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Skulduggery :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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25th October 2005

Author : Crispy
Contact Info : crispiness@fastmail.fm
Homepage :
Version : 0.5 beta
Date of Release : October 25, 2005

"There's an interesting rumour on the streets. Word has it that a group of Hammerites have stolen a Pagan artifact; a human skull, of all things. The Pagans certainly aren't happy, but there's not a lot they can do about it - the skull is too well guarded. Well... too guarded for SOME.

It doesn't sound very valuable, but I'm guessing the Pagans would like to have it back. As much as I hate to do them a favour, these Hammerites are getting far too cocky for my liking... and besides, maybe I can get something from the Pagans in return.

They're keeping the skull in a small Hammerite church. It's poorly guarded - there'll be a couple of Hammerite guards, no doubt, but nothing I haven't dealt with before. Shouldn't take long."


*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : Skulduggery
Mission File Name(s) : kulduggery
Difficulty Settings : YES
Equipment Store : NO
Map : NO
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Sounds : NO
New Objects : NO
Multi language support : NO
Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert

Extra restrictions apply that are not listed on the mission briefing screen. The mission would be far too easy without them!

- Expert difficulty does not allow you to kill anyone, blackjack anyone, or get caught at all. In other words, being clearly spotted or disabling any AIs will fail the mission. "Yellow", or hunting alerts (where guards actively search for you) are allowed.

- Hard difficulty does not allow killing or blackjacking, but getting caught is allowed.

- Normal difficulty does not allow killing.

Known Bugs :

- The "leave with the skull" objective is glitchy. Rather than carrying the skull outside, try throwing or dropping it out there and then re-exiting the building. (Or throw the skull through the door before running after it.)

- The restart button on the Load and Save screens doesn't work. Instead, exit to the main menu and click New Game again.


Video Briefing Length : N/A
Video Briefing Size : N/A


Base : Scratch
Build Time : -

Notes : Entered in Komag's 6th Contest.


Thanks : Thanks to everyone at the TTLG Thief III Editor's Guild, without whom none of this would have been possible.


*Loading Information*

GarrettLoader Ready. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!

*Copyright Information*

This level was created by Crispy, October 25, 2005
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 24.10.2005
• Size 16.50 Mb
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