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Retrieval: Pedro Quintela Mix :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Retrieval: Pedro Quintela Mix

=================================================================================== 07/04/02 =================================================================================== Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal Contact Info : Horizontes_profundos@hotmail.com Homepage : not yet Date of Release : August 2,2006 Title : Retrieval vt2 (pedro Quintela mix) Description : This is my first mission where i experiment a lot of new stuff, with the help of komag?s tuturial and other tuturials in sites dedicated to dromed, soon i will regist myself on ttlg forums in order to learn some addictions and problems that i?ve still got to solve. I hope you?ll enjoy my mission, for any help or comment please contact me and let me know what do you think about my mission, i need to know what?s right and what?s wrong on my mission.;-) take care Don?t worry next time i?ll make a wider and better mission "Pedro Quintela(not Garret) lost his sword last time in a fortress when he was trying to search a precious Tiara that worth a lot second the rumors, but this time he has to do more than grab his sword and the Tiara, this time he needs to put an end to the Merchant Lord Nelson?s life, for he has been preparing a bounty for Pedro Quintela?s head. this night is the best moment to kill him before the city Watch or any on else starts to haunt Pedro Quintela in order to be rewarded by Lord Nelson,it seems the fortress guards have good wages, luckly Pedro Quintela will be there to give them a hand ,for their footlockers are full of loot and there?s no more space for it, no problem Pedro will take care of that issue." Tips: 1. It seems that many guards like to be paid with artifacts and other stuff, but your bag has no space for it, if you find it in the guard?s footlockers just press "r" to get rid of it. 2. stay close to the shadows, make use of your water arrows by putting out torches,stealth,sense haste,silent etc. 3. you can finish the level without killing anyone ,but if you want it, please spare Fernando?s life he?s my cousin, don?t kill Juca he?s a good friend of mine, and leave Anita alone she?s harmless and she is my sister. and if you see Benny give him my regards. Briefing(s) : No Cutscene : No =================================================================================== * Playing Information * Game : Thief 2 TMA Mission Title : Retrieval vT2 (Pedro Quintela mix) File Name : Miss 20 Difficulty Settings : yes Equipment Store : acho que sim Map : No Auto Map : No New Graphics : No New Sounds : No Multi-Language Support : No EAX Support : No Briefing(s) : no Length : n/a Size : n/a Difficulty Level Info : normal, hard, Expert =================================================================================== * Construction * Base : como? Build Time : a lot of hours Build info : this is a demo tutorial mission =================================================================================== * Loading Information * This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder. known bugs: On "Expert" level the last objective doesn?t check off, so play only on "normal" or "hard" levels =================================================================================== * Thanks To * Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the ones at thief-thecircle.com, Komag the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the original Dromed documents.and thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated me the right links for tutorials and other important stuff, and thanks to others that helped me finishing their missions. =================================================================================== * Copyright Information * Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want, just let me know. and let the others know who made the original mission. This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 02.08.2006
• Size 657.58 Kb
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