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Eye of the Sea :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Eye of the Sea

Eye of the Sea
by 1600frogs
Released: January 28th, 2025


Normally I wouldn't be running a job from the Keepers without more information, but they've
offered to pay well for this one. They're sending me on a ship to Perditas, a small island to the
south, in order to break into an ancient tomb and obtain the "Eye of the Sea", a lost artifact first
sought years ago by the expeditionary captain, Lord Gideon. The thing is, Gideon went and built his
vacation house around the ancient temple in some act of ego. I'll have to break into the house and
find my way down into the temple from there. Fortunately Gideon isn't there, so the place shouldn't
have many guards.

I'm meant to meet with an agent of the keepers in the village below, but something seems off
about this job. The lighthouse just went out and there's another ship docked in the harbor. Better
row myself over to remain unseen...



- Aemanyl
- Baconchicken42
- Bid
- Horus Jake
- Iker Pineapple
- lordhern
- Mat99
- Paris
- PatrickHD
- RippedPhreak
- soft rodvt
- WungusDasPungus

Map Art
- Max Lange

- Nameless Voice

Pagan Model and Textures (modified)
- Yandros

Wave Crashing Sound Effects pulled from Morning Light FM
- Skejven

Additional thanks to the residents of the DromEd discord for assisting in problem solving.


• Uploaded 28.01.2025
• Size 8.42 Mb
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