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Arac Attack

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Arac Attack



In einer kleinen Anlage, sind seltsame Sachen passiert alle Menschen wurden getötet, manche wurden auch aufgefressen zurück blieben nur Knochen und auf den Knochen wurden Biss spuren gefunden,das einzige was am Tatort zurückgeblieben ist, ist ein Riss im Turm dort befindet sich ein Tunelsystem.


1.Finde heraus was Passiert ist!
2.Zerstöre die Bug-Eier im Tunnelsystem!
3.Töte die Königin!
4.Finde 1000 Gold!
5.Verlass das Tunnelsystem wieder!


Spiel: Thief 2
Missions Title: Arac Attack
Version: 1.1
File Name: miss21
Schwierigkeitsstufen: Normal,Mittel,Experte
Notiz: Ja
Neue Grafik: Ja
Neue Sounds: Nein
Neue Objekte: Ja
Neue Ai,s: Ja
Bauzeit: 30 Tage

Theker: Author

Eshaktaar: Neue Objekte
Nameless Voice: Neue Objekte
Paweuek: Neue Objekte
by Schwaa: Neue Objekte
Yametha: Neue Objekte
Yandros: Neue objekte und Ai,s
Neue Texturen von dieser Seite:
Vigil:Neue objekte und Texturen
von,Eins: Tutorial für Dromed
Rob Hicks: DromeEd Deluxe
Targa:Neue Objekte
blackmen: Betatest
Anne: Betatest
SinisterShadow: Betatest

Danke an allen Objektbastlern das ich eure Objekte benutzen darf


Falls ich ein Objektbastler in meiner vergessen habe eine E-mail an ich werde diesen Fehler schnell beseitigen.

Copyright Information
Copyright (c) 2007
by Theker

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios (RIP) or
Eidos Interactive.


Arac Attack



In a small facility happened very strange things. All humans were killed, some of them were eaten. Only bones were left over, some of them with tooth marks. The only thing what was left on the site of crime is a big crack in the tower. Under the tower you ought to find a tunnel system.

Mission Objectives

1. Find out what happened here
2. Destroy the bug eggs in the tunnel system
3. Kill the queen
4. Find 1000 loot!
5. Leave the tunnel system


Game: Thief 2
Mission Title: Arac Attack
Version: 1.1
File Name: miss21
Difficulty Settings: Normal, Medium, Expert
Map: Yes
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: No
New Objects: Yes
New AIs: Yes
Build Time: 30 Days

Theker: Author

Eshaktaar: New Objects
Nameless Voice: New Objects
Paweuek: New Objects
by Schwaa: New Objects
Yametha: New Objects
Yandros: New Objects and AIs
New textures from this site::
Vigil: New Objects and Textures
von.Eins: Tutorial for Dromed
Rob Hicks: DromeEd Deluxe
Targa: New Objects
blackmen: Betatest
Anne: Betatest
SinisterShadow: Betatest

Many thanks to all creators of new objects, who allowed me to use them in this mission


In case I forgot someone in the Readme, please send an e-mail to and I will correct this immediately.

Copyright Information
Copyright (c) 2007
by Theker

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios (RIP) or
Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 31.08.2007 • Size 6.84 Mb
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