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Bluecoat's Training Facility

Title : The Bluecoat's Training Facility
Filename : TBTF.zip
Author : Thief13x aka Timmy (Dave Heitzer)
Contact info : Thief13x@yahoo.com (tell me what you thought!)
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/thief13x/thebluecoatstrainingfacility
Date of release : March 12th, 2003 - This updated version April 16th, 2003
Version : 2.0
Sequal : Yes, as of now I am 10 hours into building it. Should be alot better than this peice of *#^@& :-)
Description : "The following takes place shortly after the events of Thief2"

"(Garrett's voice)-My experiences with the bluecoats have left some fond memories of prison life, along with some scars to back it up. My first encounter with Sheriff Gorman Truart almost ended my Thieving career, nearly taking my life along with it. Fortunately I had some wits back then and turned the tables around, getting him eliminated swiftly and quietly from my life. Anyway, the bluecoats have been under a new management for some time now, a fellow by the name of Grillard Mckay took charge shortly after Truart's death. Well, it wasn't until recently that my good ole friend "Grillard" struck it rich and added some nice new fancies to the Training facility which he arrogantly holds under his command. The Bluecoat's Training Facility, located to the far north of the city is where new recruits go to train, too bad im not stopping by for that reason. The facility has always been open to the public and tours were even conducted to try and convince people to submit their lives to the miserable existence of guard life, a shame they still haven't persuaded me. However, a few months ago, their fearless leader decided to have gates installed and the place was permanently cut off from the rest of the city, and the public. Rumor has it on the streets that McKay didn't inherit his wealth lawfully, that he is earning his wealth through some kind of "illegal trade", and installed the gates to keep people from finding out what was going on. Personally, I don't like running on rumors, and seeing the unsuspecting captain is out of town tonight I am going to stop by to take a little "tour" of my own and hopefully dig up some useful information against McKay, ultimately eliminating the bluecoats from my life.

I've spent the better part of last week researching the facility's layout, and seeing McKay likes to keep it on the lowdown, information is very scarce. However, I have pieced together a very basic map that should at least keep me from getting lost. The plan is to approach the gates of the facility with caution (word has it even they are guarded), once inside the main complex I'll need to dig up some evidence that condemns McKay to corruption in the REAL laws eyes. Unfortunately, taking the law to the law will require more than just a written document, I'll need some hard evidence to back it up. Obviously, once the hammers or whoever it is seizes the facility, all the loot within goes to the law, I'll need to make sure that doesn't happen. Finally, the last time the bluecoat's arrested me, I made such a narrow escape that I didn't have a chance to steal back the hard earned Constantine's Sword and apparently, all seized material is sent to the Bluecoat's Training Facility for safe keeping, making a convenient opportunity while im there.

I have a feeling this is gonna be tough seeing that the law, is usually lawful and Thieves are usually liars, its gonna take alot to get this one to stick with higher authorities. But if all goes as planned, it may be the bluecoats who are earning some fond memories of prison life...

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : The Bluecoat's Training Facility
File names : miss20.mis, The Bluecoat's Training Facility.gam
Difficulty Settings : No just 1.
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes.
New graphics : No.
New sounds : No.
New conversations : No.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No.
Briefing : Written briefing.
Known bugs : Major sound issue, sound tends to leak through walls, sometimes you can't hear guards coming until they are very close, I apologize for this, ive spent about 10 hrs trying to fix it. Also, some areas are hard to get to, it was just some physical misplanning.
* Construction *

Base : None, built from scratch.
Map Size : Huge.
Build Time : 150 hours
Build Info : 6 months of hard work :). If there are any bugs or problems not mentioned here, email me please.
Author Info : Hi, I'm a 16/M from Pennsylvania USA and have been playing the greatest game of all time, Thief, for over 3 years (both fm's and the original missions). I felt it was about time i gave somthing back to the thief commmunity, so i decided to build this thief fm 6 months ago. Unfortunatly, due to me working a job, and taking flight lessons, plus school, This will probably be my first and last Thief fm. I hope you enjoy it and i will continue playing your thief fm's as long as you keep makin em:) keep up the good work and enjoy!!!
* Loading Information *

Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "TBTF.zip" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.

* Thanks To *

Everyone on the TTLG forums and Eidos forums for all the help you gave me, couldn't have done it without you guys! Thanks to everyone who wrote tutorials they are all really good, and ive used alot of em! A special thanks to Greg9001 for making my custom map and picture "Thief compatible", and for generally being a good helper, and great freind. And a final Thanks to Vik for doing beta testing for me.

* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by Thief13x aka Timmy (Dave Heitzer)

Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish. However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. HAVE FUN! :)

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


• Uploaded 10.03.2003
• Size 2.34 Mb
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