The Art of Thievery

----====The Art of Thievery====----
Author: Richard Cull
Contact info:
ICQ: 50660176
Date of Release: Dec 2001
I decided to make this level after playing the game Undying, I thought some of the
level design could make a good Thief mission....I hope I'm right? This level isn't
a exact copy of the levels in Undying. I just used similar level design as a base to
get me going.
I've tried to make each level different to play on. With the Expert level, being the
level I worked hardest on. (very tricky to complete 1st time around with all the
objectives complete.SEE BELOW for more infomation about his level)
Also just take a quick look at the known bugs(below) in the level, so you don't get caught out
when you start playing.
I hope you enjoy it, and I'd like to hear any comments good or bad.
Thanks for playing this mission.
On the Art of Ghosting (by Peter Smith)
The Art of Thievery is the first Fan Mission I have encountered that endorses a particular style of play, which is called ghosting.
This is seen mainly in the expert skill level. In ghost mode, the basic idea is to enter, steal, and leave without anyone being
aware that you were there. This means that no kills, blackjacks, gassing, damage, or alerts are allowed. It is the purest form of
sneaking. Rich has made ghosting an optional objective in The Art of Thievery, expert skill, and he warns the player during play
when the ghost fails.
The ghost mode was invented by Clayman, also a moderator on the Eidos Thief Forum. The forum may be found at
The official ghost rules are posted there as a reference topic. According to these rules, you must be playing in expert skill and
you must ghost the entire mission, without failure, to claim success. Reloads after a ghost failure, or "bust" are OK. The term
"alert" takes on a special meaning. Hunting alerts, arm raised, are a bust. First level alerts, such as "Must have been rats" or
"moss in my eyes" are OK. "Come out, come out, wherever you are" is a bust. Yellow watchers are a bust. Basically, it is a bust
when you have really been noticed, but it is OK if the AI or machine is in doubt.
Since, when ghosting, you must reload a saved game every time you are busted, you may find it a little tedious. If so, then you are
free to ignore this optional objective and wield your blackjack. The mission is much more challenging to ghost than to play in BJ
mode. The optional objectives in this mission are very well designed. They reward you with a green check for good sneaking ability,
But they do not require it.
Veteran ghosters should note that the ghost rules used by Rich in his game design are more lenient than the official rules used in the
Eidos Thief Forum. Rich allows, but the Eidos rules forbid, the following transgressions: hunting alerts (so long as the AI do not
come after you); yellow watchers; gassing of AI; and property damage such as banner slashing. You are free set your own rules within
narrow limits. I tested it in pure ghost mode, Eidos rules, just to be certain it could be done. It can be done, but it was a challenge.
Have fun no matter how you decide to play it, ghost or BJ. It is a great mission!
For those peeps who just have to have a story to go with their Thief mission.
This mission takes place around the start of Thief2. Before Garrett knows too much about the Mechanists.
Its mid summer, and the last rays of the sun are disappearing slowly behind the horizon. Most people are beginning
to settle in for the night, but not you. No, you 'Garrett' the master thief are standing outside lord Bradford's
mansion with the strong intention of robbing him of everything he owns. All you need to decide on is a point of entry.
Should you lock pick one of the lower windows? or should climb one of the drainpipes to reach a high level window which
is more out of sight? You could even be a little more adventurous and see if one of the guards possibly has a key to the
mansion. Using the guards very own equipment for your advantage, just because you can, because your 'Garrett' the greatest
thief this city has ever seen. People who know you say that your thieving abilities are the only true art form left in
this city. With the Mechanists slowly taking over the city, and Sheriff Truart beginning to come down hard on people in you
line of work. You're going to need all of your skills just to stay alive. And this is the thanks you get for saving the
world? All around you, your seeing the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. Well, its time to tip the balance
a little in the poor mans favour tonight.
Before you were side tracked with saving the world from the Trickster. Robbing Bradford's mansion was high on your 'to do list'.
Returning to the mansion you find that things have changed since you first contemplated this criminal endeavour. It seems that
Lord Bradford has joined the ranks of the Mechanists, and after a large donation towards the cause he's been given what can only
be describe as a small army of Mechanist guards to protect his mansion. Not to worry, nothings changed, it was only a matter of
time before you crossed paths with the Mechanists. Personally you think these Mechanists are nothing but trumped up Hammerites.
And have as much chance of catching you as the Hammers did, ZERO. So your going to have your head split open by a mace instead of
a hammer, big deal, its still going to hurt either way! And your sure that you'll be seeing a lot more of these mechanists in the
future. So tonight will be good practice.
So tonight you're going after what this so-called Mechanist Lord values the most, his GOLD and plenty of it. You've also
heard that he's recently brought three rare paintings, these can also be added to your shopping list. The paintings will
almost certainly be on display somewhere in the mansion, so you'd better keep your eyes open for them. Failing this, finding
the Lords bedroom will probably offer some sort of a lead to the whereabouts of these paintings. You know how predictable
these Lords are, always willing to help you out by writing things down! Tut tut will they ever learn?
You've also heard a rumour that the Lord has a one of a kind jewelled sword in his possession. This will fetch a handsome
price, if you can find it. This could be on display? but more likely will be locked up in a safe or a vault. But know doubt
if you keep your eyes open, you'll find some kind of clue to its location. So your objectives are clear! clean him out, steal
3 paintings along with a jewelled sword, and be back home chomping on a burrick steak before anyone even knows they've
mysteriously gone missing. After all you've been through, its good to get back to what you do best! Robbing the rich, to giving
to yourself :)
This level is for people who are either new to thief or aren't the best of thief players.
Shouldn't prove to much of a problem to complete.
1.STEAL 3000 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.Find the Mechanist Lord, and steal the rosary beads from his belt.
5.STEAL the painting named 'The silhouette of The Trickster'.
6.STEAL the painting named 'Partners in Evil'.
7.STEAL the painting named 'The Evil Look'.
8.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
9.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
10.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 15 pockets (BONUS)
Tried to make this level a good in-between of the other two levels of difficulty, in terms of
objectives and game play. This is the level you should play if your not sure about the Stealth level.
Increased playing area.
More guards and cameras.
Different locations for the paintings and Sword.
1.STEAL 4000 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.DON'T set off any alarms.(OPTIONAL)
6.STEAL the painting named 'The Lady of the Woods'.
7.STEAL the painting named 'The Rhyme of the Trickster'.
8.STEAL the painting named 'The True Face Of Evil'.
9.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
10.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
11.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 20 pockets (BONUS)
12.Can you KNOCKOUT 40 people with your BLACKJACK? (BONUS)
This level is for the thief players who enjoy the challenge of trying to ghost (not alerting anyone)
missions. With a minimum amount of the use of weapons and equipment. Quite challenging to have all the
objectives complete the end of the mission. As the name suggests stealth and patience is required.
Increased playing area.
More guards and cameras.
More stone textured floors.
Different locations for the paintings and Sword.
More secrets. (in different locations)
1.STEAL 5500 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.DON'T set off any alarms.
4.Keep KNOCKOUTS with your Blackjack to a minimum, no more than 5.(OPTIONAL)
5.Can you become a ghost, and DON'T let any of the Mechanist guards SEE or HEAR YOU?.(OPTIONAL)
6.DON'T KILL anyone.
8.STEAL the painting named 'The Trickster'.
9.STEAL the painting named 'The Tricksters Stare'.
10.STEAL the painting named 'The Eye'.
11.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
12.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
13.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 25 pockets (BONUS)
14.Not a Single KNOCKOUT with your Blackjack!! You really are a master thief CONGRATULATIONS (BONUS)
1.Use the windows which can be opened to your advantage. Going back outside and re-entering the mansion at
a different location in the mansion can help you get past some of the patrolling guards.
2.Most rooms have light switches to the main lights. Turning these off will really help.
3.Turning off the cameras will really help you move about with alot less hassle.
4.Use the store wisely, I'm thinking more moss and water arrows instead of fire and noisemakers.
5.Alerting the nobles you encounter won't trigger objective 5. But they'll flee as soon as they
spot you, and inturn alerting the gaurds they pass which then will trigger the objective. So if you do alert
a noble knock them out quick before they get a chance to do a runner.
6.Using any gas arrows or mines you may find in the level won't add to the blackjack knockout total.
7.Different AI have diffient attributes i.e. archers have better eyesite, masked guards have better hearing.
bear this in mind before you move. Studying the AI patrols before you move also helps.
8.Guards near alarm switchs will push that button, activating the alarm. Either alerted by you or other AI, This
will end the game!! so by careful.
9.Be patient and use the shadows to your advantage. Rushing around won't get you to far. Even try playing
it on hard first. So at least you'll know the layout of the level. And quicksave often;)
10.The end of the day you can still knockout as many people as you like with your blackjack and alert many
of them also. Without the fear of the level ending. Only setting off an alarm or killing someone will end
the mission. So if you just can't complete this level with all the objectives complete, don't worry about it.
This is just the way I personally like to play thief, but isn't for everyone, thats why the objectives are optional.
I hope these tips help you out :)
* Play Information *
Game: Thief2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Art of Thievery
File Name:
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment Store: Yes
Map / Automap: yes / no
New Sounds:Yes
New Textures:Yes
New objects: Yes
EAX Support:Yes
Difficulty Levels: EaSy, HaRd, GhOsT
* Construction *
Base: From Scratch, a corridor from Casing the joint or was it Masks?? I can't remember.
Build Time: Many late nights form 1st Sept 01 - 1st Nov 01 and then a month beta testing.
I'll be the first to say, I'm no expert at level building, so unfortunately there's a few bugs :(
For some strange reason, on 'expert' the sound doesn't start for about 5 seconds? I haven't
a clue why this happens! It only happens when you 1st start the level, and doesn't happen on
the other 2 levels? Just staying still until the sound starts is your best bet.
An odd graphic glitch, where certain objects and water may disappear. I've tried to minimise this,
by not using so many of the certain objects which this bug effects.
You can become stuck if you lean into the windows which can be opened, so to avoid this
I've increased the pick distance on the windows, so you don't need to mantle up 1st to open them.
Open them 1st then mantle up, and you'll be fine.
Not a bug as such, but if you find it hard to attach to the drainpipes, when you're on the ledge
around the sides of the building. Changing to "attach to ladders by touch" in the options should
help you solve this problem.
If any other problems are found please email me THANKS.
* Loading Information *
DarkLoader ready. Filename:
*SPECIAL THANKS* (Can't thank you guys enough, GREAT JOB!)
Main Beta Testers:
Peter Smith
Additional Testers:
Comfortably Numb
* Copyright *
Permission is given to freely play this level, provided that it remains whole and intact.
Please email if you want to host and distribute this mission. THANKS
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, nor Eidos Interactive.
----====The Art of Thievery====----
Author: Richard Cull
Contact info:
ICQ: 50660176
Date of Release: Dec 2001
I decided to make this level after playing the game Undying, I thought some of the
level design could make a good Thief mission....I hope I'm right? This level isn't
a exact copy of the levels in Undying. I just used similar level design as a base to
get me going.
I've tried to make each level different to play on. With the Expert level, being the
level I worked hardest on. (very tricky to complete 1st time around with all the
objectives complete.SEE BELOW for more infomation about his level)
Also just take a quick look at the known bugs(below) in the level, so you don't get caught out
when you start playing.
I hope you enjoy it, and I'd like to hear any comments good or bad.
Thanks for playing this mission.
On the Art of Ghosting (by Peter Smith)
The Art of Thievery is the first Fan Mission I have encountered that endorses a particular style of play, which is called ghosting.
This is seen mainly in the expert skill level. In ghost mode, the basic idea is to enter, steal, and leave without anyone being
aware that you were there. This means that no kills, blackjacks, gassing, damage, or alerts are allowed. It is the purest form of
sneaking. Rich has made ghosting an optional objective in The Art of Thievery, expert skill, and he warns the player during play
when the ghost fails.
The ghost mode was invented by Clayman, also a moderator on the Eidos Thief Forum. The forum may be found at
The official ghost rules are posted there as a reference topic. According to these rules, you must be playing in expert skill and
you must ghost the entire mission, without failure, to claim success. Reloads after a ghost failure, or "bust" are OK. The term
"alert" takes on a special meaning. Hunting alerts, arm raised, are a bust. First level alerts, such as "Must have been rats" or
"moss in my eyes" are OK. "Come out, come out, wherever you are" is a bust. Yellow watchers are a bust. Basically, it is a bust
when you have really been noticed, but it is OK if the AI or machine is in doubt.
Since, when ghosting, you must reload a saved game every time you are busted, you may find it a little tedious. If so, then you are
free to ignore this optional objective and wield your blackjack. The mission is much more challenging to ghost than to play in BJ
mode. The optional objectives in this mission are very well designed. They reward you with a green check for good sneaking ability,
But they do not require it.
Veteran ghosters should note that the ghost rules used by Rich in his game design are more lenient than the official rules used in the
Eidos Thief Forum. Rich allows, but the Eidos rules forbid, the following transgressions: hunting alerts (so long as the AI do not
come after you); yellow watchers; gassing of AI; and property damage such as banner slashing. You are free set your own rules within
narrow limits. I tested it in pure ghost mode, Eidos rules, just to be certain it could be done. It can be done, but it was a challenge.
Have fun no matter how you decide to play it, ghost or BJ. It is a great mission!
For those peeps who just have to have a story to go with their Thief mission.
This mission takes place around the start of Thief2. Before Garrett knows too much about the Mechanists.
Its mid summer, and the last rays of the sun are disappearing slowly behind the horizon. Most people are beginning
to settle in for the night, but not you. No, you 'Garrett' the master thief are standing outside lord Bradford's
mansion with the strong intention of robbing him of everything he owns. All you need to decide on is a point of entry.
Should you lock pick one of the lower windows? or should climb one of the drainpipes to reach a high level window which
is more out of sight? You could even be a little more adventurous and see if one of the guards possibly has a key to the
mansion. Using the guards very own equipment for your advantage, just because you can, because your 'Garrett' the greatest
thief this city has ever seen. People who know you say that your thieving abilities are the only true art form left in
this city. With the Mechanists slowly taking over the city, and Sheriff Truart beginning to come down hard on people in you
line of work. You're going to need all of your skills just to stay alive. And this is the thanks you get for saving the
world? All around you, your seeing the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. Well, its time to tip the balance
a little in the poor mans favour tonight.
Before you were side tracked with saving the world from the Trickster. Robbing Bradford's mansion was high on your 'to do list'.
Returning to the mansion you find that things have changed since you first contemplated this criminal endeavour. It seems that
Lord Bradford has joined the ranks of the Mechanists, and after a large donation towards the cause he's been given what can only
be describe as a small army of Mechanist guards to protect his mansion. Not to worry, nothings changed, it was only a matter of
time before you crossed paths with the Mechanists. Personally you think these Mechanists are nothing but trumped up Hammerites.
And have as much chance of catching you as the Hammers did, ZERO. So your going to have your head split open by a mace instead of
a hammer, big deal, its still going to hurt either way! And your sure that you'll be seeing a lot more of these mechanists in the
future. So tonight will be good practice.
So tonight you're going after what this so-called Mechanist Lord values the most, his GOLD and plenty of it. You've also
heard that he's recently brought three rare paintings, these can also be added to your shopping list. The paintings will
almost certainly be on display somewhere in the mansion, so you'd better keep your eyes open for them. Failing this, finding
the Lords bedroom will probably offer some sort of a lead to the whereabouts of these paintings. You know how predictable
these Lords are, always willing to help you out by writing things down! Tut tut will they ever learn?
You've also heard a rumour that the Lord has a one of a kind jewelled sword in his possession. This will fetch a handsome
price, if you can find it. This could be on display? but more likely will be locked up in a safe or a vault. But know doubt
if you keep your eyes open, you'll find some kind of clue to its location. So your objectives are clear! clean him out, steal
3 paintings along with a jewelled sword, and be back home chomping on a burrick steak before anyone even knows they've
mysteriously gone missing. After all you've been through, its good to get back to what you do best! Robbing the rich, to giving
to yourself :)
This level is for people who are either new to thief or aren't the best of thief players.
Shouldn't prove to much of a problem to complete.
1.STEAL 3000 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.Find the Mechanist Lord, and steal the rosary beads from his belt.
5.STEAL the painting named 'The silhouette of The Trickster'.
6.STEAL the painting named 'Partners in Evil'.
7.STEAL the painting named 'The Evil Look'.
8.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
9.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
10.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 15 pockets (BONUS)
Tried to make this level a good in-between of the other two levels of difficulty, in terms of
objectives and game play. This is the level you should play if your not sure about the Stealth level.
Increased playing area.
More guards and cameras.
Different locations for the paintings and Sword.
1.STEAL 4000 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.DON'T set off any alarms.(OPTIONAL)
6.STEAL the painting named 'The Lady of the Woods'.
7.STEAL the painting named 'The Rhyme of the Trickster'.
8.STEAL the painting named 'The True Face Of Evil'.
9.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
10.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
11.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 20 pockets (BONUS)
12.Can you KNOCKOUT 40 people with your BLACKJACK? (BONUS)
This level is for the thief players who enjoy the challenge of trying to ghost (not alerting anyone)
missions. With a minimum amount of the use of weapons and equipment. Quite challenging to have all the
objectives complete the end of the mission. As the name suggests stealth and patience is required.
Increased playing area.
More guards and cameras.
More stone textured floors.
Different locations for the paintings and Sword.
More secrets. (in different locations)
1.STEAL 5500 loot.
2.Find a way into the mansion, preferable undetected. And find the Mechanist Lord's Bedroom.
3.DON'T set off any alarms.
4.Keep KNOCKOUTS with your Blackjack to a minimum, no more than 5.(OPTIONAL)
5.Can you become a ghost, and DON'T let any of the Mechanist guards SEE or HEAR YOU?.(OPTIONAL)
6.DON'T KILL anyone.
8.STEAL the painting named 'The Trickster'.
9.STEAL the painting named 'The Tricksters Stare'.
10.STEAL the painting named 'The Eye'.
11.When your nights work is complete, return to the streets and make your way down Burrick lane.
12.CONGRATULATIONS You've found all the secrets. (BONUS)
13.Can you pick pocket?, Pick 25 pockets (BONUS)
14.Not a Single KNOCKOUT with your Blackjack!! You really are a master thief CONGRATULATIONS (BONUS)
1.Use the windows which can be opened to your advantage. Going back outside and re-entering the mansion at
a different location in the mansion can help you get past some of the patrolling guards.
2.Most rooms have light switches to the main lights. Turning these off will really help.
3.Turning off the cameras will really help you move about with alot less hassle.
4.Use the store wisely, I'm thinking more moss and water arrows instead of fire and noisemakers.
5.Alerting the nobles you encounter won't trigger objective 5. But they'll flee as soon as they
spot you, and inturn alerting the gaurds they pass which then will trigger the objective. So if you do alert
a noble knock them out quick before they get a chance to do a runner.
6.Using any gas arrows or mines you may find in the level won't add to the blackjack knockout total.
7.Different AI have diffient attributes i.e. archers have better eyesite, masked guards have better hearing.
bear this in mind before you move. Studying the AI patrols before you move also helps.
8.Guards near alarm switchs will push that button, activating the alarm. Either alerted by you or other AI, This
will end the game!! so by careful.
9.Be patient and use the shadows to your advantage. Rushing around won't get you to far. Even try playing
it on hard first. So at least you'll know the layout of the level. And quicksave often;)
10.The end of the day you can still knockout as many people as you like with your blackjack and alert many
of them also. Without the fear of the level ending. Only setting off an alarm or killing someone will end
the mission. So if you just can't complete this level with all the objectives complete, don't worry about it.
This is just the way I personally like to play thief, but isn't for everyone, thats why the objectives are optional.
I hope these tips help you out :)
* Play Information *
Game: Thief2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Art of Thievery
File Name:
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment Store: Yes
Map / Automap: yes / no
New Sounds:Yes
New Textures:Yes
New objects: Yes
EAX Support:Yes
Difficulty Levels: EaSy, HaRd, GhOsT
* Construction *
Base: From Scratch, a corridor from Casing the joint or was it Masks?? I can't remember.
Build Time: Many late nights form 1st Sept 01 - 1st Nov 01 and then a month beta testing.
I'll be the first to say, I'm no expert at level building, so unfortunately there's a few bugs :(
For some strange reason, on 'expert' the sound doesn't start for about 5 seconds? I haven't
a clue why this happens! It only happens when you 1st start the level, and doesn't happen on
the other 2 levels? Just staying still until the sound starts is your best bet.
An odd graphic glitch, where certain objects and water may disappear. I've tried to minimise this,
by not using so many of the certain objects which this bug effects.
You can become stuck if you lean into the windows which can be opened, so to avoid this
I've increased the pick distance on the windows, so you don't need to mantle up 1st to open them.
Open them 1st then mantle up, and you'll be fine.
Not a bug as such, but if you find it hard to attach to the drainpipes, when you're on the ledge
around the sides of the building. Changing to "attach to ladders by touch" in the options should
help you solve this problem.
If any other problems are found please email me THANKS.
* Loading Information *
DarkLoader ready. Filename:
*SPECIAL THANKS* (Can't thank you guys enough, GREAT JOB!)
Main Beta Testers:
Peter Smith
Additional Testers:
Comfortably Numb
* Copyright *
Permission is given to freely play this level, provided that it remains whole and intact.
Please email if you want to host and distribute this mission. THANKS
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, nor Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 08.12.2001
• Size 5.58 Mb