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Breakout from Apocalypse Prison

January 24, 2003

Author : Isaac "golem8" Kopecky
Contact Info :
Homepage : -
Date of Release : January 24, 2003

Description : You were contacted by a woman named Angela who said she had a business proposition for you. She asked you to come with her, and, knowing better, you did. She led you to a shady part of town and into a back alley where a dark figure was waiting.
"Garrett?" the shady fellow asked.
"Yes, it's me. What do you want?" you replied.
"I see you've met my girlfriend, Angela. I am Isaac, master thief. And I have a proposition for you. I intend to break into Lord Kauer's estate and steal his prized fork and spoon."
"You dragged me all the way out here because you want me to steal some guy's silverware?!?" you asked furiously.
"You don't understand, Garrett," Angela interrupted. "Lord Kauer's fork and spoon are prized rarities: simply put, they're gigantic. Who eats with large silverware? They have to be worth millions!!"
"Hmm, maybe you're right," you replied thoughtfully. "Just where is this Lord Kauer's mansion? And what's the plan?"
"It's in the north part of town," he quipped. "Now here's what we'll do: Lord Kauer's going to have a party tonight. Angela will go in dressed as a party guest. She'll be our inside contact. I'll sneak in from the roof, and you sneak in from the basement. We'll all meet in Lord Kauer's kitchen at midnight. Then, Angela will blow open the safe with a magical spell-"
"She's a sorceress?"
"Of course!!" Isaac said. "How else would we pull off this stunt? I can't even pick a lock!"
"I thought you said you were a master thief."
"Ummm...I am. Really. Let's get going." And with that, the three of you headed off toward Lord Kauer's mansion.
. . .
"This place is a castle!" you said in amazement, gazing at the shear massiveness of the mansion. "I wonder why I hadn't tried breaking into this place sooner."
"Probably because the security's extra tight. Alright, I'll start to climb up the wall, and you look for a way into the basement."
And you were about to do just that had a voice not called out from behind you: "And just what are you taffers doing?" It was the City Watch.
"Crap," said Isaac.
. . .
The prison cart was annoyingly bumpy. And the ride was annoyingly long: lots of time to think about why you would want to steal a giant fork and spoon. And to make things worse, the company was annoyingly talkative.
"Okay, okay, so I'm not really a great thief. I just took credit for a lot of stuff other thieves did. Ow!! I swear, they hit every bump, just to make us mad."
"YOU'RE making me mad!! Would you just shut up!!" you shouted. "I'm trying to think. There must be a way out of here. And when I find it, I'm going to leave you rotting in your jail cell. Hmm...maybe if I-"
Your words were cut off as the cart came to an abrupt stop and the door flew open.
"Here we are, taffer boys!! And lady. Hurry up, it's time to get out!" the guard shouted as he ushered you out.
You looked up at the prison. So much moss grew on the sides, that it seemed to be holding up the blocks themselves. But that's not what caught your eye. You'd seen this place before, in a book somewhere. "Isn't this-"
"Apocalypse Prison," a voice said from in front of you. "This place is so old I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed already. I'm the warden of this place. Welcome to your new home."
. . .
And so you sit. A while ago, a young man came by, chanted a couple of spells, and made some pretty lights, so you've been watching those for the last couple of hours. "I wonder what those are there for, anyway," you say, thinking out loud. "Something for the guards to look at?" Hmmm, speaking of guards, they should've given brought you your supper a few hours ago. Where are they? Maybe this is your chance to escape.

Info and Goals :
This should be a pretty simple jailbreak mission so...
-the guards didn't give you a grand tour, so you couldn't make a map
-get the key from a passing guard (if they ever come back), kick the door open, play dead-whatever, just get out of that cursed cell!!
-they took all of your tools, so you'll have to get those back as well.
-find a way to escape!!

Hints :
-Be careful on and around the stairs: you can get stuck, and this is usually fatal.
-During playtesting, AIs running through the barriers would crash the game. I never encountered this problem, but beware!
-Move slowly. I've made the light fairly bright, and sound echoes VERY well through the prison.
-Don't waste your equipment. You need them in the level, and I've given you little room for error. In other words, don't waste all of your arrows putting out torches or killing enemies.
-Every book has useful information, so read everything carefully.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2
Mission Title : Breakout From Apocalypse Prison
File Name : apocalypsec4.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : A Notes Page.
Auto Map : Maybe in a later version.
New Graphics : Maybe in a later version.
New Sounds : Maybe in a later version.
Multi-Language Support : No.
EAX: Maybe in a later version.

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert

* Construction *

Base : From Scratch
Build Time : About Two Months

This is my first fan mission, so please don't laugh too hard.

Version 2 will feature new sounds, new creatures, and maybe a simple briefing (I couldn't implement all of these in time for the contest).

Special thanks to Brad and Tony Kauer, for playtesting, and to all who either gave help on the forums, wrote great tutorials, or made great missions to poke around in!!

* Loading Information *

Just load from Darkloader and have fun!!


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by Isaac S. Kopecky

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may edit this mission as long as you give me credit.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 24.01.2003 • Size 807.73 Kb
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