When Angels Refuse to Die

Title : When Angels Refuse to Die
Author : Shhh...it's a secret
Contact Info : (Anonymous)
Date of release : September 14, 2009
Filename : angel.zip
Description : Vertical Contest mission
Briefing : With the demise of Karras, the Mechanists disbanded.
: Angelwatch was abandoned, and fell into ruin.
: But some angels refused to die.
: A patrol was quickly dispatched to investigate strange events at Angelwatch.
: No report was ever filed.
: Mercenaries, motivated only by greed, were hired to find the missing bluecoat patrol.
: Their reward remains unclaimed.
: The matter was referred to the Hammers. Warriors with no fear of Mechanist ruins.
: Builder alone knows their fate.
: Garrett...You must listen!
: We fear there may have been another signal tower - a prototype - at Angelwatch.
: Not all the mechanical beasts were destroyed with Karras.
: That tower can still bring about disaster. You must destroy it.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Angel
File names : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes/No.
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : Yes.
New conversations : Yes.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : Yes.
Multi language support : English.
Briefing : Yes, in game.
Camvators : Yes. Please don't save during them.
: In fact, if things are happening all around you,
: it is definitely <
Scripts : tnhScript 2.1, NVscript 1.1.0 and miss16.osm are included.
* Construction *
Base : vert-contest1.mis
Build Time : 92 days
Difficulty Info : The usual.
* Credits *
All of the textures, objects, scripts, conversations, etc. are original
Looking Glass property, except for:
This mission uses some objects by:
Nameless Voice (geocities.com/nameless_voice/)
Thief Enhancement Pack
Schwaa (thiefmissions.com/lpg/)
Wanted Poster
Voice Acting
(Ms. Anonymous)
Tannar, pavlovscat, & Nightwalker
* Loading Information *
DarkLoader ready.
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? by <
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 15.09.2009
• Size 8.78 Mb