Thomas Porter 5: Phrase Book
by Sotha
My situation seems rather bleak. The haunting from the Glenham Tower, the Hag, seems to be determined to do me in. She has attacked me a few times already, but so far I've managed escape with my life. I must stop these attacks before she succeeds in whatever that may be her sinister plans. I believe everything is tied to this strange book, De Vermis Mysteriis, which I obtained from the tower. The book is written by some unknown language that I cannot understand, but somehow I am certain that the answer to my predicament is hidden within the dusty pages of this tome. It may very well be that the Hag is after me because I possess this book. Can the dead be afraid of what is written on these dusty pages? I need to find out everything I can...
My situation seems rather bleak. The haunting from the Glenham Tower, the Hag, seems to be determined to do me in. She has attacked me a few times already, but so far I've managed escape with my life. I must stop these attacks before she succeeds in whatever that may be her sinister plans. I believe everything is tied to this strange book, De Vermis Mysteriis, which I obtained from the tower. The book is written by some unknown language that I cannot understand, but somehow I am certain that the answer to my predicament is hidden within the dusty pages of this tome. It may very well be that the Hag is after me because I possess this book. Can the dead be afraid of what is written on these dusty pages? I need to find out everything I can...
• Uploaded 11.05.2012
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