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A Friend in Need :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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A Friend in Need

Title: A Friend In Need
Author: SlyFoxx
Contact Info: murkman@hotmail.com
Homepage: n/a
Date of Release: 10/05
Version: 1.0

Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission...Part 1 of a 2 part adventure.

Briefing: My "relationship" with Lord Bafford has always been tenuous at best.
Ever since that fateful night so long ago it's ALWAYS been a pleasure of relieve him
of his baubles and leave him scratching his head as to how one
man always seems to get the best of him. Ha! He can hire all the guards he wants.
He can add Mechanist security machines. Been there. Done that.

So when I heard he had just acquired a new summer home in the country...well you get the idea.
The only problem is finding out where it's located. I was talking to Basso yesterday at
The Stonemarket Inn and he suggested the nearby law office of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe as a
good place to begin snooping. The firm has represented Bafford in the past and it's a good bet
they'll have information on the new home and its whereabouts in case they need to contact him.

I was busy last night with a lucrative contract so Basso offered to fill in for me.
I guess married life is getting a little dull and he was looking for some excitement.
I should have knocked him cold then and there for even suggesting it.
I've said before that Basso's not much of a sneak.

Turns out Basso was nabbed red-handed picking the lock of the law firm's door.
Now he's locked in a cell in a nearby jail. Oh well...at least this time it's The City Watch
that has him and not the Hammerites.

No sense in waiting. It's time to begin.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : A Friend In Need
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Sort of...read below
Equipment Store : Sort of...read below
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : Custom Textures
New Objects : DEDX Objects
New Sounds/MP3 : NO...most ambients taken from TDP
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support : NO
DEDX : Objects and AI

Notes from Sly: #1) Have fun

#2) Rope arrows are already in your inventory. You'll probably use them a lot
and they are essential in some places. Keep at least 2 with you at all times
and retrieve them as often as you can. Window trim and roof trim are mostly made
of wood so rope arrows will stick all over the place.

#3) You will find a stash in your flat. It's divided into three catagories. Read the three
wall plaques FIRST to decide what (if anything) to take. Think of it as an honor system
load-out store. If you grab and use everything you will be playing Unreal Torunament
not Thief. The toys that go BOOM are mostly there to have fun with after you've
beaten the mission in proper stealthy Garrett fashion. You need not take anything
from your stash to complete the mission. You will have 6 rope arrows, 1 gas arrow
lock-picks and compass to start. You need only those items plus maybe a few items
you will find along the way. Trust me here. This mission is a blast to play if you leave
your extra stash home. It's a test of a true Master Thief.

All that said...play as YOU like. It's just a game.

Credits: Testers....Beta: John D & Spitter
Alpha: Peter Smith, Nightwalker & Morrgan.

Custom Textures by Vigil...brick, ivy brick, rough wood, stone (http://www.washboardabs.net/thief/news/)
Majic...tudor, stone & wood (found them at Cheap Missions)
Tagra...lone brick texture in Garrett's toy closet (can't remember where I found it)


Base: scratch
Build Time: about 168 hours

Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.1.
This mission has not been tested with any other version of Darkloader.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright (c) 10/05 "SlyFoxx"

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may include this level in any map pack as long as this
copyright statement is distributed intact.


This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

If you were charged money for this file, you got ripped off.

• Uploaded 26.10.2005
• Size 8.93 Mb
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