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The Night I: Ghosted Berkshead :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Night I: Ghosted Berkshead


Title : The Night I ghosted Berkshead
Filename : Berkshead.zip
Author : GumDrop/Tim Murray
Contact info : tim.murray@cableinet.co.uk
Homepage : http://bluntedtaffer.50megs.com/index.html
Date of release : July 2001
Version : 1.01

Description : This is my first attempt at a T2 mission.Don't get too exited.

"Kaplin-a lowly gutter snipe,requested a meeting with you regarding a hidden entrance
into Crickhollow Church. The church had been abandoned for as long as you can remember,
but now it is being occupied by a faction of Hammerites for some unknown reason. Upon
arriving at the meeting place Kaplin arranged,you witnessed his arrest for attempting
to pick the pocket of a rich nobleman and was forced to bride a local guard to arrest
you aswell. The pair of you are now incarcerated in Berkshead Jail.The bribed watchman
kindly unlocked your cell at the end of his shift. And now-as night falls,you have to
find Kaplin and learn what he knows of Crickhollow,before escaping!"


* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : The Night I Ghosted Berkshead
File names : Miss51.mis
Difficulty Settings : Y
Equipment store : N
Map/Automap : N
New graphics : N
New sounds : N
New conversations : N
New models : N
EAX Support : N
Multi language support : N
Briefing : N
* Construction *

Base : None.
Map Size : Very Small
Build Time : ?
Build Info : N


* Loading information *

Use DarkLoader. Put this zip in your missions directory, and let the loader do the rest.

* Thanks To *

Play testers-BrokenArts,Pete Smith,DJC
Eidos Thief forum members for keeping my interest in Garrett alive.
TTLG forum members for their much needed help.
You for giving this little effort a whirl.

* Copyright *

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

(As if they could ever come up with a masterpiece such as this!)


* Hints & Tips *

There are only 2 pickable pockets-not 3 as implied on the "stats" screen.
You have no weapons!


• Uploaded 01.07.2001
• Size 688.93 Kb
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