Thief 1

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Thief 2

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Thief 3

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The DarkMod

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Spooky Door

Created 10/11/01 * William The Taffer's Tutorials * Spooky Door tutorial V1.0 You will need basic knowledge of level editing, (having read Dromed Tutorial) by William The Taffer, requested by Hokaloogie Spooky Door Tutorial You will need; 1 BoundTrigger (-2086) ---------- 1 Big BoundTrigger (-5317) | 2 RelayTraps (-1704) |----------- These 5 items can be found in Object Hierarchy > fnord > TrapTrig 2 DestroyTraps (-2651) | 1 TeleportTrap (-2789) ----------- 1 Door Create a room brush, add all necessary sound, textures, load scripts (gen, convict), add a starting point etc. Now create a 6x6 "Blue room"*. Create 1 teleport trap (name it TeleportTrap "A"), now create 1 RelayTrap (name it RelayTrap "A"), finally create 1 DestroyTrap (name it DestroyTrap "A"). Now create 1 BigBoundsTrigger (and of course name it BigBoundsTrigger "A"). Now, lets link them! Link TeleportTrap "A" to BigBoundsTrigger "A" as a ControlDevice. LinkBigBoundsTrigger to RelayTrap "A" as a ControlDevice. LinkRelayTrap "A" to DestroyTrap "A" as a ControlDevice. Store your BigBoundsTrigger in the "Blue Room" so we won't accidently hit it yet. (Remember don't store any AI's in the Blue room along with your BoundsTrigger) Now for the second step; Create 1 BoundsTrigger (name it BoundsTrigger "B"), now create 1 RelayTrap (name it RelayTrap "B"), now create 1 DestroyTrap (name it DestroyTrap "B") Now let's do some more linking. Link BoundsTrigger "B" to RelayTrap "B" as a ControlDevice. LinkRelayTrap "B" to DestroyTrap "B" as a ControlDevice, Link DestroyTrap "B" to BoundsTrigger "B" as a ControlDevice. Now let's link RelayTrap "B" to TeleportTrap "A" as a ControlDevice. Now we can link RelayTrap "B" to the door as a ControlDevice. Now let's place them. Place BoundsTrigger "B" right infront of your door so you can't miss it. Position TeleportTrap "A" about 20 units away infront of your door. It's time to tweq the door. Open the door's properties, and open Door > Rotating. Change it's base speed to 12.00 then click Add > Engine Features > Locked, and check the box. Enter the game, walk up to the door and try to open it...darn! it's locked, walk away, CRASH, the door opens! here's how it works: The Bounds trigger infront of the door activates the teleport trap you put about 20 units infront of it, to teleport in the BigBounds Trigger. When you hit the BBoundsTrigger, it makes the RelayTrap "B" open the door(s). The DestroyTraps makes sure this action only happens once in the game, and not every time you near the BBoundsTrigger The RelayTraps carry out the signal that the BoundsTriggers send them. Note: If you need to teleport in anything else when the door flys open, link all teleport traps, etc. to RelayTrap "A" Be sure to create another "Blue Room" to store you AI in. *A "Blue Room" is a small air brush out in the middle of nowhere that holds items for teleporting, etc. ;-) KEEP ON DROMEDITING! For questions, or requests, contact me at: E-Mail: Homepage: Thanks to all the Taffers on the forums who taught me how to use DestroyTraps

• Uploaded 10.10.2001
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