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Bathory-Part II :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Bathory-Part II

Created by Szabo Csaba @ SENSUT

Part II (version 1.1a – stand-alone)

Contact Info : csabisensut@gmail.com
Homepage : www.sensut.extra.hu
Date of Release : December, 2007.

Playing Information:

Game : Thief II - The Metal Age 1.18
Mission Title: Bathory - Part II (stand-alone)
File Name: bathory_part2_v1.1a.zip
File info: miss22; sensut_bathory2.gam
Difficulty Settings: YES (by loot)
Equipment Store: NO
Map: YES
Auto Map: NO
New Graphics : YES
New Sounds : YES
Multi-Language Support : NO
Briefing : NO
Archive size on disk: 46 862 336 bytes

In this mission, you are Elizabeth and so you do not have the fighting skills that Gellert possesses!

Known bugs:
There is a known bug associated with the ice arrow. After a reload, the previously frozen AI's will no longer be frozen but will remain paralyzed for a time.

Requirements :
- Thief II - The Metal Age original PATCHED to 1.18 (otherwise some ojectives don't works!)
- Recommended a system around of 1GHz with 128 Mb video, and 512 RAM.
- Microsoft Windows XP SP2 recommended! Windows Vista not recommended!

This mission uses custom scripts by:

- Nameless Voice (NVScript v1.1.0) – NVdracul.osm;
- Telliamed (tnhScript 1.5.2, version 1) – TMdracul.osm, VRdracul.osm;
- VKGaylesaver (script 1.2.0) – VKdracul.osm, darkhooks.dlx;
- T2 Gen (version 27 March, 2000.) – GNdracul.osm.

* For manual installation of these modules are details in „Install_scripts” in the mission zip.


Base : Sarvar;
Editor : Rob Hicks’ Dromed Deluxe 1.0 (DeDx) updated with DromEdToolkit 1.0 by Nameless Voice;
Build Time : 7 months.


Many thanks for the objects by:

- silver dagger (as weapon), „arifem” mesh, mace, improved arrows and crystals, armoire, monument, cage, heartbox, nymph window, hunt window, new potions, steak, fat maid, scrolls, new guy skin, new pew, old metal footlocker, assassin bowsite, compass, ropecrate, wine barrel, pendulum;

– walking stick (weapon), bench, chains, stained glass window, new pagan torch, trof, trough, monument, 2in1 potted plants, drapes 5x5, cobweb with spider, zombie scarecrow, wire fence door, new switch;

– Oro pack, pine tree snowy, dragon statues, new torch, quill set, decorative shield;

R Soul:
- new painting models, new bell;

Nameless Voice:
- dresser, volumetric fog, gold inkwell, book cabinet, crypt floor;

- "Sarah" mesh, angel statue, sword;

The Watcher:
- new torch, small gas light;

- wood burning stove, canon + load stick, thief bag;

- handtuchhalter;

- rich bed, schneemann + besen, shields, sled;

- arch metal window;

- wheel chair, new window;

Dark Arrow:
- 8X candle chandelier;

- covered table, wall sonce, skelly in chair;

Alun Bestor:
- new water ripple;

- mech banners;

Jason Otto:
- log;

- organ;

Ugly Ed:
- kleider;

Don Willadsen:
- broken rope (with rope texture by Nameless Voice );

- surgical knife;

(?) Unknown Authors:
– big candelabrum, statua;

… and the Authors for Dromed Deluxe.

Original textures (converted by me):

- David Gurrea (http://www.davegh.com/blade/davegh.htm)
- CG Textures (http://www.cgtextures.com)
- Quake III and other fan projects for the mighty iD Software’s game series.
- Remedy Entertainment;

Programs used:

- Corel PaintShop Pro X;
- Sony Sound Forge 7;
- Klconv by K?szeg György.


Special thanks to:

- Nightwalker (text edition, beta test and new ideas);
- Gloria Creep (beta test);
- Metal Dawn (skin edition, beta test and new ideas);
- Philflound (beta test and new ideas);
- Hotlyx (beta test and new ideas);
- Jiri Misenka (beta test).


Ambient media:

AMBER TEARS – „Renounced Solitude” ( „Revelations Of Renounced” album – 2006) - attics.

ARCTURUS – „Ad Astra” ( „Disguised Masters” album – 1999) – private area.

BATHORY – „Intro” ( „Blood On Ice” album – 1996) - basement.

IMMORTAL – „At The Heart Of Winter” ( „At The Heart Of Winter” album – 1999)- inner court.

WOJCIECH KILAR– „The Brides” ( „Bram Stoker's Dracula (movie theme)” album – 1992) – outer court.

NEGURA BUNGET – „Vaiet” ( „Inaborat Kosmos” album – 2005) – vision cutscene.

Voice acting by Caroline Néron (Elizabeth).


- Dedicated to the loving memory of ACE THOMAS "QUORTHON" FORSBERG (1966 – 2004) -



Copyright Information:

Gaylesaver’s Custom Scripts:
By installing and using the script files (“SOFTWARE”) you agree to the following:
- The author of the SOFTWARE is legally bound to hold you harmless against any legal proceedings based on intellectual property violations from the original owner of the SOFTWARE’s platform, the Dark Engine (“PLATFORM”).
-The SOFTWARE is the copyrighted work of its author, not of the owner of the PLATFORM. Therefore, its distribution is controlled by the author, not by the PLATFORM’s owner, excepting legal action based on intellectual property violations, the result of which will be a legal and independent ruling that all distribution of the SOFTWARE cease.
-A redistributor of the SOFTWARE is bound to hold its author harmless for accusations pertaining to the SOFTWARE’s safety, proper function, and fitness for a particular purpose. Only if the SOFTWARE comes directly from the author can the author be limitedly held liable for the SOFTWARE’s robustness and reliability. In no way shall the author’s liability for the SOFTWARE exceed the cost of the PLATFORM.
Telliamed’s Custom Scripts:
Public Scripts are copyright © 2005-2007 Tom N Harris.
This fan-mission uses Public Scripts. Copyright © 2007 Tom N Harris This software is licensed under terms of the GNU General Public License. Please see http://www.thiefmissions.com/telliamed/#PublicScripts for more information.
This FM is © by Sensut.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 20.12.2007
• Size 44.69 Mb
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