
Title : Ashcourt
Filename : miss20.mis
Author : Ravenhook...(Duncan Ardley)
Contact info :
Date of release : 5 May 2006
Version : 1.05
Description :This place is far better than you could have ever imagined.
Do yourself a big favour and settle down for a while. You will be looking for a little place to hole up and blend in, of course money is and always will be an issue so you will have to find a nice supply of it to tide you over.
Ashcourt is a sprawling place and it goes without saying...look high, look low, think like a thief....remember if there looks to be a secret opening then the switch or lever WILL be well hidden.
Above all just have fun.
I dedicate these missions to everyone at the Guild because their missions have given me so much pleasure over the years...Time to give something back.
Play Information
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Ashcourt
File names : miss20.miss
Difficulty Settings : normal,hard,expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : yes(blank to avoid crashing)
New graphics : no
New sounds : no
New conversations : no
New models : no
EAX Support : partial
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No
Steal 7000 loot (Normal), 11000 loot (Hard), 14000 loot (Expert).
Find the Mechanists' Notes.
Find Dewdrop.
Find a place to rest.
Base : DEDx base mission.
Build Time : Abt 6 months for the pair
Loading Information
Runs from Dark Loader.Same as always-do not unzip
Known bugs :
Thanks go to...Everyone at TTLG without whose help this would not be possible.
Special thanks to Gaetane, for the archer with the bucket on his head, the idea which I "borrowed".
Beta Testers:Sluggs, the pixie, ffox, Nightwalker,without their tireless help and patience, none of this would have been possible.
Copyright Information
This level is ?2006 by Duncan Ardley, No part of it may be used without my
permission .
This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.
Title : Ashcourt
Filename : miss20.mis
Author : Ravenhook...(Duncan Ardley)
Contact info :
Date of release : 5 May 2006
Version : 1.05
Description :This place is far better than you could have ever imagined.
Do yourself a big favour and settle down for a while. You will be looking for a little place to hole up and blend in, of course money is and always will be an issue so you will have to find a nice supply of it to tide you over.
Ashcourt is a sprawling place and it goes without saying...look high, look low, think like a thief....remember if there looks to be a secret opening then the switch or lever WILL be well hidden.
Above all just have fun.
I dedicate these missions to everyone at the Guild because their missions have given me so much pleasure over the years...Time to give something back.
Play Information
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Ashcourt
File names : miss20.miss
Difficulty Settings : normal,hard,expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : yes(blank to avoid crashing)
New graphics : no
New sounds : no
New conversations : no
New models : no
EAX Support : partial
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No
Steal 7000 loot (Normal), 11000 loot (Hard), 14000 loot (Expert).
Find the Mechanists' Notes.
Find Dewdrop.
Find a place to rest.
Base : DEDx base mission.
Build Time : Abt 6 months for the pair
Loading Information
Runs from Dark Loader.Same as always-do not unzip
Known bugs :
Thanks go to...Everyone at TTLG without whose help this would not be possible.
Special thanks to Gaetane, for the archer with the bucket on his head, the idea which I "borrowed".
Beta Testers:Sluggs, the pixie, ffox, Nightwalker,without their tireless help and patience, none of this would have been possible.
Copyright Information
This level is ?2006 by Duncan Ardley, No part of it may be used without my
permission .
This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 05.05.2006
• Size 3.60 Mb