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The Crypt

25th october 2005
Author : Norbert Navratil
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Version : 1.2
Date of Release : 1. october 2006
Yesterday I visited Perry to sell some goods and he told me about Rueben. Yes, Rueben was one of two the Downwinders leaders from whom I was to steal Lord Randall's Sapphire vase. Perry said that another shopkeeper, Ramien, had told him that Rueben had planned to visit Perry. When asked, Ramien would not disclose the purpose of the visit.
Perry later learned that Rueben had nearly been caught by a Hammerite patrol near Perry's shop just two days ago. Perry believes that Rueben must have some big problems and might be hiding in the old cemetery near the abandoned mansion. Perry has asked for my help in finding Rueben and asking him why he wanted to see Perry.
*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : The Crypt
Mission File Name : Crypt
Difficulty Settings : YES
Equipment Store : NO
Map : YES
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Sounds : YES
New Objects : NO
Multi language support : Yes, english, french, german and italian
Difficulty Level Info : Easy,Normal,Hard,Expert
Known Bugs :
Video Briefing Length : N/A
Video Briefing Size : N/A

Base : Scratch
Build Time : 2 months
Notes :

Thanks :

Many thanks to all who created the tutorials for T3ed, especially Komag and D?spair.
Special thanks to Griffin for touching up my English.
*Loading Information*

GarrettLoader and Darkloader Ready. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
*Copyright Information*

This level was created by Norbert Navratil 25th october 2005
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.
25 Ottobre, 2005
Autore : Norbert Navratil
e-mail :
Homepage :
Versione : 1.2
Data di rilascio : 1 Ottobre 2006
Iero sono passato a far visita a Perry per vendergli alcuni oggetti e mi ha parlato di Rueben. Proprio Rueben, uno dei due capi dei Downwinder a cui ho sottratto il vaso di zaffiro di Lord Randall. Perry mi ha detto che un altro ricettatore, Ramien, gli ha raccontato che Rueben voleva passare a fargli visita. Quando Perry gli ha chiesto spiegazioni, Ramien non ha voluto rivelare le intenzioni di Rueben. Perry ha poi appreso che Rueben era stato quasi sorpreso da una pattuglia Hammerita vicino alla sua bottega appena due giorni prima e il ricettatore crede che Rueben debba avere grossi problemi e che ora potrebbe nascondersi nel vecchio cimitero vicino alla villa abbandonata. Perry ha chieso il mio aiuto per trovare Rueben e chiedergli perch? voleva incontrarlo.
*Informazioni di gioco*

Gioco : Thief III - Deadly Shadows
Titolo missione : The Crypt
Nome file missione : Crypt
Impostazione difficolt? : SI
Acquisto attrezzatura : NO
Mappa : SI
Mappa automatica : NO
Nuova grafica : NO
Nuovo sonoro : SI
Nuovi oggetti : NO
Supporto multi lingua : Si, inglese, francese, tedesco ed italiano
Livelli di difficolt? : Facile,Normale,Difficile,Esperto
Bug conosciuti :
Durata video iniziale: N/A
Dimensione video iniziale: N/A

Base : dal niente
Tempo di costruzione : 2 mesi


Un grosso grazie a tutti coloro che hanno creato i tutorial per T3ed, specialmente
Komag and D?spair.
Ringraziamenti speciali a Griffin per aver ritoccato il mio inglese.
*Informazioni di caricamento*

Pronto per il garrettloader. NON SCOMPATTARE IL FILE!!

Questo livello ? stato creato da Norbert Navratil e rilasciato il 25 Ottobre 2005.
La distribuzione di questo livello ? consentita fino a quando rimarr? gratuita e il
pacchetto sar? tenuto intatto. Non ? possibile includere questo livello in una
qualsiasi raccolta di mappe senza il mio permesso esplicito. Nessuno pu? editare o
modificare questa missione in alcun modo.
Questo livello non ? stato creato e non ? supportato dai Looking Glass Studios, dalla
Ion Storm o dalla Eidos Interactive.
25 octobre 2005
Auteur : Norbert Navr?til
Contact :
Site web :
Version : 1.2
Date de sortie : 1 octobre 2006
Je suis all? voir Perry hier pour lui vendre quelques babioles, et il s'est mis ?
me parler de Rueben. Oui, le Rueben qui ?tait l'un des deux chefs des Downwinders,
? qui j'avais d?rob? le vase en saphir de Lord Randall. Perry m'a dit qu'un autre
marchand, Ramien, l'avait averti de la visite imminente de Rueben. Lorsque Perry
lui en a demand? la raison, il a refus? de r?pondre. Perry a appris plus tard
que Rueben avait failli ?tre pris par une patrouille de Marteleurs tout pr?s de
chez lui, deux jours plus t?t. Perry pense que Rueben doit avoir de gros probl?mes,
et qu'il doit se cacher dans le vieux cimeti?re pr?s du manoir abandonn?. Il m'a
demand? de retrouver Rueben, et de lui demander pourquoi il voulait le voir.
*Informations de jeu*

Jeu : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Titre de la mission : La Crypte
Nom du fichier : Crypt
Niveaux de difficult? : Oui : Facile, Normal, Difficile, Expert
Achat d'?quipement : NON
Carte : OUI
Carte auto : NON
Nouveaux graphismes : NON
Nouveaux sons : OUI
Nouveaux objets : NON
Support multi-langues : Oui, Anglais, Italien, Fran?ais, Allemand
Bugs Connus :
Longueur du briefing : N/A
Taille du briefing : N/A

Base : N?ant
Temps de construction : 2 mois
Notes :

Remerciements :
Merci aux cr?ateurs de tutoriels pour T3ED, en particulier Komag et D'spair.
Remerciements sp?ciaux ? Griffin pour avoir retouch? les textes anglais.
*Informations de chargement*

Pr?t ? ?tre utiliser dans DarkLoader et GarrettLoader. Ne d?zippez pas l'archive !!

Ce niveau a ?t? cr?? par Norbert Navr?til le 25 octobre 2005
La distribution de ce niveau est autoris?e tant qu'elle est gratuite et que
l'archive reste intacte. Vous ne pouvez incluer ce niveau dans un groupe de cartes
sans ma permission. Nul ne peut ?diter cette mission ou la modifier de quelque
mani?re que ce soit.
Ce niveau n'a pas ?t? cr?? et n'est pas support? par Looking Glass Studios, Ion
Storm ou Eidos Interactive.
25th october 2005
Author : Norbert Navratil
Kontakt Info :
Homepage :
Version : 1.2
Date of Release : 1. oktober 2006
Gestern war ich bei Perry, um ihm ein paar Sachen zu verkaufen, und er erz?hlte mir etwas von Rueben. Ja, Rueben war einer der Anf?hrer der Downwind-Diebesgilde, von denen ich Lord Randalls Saphirvase stehlen durfte. Perry sagte, er w?sste von Ramien, dass Rueben dort war und nun auch ihn besuchen wollte. Aber angeblich wollte Ramien nicht verraten, warum der ehemalige Oberdownwinder auch bei Perry vorbeischauen wollte.
\nDer gute Perry hat sp?ter noch erfahren, dass Rueben gleich vor dem Laden von einer Hammeritenpatrouille entdeckt wurde. Zu schade, das h?tte ich gern gesehen. Vor zwei Tagen ist das passiert. Mein Hehler vermutet nun, dass Rueben m?chtig in der Tinte sitzt und sich auf einem Friedhof nahe eines verlassenen Anwesens versteckt. Perry hat mich gebeten, den Kerl zu suchen und herauszufinden, was er denn von ihm wollte.
*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : The Crypt
Mission File Name : Crypt
Difficulty Settings : YES
Equipment Store : NO
Map : YES
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Sounds : YES
New Objects : NO
Multi language support : Yes, english, french, german and italian
Difficulty Level Info : Easy,Normal,Hard,Expert
Known Bugs :
Video Briefing Length : N/A
Video Briefing Size : N/A

Base : Scratch
Build Time : 2 months
Notes :

Thanks :

Many thanks to all who created the tutorials for T3ed, especially Komag and D?spair.
Special thanks to Griffin for touching up my English.
*Loading Information*

GarrettLoader and Darkloader Ready. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
*Copyright Information*

This level was created by Norbert Navratil 25th october 2005
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 21.02.2006 • Size 29.61 Mb
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