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A Pirate's Downfall

2nd October 2006

Level Name : A Pirate's Downfall
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Contact Info :
Homepage : N/A
Date of Release : 2006

Description : Lord Abraham Smith has recently died, and left his
entire estate, including his large cliff-top mansion, to the arrogant City
Warden Lord Partridge. Cast into the street, his widow has been left with
nothing. Partridge and his spoilt brat of a son have moved in already.

Lady Smith knows that hidden somewhere in the old building is her husband's secret
fortune - a valuable collection of artifacts amassed during his days as a trader at
sea. If she could sell the collection, it would be enough money to get her back on
her feet and off the streets. So she's turned to the one person who might be able
to find and retrieve the priceless treasures - a certain master thief - me.

I've tipped a few purses on the underground, and it seems Lord Smith was not as
squeaky clean as he appeared. Turns out he was involved in some sort of smuggling
ring using caves underneath his mansion. I'm guessing he was less of a trader and
more of a pirate. I've got a map of the place, caves and all, from my fence.

Normally I wouldn't dream of helping the nobility but the Lady has promised a 25%
share of the wealth if I can help her out. Besides, it can't hurt to be owed a
favour by a member of the nobility...

Briefing : No


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief II: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Pirate's Downfall
File Names : miss18.mis, miss35.gam
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : Yes
Map : Yes
Auto Map : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No, but if anyone wants to translate it, they're welcome to!
Briefing : No
Length : N/A
Size : N/A

Difficulty Level Info : Simple, Tricky and Fiendish. All areas are accessible on all difficulty levels, but the full story will only be revealed on Fiendish...

* Construction *

Base : nothing
Build Time : Dromed reports about 13 solid days, but that was spread over the course of a few months

Known Bugs : Nothing life-threatening - there's rain in an indoor elevator shaft that won't go away, and there may be a problem with an archer's patrol route, but I think that's fixed now.

* Thanks *

* Targa, for the Bath, Bath Faucet, Pile of coins, crystal ball, new wooden door, mechanist pews, the mirror, the eyeball, the dagger, the club guard, the peg leg guard, the stumpy arm guard, and the fat guard models
* Telliamed, Nameless Voice and Gaylesaver for the scripts. I'm pretty sure I didn't use any, but certain objectives like to break when the script files aren't there...
* Sluggs for the compass model
* GORT for the claw hammer, toilet and wood saw models
* Rob Hicks for the DEDX models - the blue gem, purple gem, playbill and radiator models. If these are by a different author, just let me know and I'll update this readme!
* Schwaa for the green mushroom, red mushroom, fish, skeletons, thieves, and rowboat models
* Yandros for the iron gate model
* Nameless Voice for the barrel and lantern
* R_Soul for the wheelbarrow, rake and watering can models
* Vigil for the awesome custom textures and cloud images and the book models - check them out at and the new textures on Yandros' gates!
* All the helpful people on the Thief Editor's Guild for helping me out with any
questions I had.
* Anyone who wrote a tutorial on Dromed Central!
* Betatesters: Mortal Monkey, ffox, TheNightTerror, Mikeys_Blade - these guys helped fix a lot of bugs! Special thanks to Mortal Monkey for figuring out what was causing arrows to crash the game - the mission number was too high! Extra special thanks to Mortal Monkey and TheNightTerror for enduring it one more time after I'd fixed the first lot of bugs! ;)
* Louise, for her patience! It's not easy being the neglected girlfriend of a Dromed junkie! :p


* Loading Information *
Darkloader compatible

* Copyright Information *

This level is (c)2006 Nick Dablin

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 02.10.2006 • Size 14.51 Mb
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