The Library of Babel

Title : The Library of Babel
Filename :
Author : Haplo
Contact info : Private message through TTLG forums
Date of Release : 12.12.2011
Version : 1.0
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
File Name : miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : Blank
Automap : No
New Graphics : No
New Objects : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
EAX Support : No
Briefing : No
* Construction *
Base : An abandoned mission by PinkDot
Size : Tiny
Build Time : More than I originally thought
* Story *
(This mission takes place during the events of A Sorrowful Farewell. If you haven't already played ASF
I highly recommend you to do so before playing this mission.)
Valfar asked me to put the Artifact on the pedestal in the abyss and wake up the Guardians. He warned me
that the sheer force of magic released by doing so might make me leave this world for a short while; and
indeed that was what happened. But where did I go?
* Credits *
- PinkDot for giving me the permission to use his abandoned mission "The Library", and for creating some
extra textures for me. Thanks Juliusz.
The "Lobby" is based on his mission, the "Main Library" is designed by me.
- The short story "The Library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges, the main inspiration for this mission.
- My partner Marisa for her help with many many things.
- This mission features meshes, textures and objects by: PinkDot, Eshaktaar, Nameless Voice, Schwaa, Jason Otto,
Nielsen74, R Soul, Targa, Von Eins, Team CoSaS, Vigil(, Sluggs and Yandros.
I hope I haven't missed anyone.
- Nameless Voice and Telliamed for custom scripts.
- Tannar and Dussander for the testing forum.
- Nickie and Tannar for their help with the texts.
- The people at The Editors' Guild on TTLG forum.
- The beta testers for their help and patience.
- Music credits
Atrium Carceri - Eraser
Atrium Carceri - End Titles
Blood - Infuscomus
Painkiller - Mnich
* Beta Testers *
- Marukpa
- ffox
- Gloria Creep
- Nickie
- Nightwalker
- Peter Smith
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready. Do not unzip - Place in fan mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.2 or later.
* Copyright Information *
This Mission is (c) by Ali Pouladi (Haplo), 2011.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my expressed permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.
• Uploaded 12.12.2011
• Size 33.47 Mb