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Twilights Over Driftstone :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Twilights Over Driftstone

Title : Twilights Over Driftstone
Filename : Jam1Twilights.7z
Author : Lord Taffer & Dale
Contact info : via TTLG or Discord
Date of release : 22nd of December 2024
Version : 1.0

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2
Level Names : Twilights Over Driftstone
File names : miss19.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Expert/Maestro
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : No
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : English
Briefing : Text in the beginning of the mission
Subtitles : No

* Briefing *

I've received an anonymous letter with an offer for a simple job. Travel to a small town up north
and steal a gem from a manor of some pompous merchant. Normally, I wouldn't take up a job without
knowing who I'm dealing with, but whoever this is seems to have enough trust in me that they paid
in advance. My instincts tell me it could be a trap, certainly wouldn't be the first time. But if
they were after me, there are so many easier ways to go about it. Besides, I don't want to pass up
such a lucrative offer when the job itself doesn't carry a lot of risk.


- Play the mission vanilla, without mods, as it was designed. Issues may occur if you use mods.
- The mission has three difficulty levels to suit your playstyle. Select Normal for a more relaxed
and casual experience. Choose Expert if you typically play fan missions on the Expert setting.
For the ultimate challenge, you may want to try out Maestro, a difficulty level where the
blackjack is unavailable. The loot goal and all other objectives are the same for both Expert
and Maestro.

* Construction *

Base : Scratch
Map Size : Medium
Build Time : 1st Oct - 22nd Dec

* Loading Information *

Tested in FMSel and AngelLoader. Do not use Darkloader but it probably works fine in NewDarkLoader.

* Beta Testers *

All beta testers found important issues to report and I thank them all! Mission would be much
poorer without you taffers:

- Aemanyl
- lordhern
- Mat99
- Pete
- Snake

* Thanks To *

- Aemanyl for writing and correcting readables.
- Pete for offering his DromEd knowledge.
- Mat99 for cleaning up and optimizing textures, ambient editing, editing the map.
- Nicked for making Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Mission.

* Custom resources used *

- NamelessVoice

- Dale:
(BG_DSPLamp5, DSewLit1, CSpotlight, PortPostNC, PortPChain) lamps + lamp chain
(BG_BDryTr1, JTreeS1) dry trees
(DryTreeS1, VPMTree1S, VPMTree2S) snowy trees
(BG_M2Pdest1) pedestal
(Dstats1s) snowy statue (modified statue from Enhancement Pack by NV)
(BG_M2MrbRl1, BG_M2MrbRl2, BG_M2MrbRl3, BG_M2MrbRl4, BG_M2MrbRl5) stone railings
(BG_M2MrbPs3) marble railing post
(BG_WornBnch2) - bench
(PDispGlas1-3, PDispTabl1-4, PDispTFrm) display table/glass
(BG_M2Colmn1F, BG_IbnMC1, DPagCol1, DRonMCol1) columns
(BG_MedRTab) mediterranean round table
(BG_MChair) mediterranean chair
(DBk... (20+ files)) books (textures by Christine and PinkDot)
(DCabinet7) - cabinet
(BG_LibBCase1, VCBks1, VCBks2, JBookcsC2, JBShelf) bookcases
(BG_LibScrls1, BG_LibScrls2) library scrolls
(DSnowDryB1) snowy bush
(BG_SSmlCab1) simple small cabinet
(BG_LowPew1) tavern bench
(BG_BarrelA, BG_BarrelA2) barrels
(BG_RuBeaS33, BG_RuBeaS32, BG_RuBeaS31, Ru31Short) wooden beams
(DMetBeam, DMetBEnd) metal beams
(BG_MetPots3, BG_MetPots2, BG_MetPots1) metal pots
(DRustBed1) poor bed
(KICornSup1) - wooden corner support
(KShelf1) - wooden shelf
(JBrPitch1) - broken pitcher
(BG_BuckCoal, JBuckEmp) buckets
(grainsacs1) (based on sacgrainx3 by FireMage)
(JDCupBro) broken wooden cupboard
(EyPlanks1-8) mossy planks
(BG_HangIce5, BG_HangIce6) icicles
(DLogs1, DLogs1sm) logs
(BG_MPipeA) - pipes 1
(JBigPip1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9B,10,11,16,17,17B) - pipes 2
(JPipe1, JDPipe1, JDPipe2, JDPipe3, JDPipe4, JDPipe5, JDpipeB) - pipes 3
(JBarFace1) strange face and bars
(JBluDoor1) blue door with a face
(DRoundD3) round top trickster door
(Jrail1-7) metal rail, sewers
(zmj3) new trophy
(JWudLad1, JWudLadS) wooden ladders
(WLadSup1,2) wooden beam supports
(JWalCol0, JWalCol3) ruined walls
(JSewCol1, JSewCol2, JSewCol4) underground pillars
(JSewPan1, JSewSwi1) secret panel + switch
(BG_GLoot1-5) loot items
(BG_FMCup2,3) Loot
(BG_FrTorch1) torch
(CovStat1, CovStat5S) statues
(JCroBar, JCroBar2) - intertwined metal bars
(Jrack2,3,4,4E,5) - storage racks
(JRbGem01) - gem
(JRoot1, JRoot3) - roots
(JStepRem) broken steps
(JSupoC1) - fancy wooden support
(SFEagle4) eagle (retopology and light editing only, original from Sketchfab)
(BG_Flowrs11,12) flowers
(JDrift1) rock (modified + texture edited, based on original from Sketchfab)
(JFanRaS1-5, JFanRaL,L2,L3, JFanRaPLP, JFanRaPL, JFanRaP, JFanRManA-F) -fancy wooden+golden handrail
(CBraz1) - brazier
(FxdPaint) - fixed version of stock painting
(DChessP1) - chess statue
(WheelB01) - wheelbarrow
(SHangD1,2,7) - vines/hanging roots
(PStove1) - stove
(JTurch1) - torch
(JReinCra, JLACrat, JLACrat2, JCrCrat1-3, JCrate1) - storage crates
(JPagDesk) - desk
(JPaganCH) - pagan wall-candle
(JCandl1) - candle
(JNoblBHA, JNoblHed)
(JHangCl1) - hanging torn cloth
(JDogSkul) - dog skull
(DArmCh1) - armchair

(One or more textures on the 3D models above were created with photographs from Textures.com. These
photographs may not be redistributed by default; please visit www.textures.com for more information)

- Nicked: tdsvase1, tdsvase2, tdsvase3, TRP-Land and TRP-Port paintings, npaint(1-13) paintings
- R Soul: RSwallspot, chimney, CheapboxO
- Alun Bestor: blue light shafts
- Yandros: snowy tombs, yellow light shafts
- Nameless Voice: NVChair01
- Sluggs: flower
- Pinkdot: cobwebs

- Team CoSaS:
lights: elght3_hng, elght4_hng, gldlit_alarm
beds: jbg-nubed03p, jbg-nubed03y, jbg-nubed03z, jbg-nubed06v
loot: cs-Krug-TR2, sil-Vase-TR4, statua1, LotPouc5i, LotPouc3, cstorc1, csbrace(1-3), csbracr,
csbrooc1, csbrooc2, csneckl(1-3)
doors: jdg-door06, jdg-irose10, jdg-irose02, jdg-door30
flowers/pots: cosPlant(6-8), cosF(1-3), longpot

- T2 HDMod by Gecko/Bentraxx (modified):
hdbronz128, hdiron, hdironbl
hmud, hrplan04, hrplan04a, hrwall01, Hledge1, Hrooftile, Hrwall1
Cwood1, BR01, BR02, BR03, BR04

- Dale:
ISWal1, ISWal1S, IsWalIn1, IsGrnd1, DehWal1, SlWal4, SlWalRed, SlWud6, SlWud8, MFloor1

- Skacky:
Snowy texture pack

- Lord Taffer:
RCTG textures, some snowy textures in Snowy texture pack
(RCTG textures: modified from original T1 and T2 textures)

- Sliptip:
Fire particles (modified)

- Lord Taffer
myjam1 folder (Mostly edited from original T1 ambients, a few new ones.)

- Mat99
?niegowo (the outdoor ambient)

The Map by Lord Taffer (hand drawn), editing by Mat99

* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 22.12.2024
• Size 66.14 Mb
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