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Alchemic Allusions

February 1, 2001

Alchemic Allusions UPDATED v1.1 : 02/01/02


Author : Komag (Ben Ramsey)
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : February 1, 2002 UPDATED (originally Dec 15, 2001)

Description : Mission for KoMaG's second mission contest - UPDATED

You've been with the Keepers for a couple years now, and you've complete a few novice missions satisfactory to the Keeper high council. It's time they gave you a job a bit more challenging, and now they have:
The citizens of Miniport, a small densly packed town many miles away and somewhat isolated from the City, are up to no good. Not that the Keepers would generally care whether certain people are up to no good or not, but in this case they may soon have the ability to drastically upset the balance of power in the world as you know it. It seems they have captured a giant creature and have employed the eccentric skills of a certain alchemist among them. He is researching the creature and is attempting to formulate a magic potion for the people of Miniport.
The thing is, Miniportans are small, tiny in fact, and they've always resented that fact. This potion they have hired their alchemist to formulate has the potential to create giants where midgits once walked. Ever heard of small dog syndrome? Well image what would happen if the dog becomes gargantuan.
The dangerous possibilities and ramifications of the situation call for intervention of the first degree. The only problem is that intervention was already attempted! The Keepers have learned of another party which also has interest in stopping the research of the Miniportans, and it has haphazardly and foolishly attempted to steal the alchemists research notes by sending a second rate thief to do the job. He was unsuccessful in his attempt, and as such has alerted the Miniportans so that they have taken greater precautions in the treacherous plans.
That is why the Keepers are sending you. They've seen your skills and know you can pull this off. It's up to you to do the job that couldn't be done by the other. And this time you're not just after the research notes, but you must ensure that the Miniportans are unsuccessful in their grandios ideas. Who's most likely to help them be successful? Why, the alchemist himself. You know what to do.

Briefing : No


I've updated the mission to fix a few bugs/complaints.
- I enlarged all the doors you can go into so that you get stuck much much less often.
- I also enlarged all the sewer holes so it's much easier to go down/up them
- I changed the AI hearing/sight/movement settings so the no longer hear/see you from a mile away and you them
- I fixed a few odds and ends like misaligned textures and a scroll halfway in the wall
- I fixed a few room brushes to improve proper sound travel, though there seem to be a couple bad overlaps still which I couldn't pin down
- I tried with all my might to change whatever settings I could to get AI to pass each other in the narrow streets, but to no avail, so I adjusted a couple patrol routes to hopefully lessen the times when AI need to pass one another.
- The mission is far more playable now and is actually possible to complete without killing all the guards and whatnot! It is more sneakable now, but that still may prove difficult.
- You are less likely to get stuck than before, though you will still need to duck in most areas of the tiny town.
- If you want to KO or attack AI's you will still need to swing earlier than you think. Though they will still seem a few feet away, your blackjack will hit them. So swing early and you'll be fine. Also, you should hide a step or two back further in a dark spot than usual, for the same reason that the program thinks the AI is very close to you even when it looks a few feet back due to the shrunken size.
- Have fun!!!


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Alchemic Allusions
File Name : Miss20
Difficulty Settings : Normal, Hard and Expert
Equipment Store : No
Map : Just a blank to not crash
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes, a transluscent skin
New Sounds : Yes, very many, including some high pitch ones!
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size :

Difficulty Level Info : Less equipment at higher levels, more objectives at higher levels

* Construction *

Base : New Dromed file
Build Time : Over 200 hours

Thanks to: All the Taffers with suggestions, ideas, tutorials, ect...
Special Thanks to:
- Through the Looking Glass for a great game
- Avalon for TOW- it simplified things alot.
- Komag for having contests and much help on forums, also many others too!
- [[Haha, I thanked myself :-) ]]
- Sorry if I forgot anybody specific (a lot of people helped on the TTLG forum) - All those who took part in the small FM contests!
- All those who played the contest missions and voted!
- Thanx for Darkloader.

* Loading Info *

Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, put the whole "" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.

* Copyright Info *

This level is ? by Komag (Ben Ramsey)

Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish (as long as its free). It was created to be played.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

Enjoy, Thanx for playing

• Uploaded 15.12.2001 • Size 5.95 Mb
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