Thief 1

30.11.24 - Maps
29.11.24 - Maps
27.11.24 - Maps

Thief 2

22.12.24 - Maps
18.12.24 - Maps
06.12.24 - Maps

Thief 3

25.05.24 - Maps
05.04.22 - Maps
25.11.21 - Maps


01.12.24 - Bonus
30.11.24 - Bonus
11.11.24 - Mods


02.03.08 - Mods
30.12.03 - Editors
30.12.03 - Editors

The DarkMod

30.11.24 - Maps
16.11.24 - Maps
31.10.24 - Maps


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The Scarlet Cascabel

All textures and objects in this campaign are stock resources from the original TG. No resolutions were changed. Some objects were made using texture replace properties on secret doors from both fam and obj/txt folders from the original Thief Gold pack.

The following is a list of textures that have been recolored/darkened/desaturated/contrasted, etc. These textures can be found in the Tweeks and Shared folders in the mission pack, and the obj/txt folder.


banner5 and banner6: rescore/banner05, 06
cheese1: obj/txt/cheese1
kbanner6: bafford/b06 overlayed w/ obj/txt/heybed
kbed 1 - 9: obj/txt/bed and bafford/b06
kbook1 - 3: keeper/kbookca3 and kbookcas
kbrick1, 14, 16: newmage/bric128
kbrick10: core/odstone
kbrick11: tgtest/bricb256 and newmage/vines
kbrick12: core/stone2
kbrick2: two textures, overlayed - tgtest/bricb256 and core/bigbl2
kbrick3: core/brick1
kbrick4: lostcity/lc04
kbrick6, 17: core/wetbrick
kbrick7, 8, 13, 15: newkeep/nkwall02
kbrick9: two textures, overlayed - core/wetbrick and newmage/vines.
kcolumn1: opera/pillar1
kcrete1 and 3: core/asfalt
kcrete2: basement/floor1
kcrete4, 5, 7, 9: tgtest/wl4rk128
kcrete8: tgtest/wl4rk128 overlayed w/ obj/txt/branch
kdirt1: tower2/mag14
kdirt2: tgtest/fsand128
kdirt3: tower2/mag16
kdirt4: mine/mfloor01
kdoor3 and 3a: church/doors
kdrape3: opera/curtain
kdrape4, 5: concastle/floor
kfloor1: core/parkay64
kfloor2: church/inflr
kglass1 and 6: newmage/mar2
kglass 11, 15, 2: two textures, cut and overlayed: newmage/mar2 and border from rescore/stain04
kglass16: church/glass1
kglass17: newmage/mar2 overlayed w/ obj/txt/branch
kglass3: four files, newmage/mar2, rescore/stain04, bafford/b06, and obj/txt/banermil
kglass4: three files, newmage/mar2, rescore/staine04, and obj/txt/banermil
kglass7: rescore/hothou1 overlayed w/ obj/txt/branch
kkeep1, 3: keeper/kwall02a
kkeep2: keeper/kwall03a
kkeep4: keeper/wall04a
kmarb1: core/cracked
kmet1: newmage/bronzpat
kmet2: newmage/bronz64
kmet3: newmage/bronz128
kmet5: newmage/bronz64
kmet6: opera/pillar2test
kpanel2,3,6: opera/pillar2test
kpanel4,7: rescore/wgrain02
kpanel5: opera/woodpat
kpool1-4: bafford/b04
krock: core/rockwal
krock1: maw/mawsto
kroof1: city/blushngl
kroof2: city/blushngl
kroof3: ruined/rroof
krug1,7: bafford/b05
krug10, 7, 8, 9: bafford/b02
krug11: obj/txt/boxkey2
krug3,4,12: (from Yandros's pack, derived from bafford)
ktile1, 2, 3, 23: bafford/btila
ktile10, 11, 13, 14, 6, 19: church/wtle2
ktile12, 15, 9: core/mosaic3
ktile17, 18, 20: opera/opceiling
ktile21, 22, 5: tower2/wmo2
ktile4: tower2/wdec1
ktile7: church/tile
ktomb1, 2: obj/txt grav3 abd grav1
ktrim1, 2, 3, 4: rescore/woodbeam
kveg1: rescore/plant003
kveg2, 3: rescore/plant05
kveg4: rescore/plant01
kwall1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9: opera/oppaper1
kwall13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: opera/paper4
kwall10, 11, 12, 7: opera - paper3
kwindow1, 2, 3, 4: opera/woodpat2
kwood1: core/wdplkbnd
kwood10: core/wdplank2
kwood2, 6: ruined/rwood01
kwood3, 9: core/wdplnk2g
kwood4: core/wood2
kwood5: core/woodbeam
kwood7: core/woodblt
kwood8: rescore/woodbeam
mbanner7: obj/txt/banner7
mbrktan: core/stnwal3
mcheese: obj/txt/firer3a
mchoop: obj/txt/choop
mcob2: core/rockwal
mcol1a: ramirez/column1a
mfirepl04: rescore/firepl04
mmarb1, 2: tgtest/marwal2
mmarbdr1: tgtest/marwal2 and metals/grate2
mpaper: rescore/wall01a
mroof4: city/rooftile
mrug1: church/scroll
mrug2a: tower2/wmodec1
mrug3: (from Yandros's pack, derived from bafford)
mrug6: ramirez/r07
mstn: maw/mawsto
mstn1, 2: keeper/kwall02a
mstn3: newmage/rock8
mstucco: core/stucco
mtile: core/rufgry
mtudr: city/cris464
mtudr1: city/cris04
mtudrx: city/cris03
mwind1: obj/txt/chande1
mwood1: rescore/wgrain04
mwood3: core/wdplnk2g and rescore/woodbeam
mwood4: rescore/woodbeam
wcrate: obj/txt/wcrate

(DRK/YANDROS, please let us know if forgot to credit anyone):

bed_gry: obj/txt/bed
bigblruin10, bligbl2ruin3: core/bigbl2
cementriun1: core/cement
con1smlr1, con1smlr2: catacomb/con1sml
door12: obj/txt/door12
door13: obj/txt/door13
doorpd: obj/txt/doorpd
doorpd2: obj/txt/doorpd2
doortr: obj/txt/doortr
doortr: obj/txt/doortr2
ftile3ruin: core/ftile3
granit2ruin3: core/granit2
grate1rust1: metals/grate1
newmagedebris: newmage/fcracks
planks1ruin2, planks1ruin2a: core/planks1
r01b: ramirez/r01
roofruin1: ramirez/roof
roofruin2b: city/roof
roofruin4b: city/roof
rooftileruin1: ruined/rroof
rustd5: obj/txt/rustd5
rugfryruin1: core/rufgry
wgrain02ruin2, wgrain02ruin2: rescore/wgrain02

Some files in the obj/txt are carbon copies of the fam/tweeks above, with the same names, but used for object purposes, so those are not included on the list below. Also not listed are those that have the exact same names from the original TG obj/txt, that were darkened, recolored, or etc.

aspect1: obj/txt/locorna1 and flashbom
banner8: obj/txt/banermil and fam/bafford/b06
kbanner1 and 2 - bafford/b06
banner11, 12: obj/txt/banner12 and banner10
bed_gry (Yandros): obj/txt/bed
con1smlr2 (DrK): catacomb/con1sml
d11, 11a, 11b - fam/maw/d11
dorhcat2: fam/rescore/wgrain02
grate1, grate1rust1(DrK): fam/metals/grate1
kbanner1, 2, 6: fam/bafford/b06
kbanner3: obj/txt/banermil
kbanner7: obj/txt/banner2
kchess - 2 overlayed files: rescore/woodbeam for trim, and keeper/floortil for the chess board
kchessx - obj/txt/rustd5
kcrap1, 5: obj/txt/heybed
kcrap3, 4: obj/txt/leefy
kdoor1 and 2 - opera/mold5 and opera/moonmold
kdoor3 - church/doors
kdoor4 - two files overlayed, bafford/b06 and obj/txt/doorsli
kdoor5: fam/newkeep/nkwall02 and bball
kdrapes: fam/opera/curtain
kdrape10: fam/opera/curtain and obj/txt/blood1
kdress: obj/txt/victdres
keepbook: obj/txt/hambook and fam/catacomb/celt1
kfab1 - obj/txt/boxkey2
kfab2 - 2 files: ramirez/column1a and bafford/b06
kglass - all as mentioned in fam/tweeks
kmirror1: fam/church/wtle2 and blade
kmirro2: fam/church/wtle2 and blade2
kmirror3: obj/txt/tplate2
kmirror4: obj/txt/bpole
kmirror5: obj/txt/eyemech3
kmirror6: obj/txt/flashbom
kmirror7: obj/txt/gasvia
kmirror8: obj/txt/goldtop
kmirror9: obj/txt/gratecyl
kmirror10: obj/txt/emitw and blade
kpaint2 - obj/txt/davinci
kplanet1: fam/tgtest/crywal9
kplanet2: fam/tgtest/cryfl1
kplanet5: fam/tgtest/cry13
kplanet6: fam/tgtest/cry13
kplanet7: obj/txt/fireball
kplanet9: fam/tgtest/marwal1
kplanet10: tgtest/water3
kplanet11: tgtest/crystal2
kplanet12: tgtest/crywall3
kplanet13: tgtest/coral2
kplanet14: tgtest/cry10
kplanet22: obj/txt/crystal2
kplanet 15 - 21: rescore/woodbeam and tgtest/marwal1
krug5: tgtest/rug5
krug13: tgtest/rug4
ksign2: obj/txt/bball
ktorc, ktorc2: obj/txt/torc
ktrim5: obj/txt/headboar
kveg4 and 8: obj/txt/branch
kveg 5 - 7: newmage/vines
kwall7: opera/paper3
kwall12: lostcty/blk
kwindow1: church/skylight
kwindow2,4,5: opera/woodpat2 and obj/txt/torc
liz: obj/txt/davinci
mcheese: obj/txt/firer3a
mcurtain: opera/curtain
mdoorgn and mdoorsm: obj/txt/doorsli
mpaint (all) - obj/txt/davinci
mplank and mplnk: core/wdplnk
mwall01: fam/mine/mwall01
mwin2: obj/txt/watersp
mwind1: opera/woodpat2
mwood1: obj/txt/wdplnks1
ncard: obj/txt/rust4rvs and obj/txt/tablet
paint1: core/wdplnkg
routable: obj/txt/wdplnks3
rug4: opera/rug4
rwind08: ruined/rwind08
shield1,2,3: obj/txt/shiekd, shine and fam/bafford/b06
skylight: church/skylight
slot2: obj/txt/wdplnks3
stuc: core/stuc2
stucco: core/stucco
tab1-4 and tabfull: obj/txt/tablet and obj/txt/torc
tablet2: tablet
tap1-3: tgtest/tap1,2,3
wall02: rescore/wall02
wdpanel: core/wdpanel
win324: city/win324

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