Thief 1

30.11.24 - Maps
29.11.24 - Maps
27.11.24 - Maps

Thief 2

22.12.24 - Maps
18.12.24 - Maps
06.12.24 - Maps

Thief 3

25.05.24 - Maps
05.04.22 - Maps
25.11.21 - Maps


01.12.24 - Bonus
30.11.24 - Bonus
11.11.24 - Mods


02.03.08 - Mods
30.12.03 - Editors
30.12.03 - Editors

The DarkMod

30.11.24 - Maps
16.11.24 - Maps
31.10.24 - Maps


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Lady Whitman's Disease

mar 24, 2000

Author : Robin
Contact Info :
Homepage : No
Date of Release : mar 24, 2000

Description : A classical Bafford style mission with adventure and
sneaking elements. Has different difficulty levels
and support for spanish.


Briefing (english) : That man was suffering such desperation that I finally decided help him. Apparently his wife had been kidnaped by Sir Terence?s men and now he has constrained to sell his lands by a ridiculous price. If it would not be enough, Lady Whitman, since that was the name of the lady, was afflicted by a rare disease and if she does not was taking her medication soon would die without solution.
Due to the threats, Lord Whitman had discarded from the beginning the possibility of attending the authorities, therefore distress and urgency had obligated him, according he said me, to appeal a thief like me.
Sir Terence?s gardener, man who Lord Whitman was relying, would be the only one help I would have to break into the building. Whitman indicated me his address and gave me the key of his house where he said I would find more instructions for the quest.

Briefing (spanish) : Aquel tipo aparentaba tal deseperaci?n que finalmente decid? ayudarle. Al parecer su esposa hab?a sido secuestrada por los hombres de Sir Terence y ahora ?ste le presionaba para comprarle sus tierras por un precio miserable. Por si esto no fuera suficiente Lady Whitman, pues ese era el nombre de la dama en cuesti?n, estaba aquejada de una rara enfermedad y de no recibir pronto su medicaci?n morir?a sin remedio.
Ante las amenazas, Lord Whitman hab?a descartado desde el principio la posibilidad de acudir a las autoridades, por lo que la angustia y la urgencia le hab?an obligado, seg?n me dijo, a recurrir a un ladr?n como yo.
El jardinero de Sir Terence, hombre en el que Lord Whitman confiaba, ser?a la ?ica ayuda con la que podr?a contar para entrar en el edificio. Whitman me indic? su direcci?n entreg?ndome la llave de su casa donde dijo encontrar?a m?s instruciones para la misi?n.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title : Lady Whitman's Disease
File Name : miss15.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : Yes

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : (Normal, Hard and Expert)

* Construction *

Base : No
Build Time : Two months

Many thanks to Looking Glass Studios for releasing the editor and
everyone who signed the petition.

This is the first level I ever publish. You would find any minor bug (guards walking into walls or similar).
I'm sorry, my english isn't very good, however I hope you will be able to understand the plot.

* Loading Information *

Thiefloader ready. File name


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by Roberto Garc?a 2000

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 24.03.2000
• Size 2.05 Mb
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