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A Dire Return


Title : A Dire Return
Filename :
Author : intruder (Steffen Lehnert)
Contact info :
Date of Release : 10.04.2012
Version : 1.0
Description : A reloaded version of "Running Interference" from Thief 2
Lootlist : A complete lootlist is included in this archive as Excel spreadsheet


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 - The Metal Age

Level Names : A Dire Return
File Name : miss30.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal, Hard, Expert
Equipment Store : Yes
Map : Yes
Automap : Partly
New Graphics : Yes
New Objects : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi-Language Support : English, German
Briefing : Yes
Known bugs : None

* Construction *

Base : T2 OM "Running Interference", some inspiration from Shalebridge Cradle (TDS) and the
Ocean House in "Vampires - Bloodlines"
Build Time : 01.11.2011 - 05.04.2012


* Story *

The nobility of the City provide a solid base of income for people like me, especially if you know
where to look. Of course, breaking into well-guarded estates is dangerous and requires proper
preparation. A little tip is all it takes to convince most servants to share some information with
folks like me. One of the best sources of information, Sarah, works at the Rumford Manor and has
been supplying me and Basso with a constant stream of useful gossip. However, nothing has been heard
of her for the last two weeks. Basso and Jenivere want to meet me at the Crippled Burrick Inn to
decide what we are going to do about her. Personally, I don't really care about her, but if she's
been caught she might tell the blue coats about our little deal.

Four months ago, Sir Balin Rumford, the younger brother of old Rumford, returned from war against
the city of Blackbrook. According to what I've heard, he is one of the Baron's best men. I spoke to
some men who'd fought under his command and he is said to be always right in the thick of battle,
showing no fear and no mercy at all. But something must have happended to him when he was commissioned
with exploring a mine used as a hideout by enemy troops. None of his men returned, apart from him.
Since then, a dark aura seems to surround his presence. When he returned to the City, his brother held
a festival for him at the Rumford Manor, but Balin didn't even show up. Shortly after, it became
quiet in the manor and not much was heard of its former owners again. A couple of weeks later, Balin
became the new landlord of the manor and started to extend the building. There are only rumors about
what happened to the old Rumfords as no one has seen them again.

I bet that Sarah's disappearance shortly after Balin's return is no coincidence. There's something
foul going on and, knowing my luck, I'll get dragged right into the middle of it...


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using
Darkloader 4.2 or later.


* Special Thanks *

Beta Testers:
* bikerdude
* Gloria Creep
* Tannar

Voice Actors:
* Shadow Creepr
* SlyFoxx

I would also like to thank Yandros for his assistance with ambient sounds and Tannar for
proof-reading the scripts for the cutscenes and the briefing movie!


* Additional Copyright Information *

This FM uses the following scripts, textures, objects, and sounds:

== Scripts ==

* tnhScript by Tom N Harris

== Objects ==

* dome object made by Targa
* dead noble skin made by Lady Rowena
* a female statue made by Targa
* cloths made by CoSaS team
* burning skeleton from DEDX
* female AIs from T2X
* chain made by Jason Otto

== Other Graphics ==

* main menu screen taken from CoK "TDS City Project"

== Sounds ==

* music from "Vampires: Bloodlines" (menu theme, haunted place)
* soundeffects from (thunder, digging, fire)
* sound of grandfather clock and whispering women from Saturnine's "Rose Cottage"
* some sounds from the TDS cradle
* excerpt from Wojciech Kilar's "Corso and the girl" (Ninth Gate OST)

== Voices ==

* SlyFoxx (Garrett)
* Shadow Creepr (Sarah)


* Copyright Information *

This Fanmission is (c) by intruder (Steffen Lehnert) 2012

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.

• Uploaded 11.04.2012 • Size 29.38 Mb
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