcx folder. Just delete the .png files from the folder
intrface/miss20/english and replace them with the .pcx variant.


* Copyright *

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


Special Thanks: Paul, Tumpi

- Master of Dromed -

• Uploaded 17.06.2020 • Size 53.88 Mb
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