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A Living Nightmare

Warning **Warning **Warning **Warning **Warning **Warning **Warning **Warning **

This FM contains scenes and story that are not appropriate for children or for those
that wish to not see or read about disturbing incidents.

There is one area that may be a problem for those who suffer from vertigo or are
afraid of heights. Because of this the objective to obtain an object from that
area is optional. The entrance to the area has four rope arrows hanging down, so
you will know when you are close.


Title : A Living Nightmare v1.2
Author : John Denison
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date Finished : April 5, 2006

Briefing : You are at the Krankenhaus Hospital. Something terrible
has happened and Mr. Oh Dear Senior, the caretaker of the
crypt, is being accused by one of the archers of being
responsible for the attack. The attackers are firing upon
the entire hospital in an effort to kill Mr. Oh Dear Sr.
It isn't fair that anyone else dies in this situation,
and Mr. Oh Dear Sr shouldn't die without proof of his
alleged actions, so you need to stop the attack. You are
the only one to have the means to reach the fire turret
control at the top of the bell tower. Climb up there and
activate the fire turrets so that Mr. Oh Dear Sr will
have a chance to prove his innocence.

You heard that there are some priceless items at this
particular hospital, so make them yours. Obtain the
Gold Ahnk, and the Blue Hot Vase. The
Blue Hot Vase contains an ancient form of mead and has
been in the lower depths of the crypt since the day the
original hospital was overrun by a river of lava. In the
deepest reaches of the crypt there is a vial of
invulnerability potion. Get down there if you have the
nerve and get the potion. Yes, you are allowed to test
it. :)

Mr. Oh Dear Sr is Joe and Mr. Oh Dear is Joe Jr. The
father is refered to as Mr. Oh Dear Sr and the son as

By chance the same servant with the tray in Thief I
Assassins was named Joe (at least in Dromed)

In the beginning there is a conversation. I tried to
take steps to prevent the player from interupting the
conversation, but I'm sure there will always be a way.
Please let the conversation take place. It is all motion
and no dialogue so don't wait forever for it to work. Mr
Oh Dear Senior will get shot repeatedly, but he won't
die for about five minutes because he drank his version
of an invulnerability potion.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Title : A Living Nightmare
File Name : miss33.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, and Expert

* Construction *

Base : Built from scratch
Build Time : four months

v0.1a - Non-release Alpha

v0.2a - Fixed objectives problem that occured when objectives were completed in
a different order than expected. Other small errors were corrected.

v0.1b - Fixed some minor errors, added terrain/detail

v0.2b - Title changed, ambients added, readables completed

v1.0 - Public release

v1.1 - Added some sounds that were left out of 1.0

v1.2 - Added one pcx file that caused Thief to crash when servant was picked up.


* Loading Information *

DarkLoader ready.

Some of the special effects may seem to slow down some PC's, but fulfilling the
first objective in the first five minutes will stop the special effects with the
exception of some remaining smoke effects, and speed up the game. On my P4 I did
not notice any slowdowns except when I was standing directly in front of one of
the special effects. In game the player won't survive this anyway, so stay away
from the special effects. You will want to anyway.

Your sword and blackjack will now collide with terrain as they do in TDS. This was
always an ability of Thief but never implemented until TDS. As a result do not
expect an easy sword fight in close quarters. No combat is necessary, but if you
are so inclined, you can bop Mr. Oh Dear Sr as much as you want (to a point) but
killing him directly will fail the mission.


* Copyright Information *

I only take credit for the design of my mission. All of the textures, objects,
scripts, conversations, etc. are original Looking Glass property, with the
exception of:

-the custom textures made by Dave Guerra
-custom objects made by GORT, NamelessVoice, Sluggs
Alun Bestor (
-spiral staircase by Macbeth

If I missed anyone then I give my apologies.

Thanks to everyone at the TTLG forums for their help and to the following
alpha-testers: TheNightTerror(who went to the end of the world to help me), and


beta-testers: Nightwalker(who gave me some excellent advice and a loot list),
Silent_Warrior, Random_Taffer, bdkl, TheNightTerror, and Griffin.

I really appreciate your help and support. :)

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may include this level in any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was ripped from my sixth FM's FM info that was ripped from my
first FM's FM info that was ripped from somebody else's ripped FM info that was
created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 05.04.2006 • Size 18.59 Mb
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