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Sly's UT Arena 2 :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Sly's UT Arena 2

Title: Sly's UT Arena 2
Author: SlyFoxx
Contact Info: Make a post at TTLG taffer.
Homepage: NONE
Date of Release: Feb. 2008
Version: 1

Description: This is a death match. You have no hope
of surviving. Delete this mission before you
get in over you head. You'll NEVER make it!

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Sly's UT Arena 2
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : Textures by SlyFoxx
New Objects : NO
New Sounds/MP3: NO
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support: NO

Briefing: You've been tossed into a death match arena
because you keep pissing off the wrong people
by stealing from them!
Your skill and brutality are a joke.
You're gonna die! Mwahahhahhhhaaaaa!!!!

Base: Sly's UT Arena
Build Time: Not too long. Say 60 hours


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader.


This level was not made or supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

This .zip file was made by a fan of the game. Me! If you have any, trouble ask a
question at www.ttlg.com. Don't call Eidos because they will have no idea what the hell
you are talking about and you will just look silly.

• Uploaded 28.02.2006
• Size 678.04 Kb
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