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A Small Blackout

Mar 5, 2005

Author : Joseph Foy
Contact Info :
Homepage : No
Date of Release : Mar 21, 2005
Version : 1.1
Description : Basso said that St. Johnny has alot of money. But the
locks are unpickable. So I need a key. He also said
that there is a key that Dan, a fellow thief, has.
I need to get the key from him. He and all the city
knows your reputation. He will probably give you the key.
(hard) He also got lockpicks so grab thim. They will
probably are worth the same as your pair you have.
(expert) He broke in a mechanist house and stoled
a statue; so grab it from him.
Will make another one just called "Blackout"
This is my first Thief FM; one out of many to come.
Briefing : No


I made this using the Dromed Deluxe, got some of mey new stuff from it.
I thing I got all the files but if I don't or you got errors and odd stuff send
me an Email Ok.


* Thanks To *
The peaple that maded Dromed Deluxe. I got some stuff from Dromed Deluxe.
To the makers of Thief. Also looked at the KOMAG TUT vT2. Think you all. I got my
door from Yandoros. I got 2 beds from a bunk pack but I fogot whare a got it from
some one tell me.


Fixed : Made attic door little bigger, ran spellcheck, and fixed
the died body pickup pic. One room brush. more flares if
you wish.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief2
Mission Title : A Small BlackOut
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : Yes
Map : Yes, it don't look to good but it's there
Auto Map : No, but learning
EAX support : Yes, but never tisted it.
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No, just English
books\ Scrolls : Yes
Briefing : No
Length : N/A
Size : N/A

Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Hard, Expert

Known bugs : -yes the doors mite be to small, my bad. If you
see a blank screen you need to use a flare. If that don't work then you have a

* Construction *

Base : nothing, It is based on my house.
Build Time : 2 weeks


* Loading Information *

(Instructions in how to run this mission. Files should be set up in the zip
to make this as simple as possible. You should not have to tell the user where
to place each file. Specify if Dromed is needed to run the mission.)


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by Joseph Foy 2005

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 23.03.2005 • Size 1.42 Mb
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